![Nuggets and Ketchup](https://kfc.com.au/media/82233/chicken_nuggets_10pce.jpg)
【杰森】: I must get the recipe[1] for these nuggets[2]. What would you call this sauce ?
【卢克】: It's ketchup[3].
【杰森】: I'm not going to stand for[4] this. People out there thinking my roomie's a snitch.
【卢克】: I'm just going to enjoy all of this extra food. All of this snitch nonsense[5] will be over in ten minutes.
【埃塞克】: Can I just say, so brave of you coming out[6] on your first day here. You're a credit[7] to snitches everywhere.
【卢克】: I'm not a sn...
【杰森】: Ok, I know what we need to do. We need to find the biggest guy in here and...
![kick his face off](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/258/7/1/kick_him_in_the_face_by_soldier2000-d5etr9b.jpg)
【卢克】: Yeah, yeah, yeah, kick his face off[8].
【杰森】: I was going to say, " Becoming best friends with him, " but your idea's much better. Beat the shit out of him[9]. That sends out[10] a clear message. Nobody fucks with[11] Lulu's mob[12].
![美国动画系列片《Avengers Assemble》](http://www.centralplanet.cl/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/600px-Marvels_Avengers_Assemble_-_Trailer.jpg)
【卢克】: This isn't Avengers Assemble[13]. There's no such thing as Lulu's mob.
【杰森】: Ok, fine, but I need to know the new gang[14] name by Friday. Tattoo[15] day. There's your man. Take him down[16] and, remember, punch[17] upwards so his nose shoots up[18] and explodes his brain.
【卢克】: Get down. What would Gemma say if she knew I let you get killed ?
【杰森】: I think she'd say, " You should definitely listen to Jason's plan. He's genius. "
【卢克】: She wouldn't and what's wrong with[19] keeping our heads down ?
【杰森】: Nothing, if you don't mind being that guy's personal... I can't look after you 9/11.
【卢克】: It's 24/7, mate.
【杰森】: That sounds more doable[20]. Right, fine, I'll do it myself, yeah ?
【卢克】: No !
![Hello, dudes!](http://www.hypebeast.com/image/2008/10/kicktoys-skateboard-rapper-beit-dudes-1.jpg)
【卢克】: Guys... Dudes[21]... Before this goes any further, there's been a huge misunderstanding.
【狱霸马塞尔】: There's no misunderstanding here. I just see a snitch who's about to get chopped up[22] and fed to his boyfriend.
【卢克】: Before anyone starts chopping, can I just explain myself ?
![The Volturis 为美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的吸血鬼家族之一](http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111129250/3357160-3063036168-The-V.jpg)
![The Volturis 吸血鬼家族中的主要五位成员之一 Aro](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/1/12/Tumblr_mbn4y9wslj1qg8ggio1_500.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20121009194222)
![The Volturis 吸血鬼家族中的主要五位成员之一 Caius](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/9/95/Tumblr_mbn4v5gmjU1qg8ggio1_500.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20121009194322)
![The Volturis 吸血鬼家族中的主要五位成员之一 Marcus](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/8/84/Marcus_BDP2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20121201051855)
![The Volturis 吸血鬼家族中的主要五位成员之一 Sulpicia](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/6/60/Sulpicia0101.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20130505160145)
![The Volturis 吸血鬼家族中的主要五位成员之一 Athenodora](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/7/70/Athenodora0101.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20130505160132)
【狱霸马塞尔】: I'm listening. If the Volturi[23] never listened, there were wouldn't be a vampire left in Forks.
【卢克】: Well, I'm not...
![美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的人物之一 Jacob Black,其粉丝或追随者称为 “ Team Jacob ”](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightserie/images/7/7f/Jacob-555644_429620497081182_285483444_n.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120802101454&path-prefix=de)
![美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的人物之一 Edward Cullen,其粉丝或追随者称为 “ Team Edward ”](http://i2.cdnds.net/12/30/618x866/movies_twilight_saga_posters_3.jpg)
【狱霸马塞尔】: Hang on a minute. You're not Team Jacob[24], are you ? ...
【卢克】: No. You've very much got me wrong[25] because Team Jacob, they're werewolves[26]...
【狱霸马塞尔】: Yeah, trust me, like, Bella would never fancy a werewolf.
![美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的人物之一 Bella](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/a/a4/Bella-306318_429619423747956_93621998_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20130824013830)
![美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的人物之一 Bella](http://screencrave.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/The-Twilight-Saga-Bella-Poster-28-6-10-kc.jpg)
【卢克】: I mean, who wants a boyfriend who can lick his own...?
![Denali coven 为美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的素食吸血鬼家族](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/124/3/d/the_denali_coven_by_sozo_teki_chinita-d7h2zng.png)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Tanya](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/5/50/Tanya-531435_429621730414392_1687880666_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20121009082633)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Kate](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/a/a1/Kate-311674_429620897081142_1923271342_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20121009082513)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Garret](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/c/ce/Garrett-599543_429620310414534_2091071302_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20120728052517)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Carmen](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/5/5a/Carmen-482079_429619627081269_1412388429_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20120728052447)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Eleazar](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/f/f7/Eleazar-557016_429619953747903_1139590876_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20120728052502)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Irina](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/d/d1/Irina-603397_429620413747857_1859869113_n.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20120728052530)
![Denali coven 素食吸血鬼家族主要成员之一 Laurent](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/twilightsaga/images/e/e3/250px-Normal_011m.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100327041057)
【狱霸马塞尔】: So good to meet another Twilighter[27], man. You know, most of these lot couldn't name me one number of the Denali coven[28].
