1.bathroom 浴室, 合成词: bath:浴缸+ room:房间= 浴室 Examples This is a ba)throom. Come out of the bathroom.
2. go down; to move to a lower position (移动到低一点的位置) Examples Go down the stairs.
3. go up ; to move to a higher position (移动到高一点的位置) Examples Go up the stairs.
4. go ; to move or travel from one place to another (从一处移动 或旅行 到另一处) Examples Go in to the bathroom.
5. her ; i(subject)主语 my(possessive)所有格 me(object) 谓语; she (subject) her(possessive) her(object) Examples Her name is Kim。
6. his; 他的。 he 的所有格。
7. my ;我的。 i 的所有格。
8. put up Examples put up your hand. 举手