In chapter 16\17, the little prince came to the earth, the earth is bigger than the other planets and there are a lot of people on it. But the little prince landed in the desert, so he did not see a person except a snake. They had a classic dialogue.
“ It is a little lonely in the desert. ”
“ It is also lonely among men.”
“ You are no thicker than a finger”
“ But I am more powerful than the finger of a king.”
“You haven’t even any feet. You cannot even travel”
“I can carry you farther than any ship could take you.”
In chapter 18, the little prince met a flower with 3 petals but the flower of no account.
In chapter 19, the little prince climbed a high mountain, but he saw nothing. And he thought the echo in the mountains was someone’s answer to him. He thought the people have no imagination, they just repeat other’s words.