Hi everyone! Long time no see! 好久不写简书,只感觉自己手生了好多。今天想说说周五上的一篇课文: Cinderella.
灰姑娘故事大家都不陌生了。拿到这篇课文时,其实心里觉得很没谱。这是篇年级规定上的课外阅读教材。找文章的张老师很牛,设计了超级棒的课后练习卷。我尤其喜欢她把对词的理解放在句子中,让学生们通过选近义词的方式理解文中的难词。But for me, there is something more!
说实话对灰姑娘的故事,小时候觉得很美,长大了就明白童话故事永远以主角美丽弱势善良开始,王子拯救幸福生活在一起结束。 What comes after the marriage is never mentioned. 因为所有marriage 都会经历打怪兽的过程。如果执迷在唯有kindness就能幸福过好一生,内容不免狭隘。
1. What makes a woman happy? What are common human desires? Do you think Conderella has found her true love?对于这个真爱,我觉得答案否定啦!如果一见美貌就喜欢,那么喜欢的程度只是美貌而已。But beauty fades!
2. Will she meet more problems after the marriage? 这个问题学生给了很多答案。different backgrounds bring different opinions on life and on how to spend the money; how to govern the country and her people; how to deal with mother in law, how to remain beautiful...
3. What other qualities do you expect conderella to have besides kindness?
Answer: independence wisdom bravery courage
到这一步,可以安排activity. Please write a sequel for cinderella. 写个续集。续集里出现什么难题?如何打怪兽?打完怪兽学到什么?从而让女性更幸福?同时不要忘记加入magic.
后来出来的效果很不错。大家讲到responsibility, sacrifice, world peace, don't be greedy, forgiveness把主题编在故事里。作为老师我听的好入神好开心! I am entranced and enchanted!