Crushing it
(by Gary Vaynerchunk)
If you are stuck in a job you don’t like, orhave a business but don’t feel it’s going anywhere fast, then have the courageto change something. Build a life and a business around something you trulylove, whether that’s helping people learn about fashion or custom-made treehouses or garage sales – whatever your passion may be. Document your journey onYouTube. Use Twitter to catch the eye of fellow tree-house enthusiasts.Distribute your fashion ideas on Facebook, and share across Instagram. Andalways keep one eye out for the next big platform.
Reach out to others but do it right.
Reaching out to influencers – people with alarge following on social-media platforms – through direct messages is asure-fire way to build collaborations and get advice, so don’t be shy. Be surethat you offer something of real value in return, though. If you can’t offerexposure, then think of something else you can trade. If you’re a graphicdesigner, offer to make some custom filters in exchange for advice. Makepizzas? Offer free slices in return for a collaboration. This approach can behard work – you’ll send a lot of messages before getting a single reply – butthat’s why most people won’t persevere with it. If you do, you’re alreadywinning.