第三讲:“有”字句I’m justified in not going into/entering politics.我有理由不去从政。
第四讲:“比”字句 他是耶鲁大学的学生,比我高两级。He was my senior at Yale by two years.他比妻子多活了五年。He outlived his wife by five years.
第六讲:“使”字句The noisy traffic of the city is a continual annoyance to the citizens.城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。
第七讲:主谓谓语结构:主语 + 谓语 (主语 + 谓语 [ 主语 + 谓语])断句
第九讲:重动结构:主语 + 动词1 + 宾语 + 动词2 + 补语 两个动词在中文一样,但有不同意义
第十一讲:连动式:名词 + 动语1 + 动词2 (+ 动词3……)他双手叉腰站在那儿。He stood there with his arms akimbo.
第十二讲:“V不C”结构:名词 + 动语 + 不 + 补语(用作谓语,占大多数)如:生产出来的产品卖不出去。动语 + 不 + 补语 + 的(用作定语,占少数)如:他是个靠不住的人。
而就凭一把伞,躲过一阵潇潇的冷雨,也躲不过整个雨季。With only an umbrella in your hand, even if you can take shelter from a spatter of cold rain, you cannot tide yourself over the whole rainy season.
别干了。你有干不完的活儿,有挣不完的钱。Call it a day. There is more work than you can finish, and more money than you can earn.
第十三讲:“V上”句: 名词 + 动语 + 上 (+ 名词)例如:他赶上了最后一班车。他俩好上了。