Starting at 2018-10-08
新概念英语第二册 Lesson 21
Lesson twenty-one Mad or not? First listen and then answer the question: why do the people think the writer mad?
[ˈlɛsən] [ˈtwɛnti]-[wʌn] [mæd] [ɔr] [nɑt]? [fɜrst] [ˈlɪsən] [ənd] [ðɛn] [ˈænsər] [ðə] [ˈkwɛsʧən]: [waɪ] [dʊ] [ðə] [ˈpipəl] [θɪŋk] [ðə] [ˈraɪtər] [mæd]?
Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am on of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.
['erə.pleɪn] [ər] [ˈsloʊli] [ˈdraɪvɪŋ] [mi] [mæd]. [aɪ] [lɪv] [nɪr] [ən] [ˈɛrˌpɔrt] [ənd] [ˈpæsɪŋ] [pleɪnz] [kən] [bi] [hɜrd] [naɪt] [ənd] [deɪ]. [ði] [ˈɛrˌpɔrt] [wəz] [bɪlt] [jɪrz] [əˈgoʊ], [bət] [fər] [səm] [ˈrizən] [ɪt] [kəd] [nɑt] [bi] [juzd] [ðɛn]. [læst] [jɪr], [ˌhaʊˈɛvər], [ɪt] [keɪm] [ˈɪntə] [juz]. [ˈoʊvər] [ə] [ˈhʌndrəd] [ˈpipəl] [məst] [həv] [bɪn] [ˈdrɪvən] [əˈweɪ] [frəm] [ðɛr] [hoʊmz] [baɪ] [ðə] [nɔɪz]. [aɪ] [əm] [ɑn] [əv] [ðə] [fju] [ˈpipəl] [lɛft]. [səmˈtaɪmz] [aɪ] [θɪŋk] [ðɪs] [haʊs] [wɪl] [bi] [nɑkt] [daʊn] [baɪ] [ə] [ˈpæsɪŋ] [pleɪn]. [aɪ] [həv] [bɪn] [ˈɔfərd] [ə] [lɑrʤ] [sʌm] [əv] [ˈmʌni] [tə] [goʊ] [əˈweɪ], [bət] [aɪ] [əm] [dɪˈtɜrmənd] [tə] [steɪ] [hir]. [ˈɛvriˌbɑdi] [sɛz] [aɪ] [məst] [bi] [mæd] [ənd] [ðeɪ] [ər] [ˈprɑbəbli] [raɪt].
任务配置:L0 + L4
- aeroplane 同 airplane,
- night and day, 单数形式就表示了“夜以继日”,不需要复数。
- for some reason, 近义词 somehow
- come into use, (某物)开始被使用
- be driven away from their homes by the noise, 没啥说的,就是这里使用了homes,我的第一反应是我会使用houses,应该都可以。
- knock down, 撞倒
- a large sum of money, a large sum of "大量的,数目可观的,一大笔“
- go away,
- be determined to do,
9. (被动语态,后面加to inf.) 指“决心做某事”(determine to inf. 是瞬时的下决心,to be determined to inf. 是已经下定了做某事的决心的状态)。【例如】But Sam still was determined not to have that happen. 但是萨姆仍然决心不让这件事发生。
- night and day, and 和 day 连读
- came into, came 和 in 连读。
- used, [juzd]: past participle / adjective; used, [just]
- sometimes, [ˈsʌmˌtaɪmz] / [səmˈtaɪmz]
- probably, [ˈprɑbəbli] / [ˈprɑbli]
Answer: Because the writer give up a large sum of money (compensation) to choose to stay here, even to stand the noise, which drive a hundred of people away.
Thoughts: 每日精进就是确认自己的朗读首先自己挑不出问题了。
每天基本上过一遍文章,遇到觉得有稍微一点需要记下来的单词和词组都会写下来。比如aeroplane的发音,however中v的口型,came into use的连读方式,这些听的时候可能一笔带过了,但是其实自己的脑子还是会在这些地方稍微停顿一下可能几毫秒,但是这意味着这些点并没有其他地方熟悉,所以需要加强。