【卢克】: Joyce.
【狱霸马塞尔】: I like you, man. You know what[29] ? I could do with having someone like you on board[30]. When I read me New Moons and that[31].
【黑头】: Oh, you're replacing m-m-m-m...
【卢克】: Yes, I'd love to[32]...
【杰森】: All right, time's over. Are you going to smack him or what[33] ?
【卢克】: No, can't I just talk to my new best friend about our shared love of the Twilight Saga[34] ? Yeah.
【杰森】: Twilight ? No, we hate Twilight. What was that ting[35] you always used to say about Twilight ?
【卢克】: There was no ting.
【杰森】: Yes, there was. You said it was like eating dog shit[36], ...
【狱霸马塞尔】: You betrayed me ! Just like...
![Goblin and monkey](http://www.maniasarcania.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Riske_MonkeyWithPickAxe.jpg)
【杰森】: Yeah, like the goblins[37] betrayed monkeys, we get it, yeah ? You disrespected my best friend.
【卢克】: We're not really best friends.
【杰森】: So we're going to take you down.
【狱霸马塞尔】: You and snitch ?
【杰森】: My boy's not a snitch...
【卢克】: Just...
【狱霸马塞尔】: Fine. Ready when you are.
【卢克】: Well, now is very awkward[38] for us, actually, because we've got a thing.
【狱霸马塞尔】: You've got a thing ?
【卢克】: Yes.
【狱霸马塞尔】: Ok. No problem, seven o'clock then.
【杰森】: Done !
![Cheerio !](http://www.stickycomics.com/wp-content/uploads/cheerio_chex.jpg)
【卢克】: Cheerio[39] !
【杰森】: ... We missed pudding.
【recipe】n. 食谱 ↩
【nugget】 n.(某些食品的)小圆块 ↩
【ketchup】n. 番茄酱 ↩
【stand for】忍耐,忍受,主张,拥护,代替,代表,象征 ↩
【nonsense】n. 胡言乱语,胡扯,谬论,愚蠢的行为,鬼话,废话 ↩
【come out】出现,出柜,现身 ↩
【credit】n. 荣耀,光荣,信任,信用,贷款,存款 ↩
【kick sth off】 踢掉某物 ↩
【kick one's face off】打得某人屁滚尿流【scare the shit out of sb】 吓得某人屁滚尿流. ↩
【send out】发出,发送,派遣 ↩
【fuck with sb】 亏待,恶待(使某人恼怒);激怒某人。较礼貌的说法:【mess with sb/sth】干预某人/某事 ↩
【 mob】n.(蔑)暴民,暴徒;观众,民众,乌合之众。(俚)(盗贼等的)一党,一伙。(美俚)匪帮,匪党;一群罪犯;观众 ↩
【Avengers Assemble】美国动画系列片的名字 ↩
【gang】n. 一帮,一群,一伙,一队 ↩
【Tattoo】n. 纹身,刺花 ↩
【take sb down】干掉某人;打败某人;抓住某人;把某人赶下台 ↩
【punch】v. 拳打;以拳痛击;给…打孔;(用打孔器等)打孔 ↩
【shoot up】上冒;喷出;欣欣向荣;猛长;暴涨;腾贵;激增 ↩
【what's wrong with】怎么啦?有什么不对吗? ↩
【doable】adj. 可行的,可做的 ↩
【Dude】n. 伙计;老兄;哥们;花花公子 ↩
【chop up】切碎,剁碎,切开 ↩
【Volturi】(沃尔图里) 是美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的形象,是一个强有力的吸血鬼家族,他们推行恶魔世界的法律 ↩
【Team Jacob】非正式词汇,是指美国系列小说《Twilight》或影片《The Twilight Saga》中人物 Jacob Black的粉丝或追随者,称为 Team Jacob,而人物 Edward Cullen 的粉丝或追随者,则称为 “Team Edward” ↩
【get sb wrong】误解(冤枉/误会)某人 ↩
【werewolf】n. 狼人 ↩
【Twilighter】n. 喜欢小说原著《Twilight》(或据其改编的相关影片)之人。或称 “ 暮光迷 ” ↩
【Denali coven】(德纳里吸血鬼家族) 为美国系列影片《The Twilight Saga》中的吸血鬼家族之一,是素食吸血鬼家族,因为他们只饮动物而非人类的血液 ↩
【You know what】你知道吗?你懂什么? ↩
【on board】在船上(或飞机上、车上) ↩
【and that】等等 ↩
【would love to】乐于,很愿意 ↩
【or what】还是其它什么的,还有别的什么的 ↩
【The Twilight Saga】美国系列影片的名字 ↩
【 ting】n. 同 “ thing ”,事情,事件,东西,事物 ↩
【dog shit】狗屎 ↩
【goblin】n. 小妖精,丑妖怪 ↩
【awkward】adj. 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的;难对付的;难处理的 ↩
【Cheerio】再见;加油;好呀 ↩