Steve Jobs’ legacy is the omniscient tech company
Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder, was prone to hyperbole but his eulogy for the iPhone as he launched it 10 years ago was accurate...
翻译: 苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯喜欢使用夸张的修辞手法,但10年前当他推出第一代iPhone时,他对它的颂词是准确的
[be prone to] likely to suffer from sth or to do sth bad 易于遭受;有做(坏事)的倾向
eg: prone to injury 易于受伤
eg: Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.Amazon’s relentless rise — its market capitalisation has grown from $16bn at the time of the iPhone launch to $380bn — is squeezing bricks-and-mortar retailers.
翻译: 亚马逊无情的崛起——其市值从iPhone面市时的160亿美元增长到了3800亿美元——正不断挤压着实体店零售商的生存空间。
[bricks-and-mortar] 实体的
eg: brick-and-mortar businesses 实体企业
- hyperbole 夸张
- eulogy 颂词
- legacy 遗产;遗留问题
- cloud computing 云计算
- regulatory arbitrage 监管套利
- digital economy 数字经济
- steam engine 蒸汽机
- corporate value 企业价值
- digital economy 数字经济
数字经济指一个经济系统,在这个系统中,数字技术被广泛使用并由此带来了整个经济环境和经济活动的根本变化。数字经济也是一个信息和商务活动都数字化的全新的社会政治和经济系统。企业、消费者和政府之间通过网络进行的交易迅速增长。数字经济主要研究生产、分销和销售都依赖数字技术的商品和服务。数字经济的商业模式本身运转良好,因为它创建了一个企业和消费者双赢的环境。 ——MBA智库百科
Digital economy refers to an economy that is based on digital computing technologies. The digital economy is also sometimes called the Internet Economy, the New Economy, or Web Economy. Increasingly, the "digital economy" is intertwined with the traditional economy making a clear delineation harder.——维基百科