推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读。 业界新闻 Docker Claims Performance Advantage Over Kubernetes CocoaPods is so popular it’s straining GitHub’s servers Microsoft Joins the Eclipse Foundation Databricks Integrates Spark and TensorFlow for Deep Learning 前端开发 Viewport Unit Based Typography ES6 is beautiful Revisiting the CSS Background Property Expressive CSS Code Less & Achieve More with Arrays in Framer Custom Validators in Angular 2 Building a Full Featured ES6 Translation Service Styling Broken Images with CSS Advanced CSS Selectors You Never Knew About 6 reasons Web developers need to learn JavaScript ES6 now Real-Time Web Analytics Dashboard with NodeJs, Socket.io, and VueJs 5 Tips For Writing More Maintainable JavaScript Code JavaScript Proposal for weak references: WeakRef The Set data structure in JavaScript State of the art JavaScript in 2016 Angular is a Design Pattern The 15 Best Material Design Frameworks and Libraries 编程语言 Writing a Compiler in Pure Go Printing arrays by hacking the JVM JEP 286: Local-Variable Type Inference C++17 and other future highlights of C++ C++ in Competitive Programming: I/O To Python 3 and Back Again: Is It worth the Switch? Quick introduction to Django Channels Python Patterns How Badoo Saved $1M Switching to PHP7 Programming Patterns in Go 后端技术 Getting Started With MQTT Managing two million web servers Ansible vs. Chef Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture Heka vs. Logstash: A Tale of Two Log Processors Orchestrator: MySQL Replication Topology Manager Evaluating Database Compression Methods 移动开发 Issue #196 First Preview of Android N: Developer APIs and Tools Hot Reloading in React Getting to Know Enums, Structs and Classes in Swift UWP porting guidance for Android and iOS developers 7 Reasons Why Ionic 2 Is Better Than Ionic 1 The 11 Best Tutorials on Mobile Design UIScrollView Tutorial: Getting Started Issue #13 How we built Facebook Lite for every Android phone and network Getting Started with Kotlin and Anko on Android 数据科学 Train your own image classifier with Inception in TensorFlow Neural Networks and Deep Learning: An Introduction Leaf: Machine Learning for Hackers Deep-Q learning Pong with Tensorflow and PyGame Machine Learning in Rust Lessons behind the evolution of XGBoost 技术纵横 How We Build Code at Netflix Storing large binary files in Git repositories JavaScript Unit Testing Performance 7 Things Awesome Testers do That Don’t Look Like Testing Johanna Rothman : How Agile Changes Testing, Part 1 The TDD Apostate 项目工具 Balloon.css : Simple tooltips made of pure CSS CLI for experimenting with ES2016 JavaScript Tasty CSS-animated Hamburgers A simpler way to compile React applications Android Commons React Native app example AlphaGo的算法实现