Today,or tonight,more precisely,I made up my mind and decided to write something to record my English learning.
A few days ago, a sentence hit my heart. "We changed.We have to. Or we spend the rest of our life fighting the same battle" It come from the movie,Star Trek Beyond. When I saw it at the first time, I wanted to remenber it and I did easily. So it is something important to improve my English, writing something.
Some wards:
(1)taboo [təˈbu:] n. something or some behavior is forbidden seriously
adj. excluded from use or mention
v. declare as sacred or forbidden
(2)tennis[ˈtenɪs]---- always forget
It doesn't matter if you are the slowest kid in gym class, every one of us is running. Being alive means running...running to something or someone. And not matter how fast you are, there's something you can't outrun.
-The flash