1 每日手账:从本年度开始记录每日的生活手账,使用Morning Glory的三年手账本。这个本子的设计简单,纸张硬厚,钢笔不透墨,目前满足了我的主要需求。最初记录的时候,我主要使用中文写作,近日来过渡到英文为主,没有刻意安排或练习。总结:每日记录能帮助梳理思绪,进行简单的AAR,也是一次小小的写作实践。
2 法语复述和英语背诵、复述:下班通勤时练习法语复述已经成为习惯,效果明显,法语出口的速度和熟练度有长进。英语开始背诵课本Speak English Like An American一周一课,进度慢,感觉还好。
3 听写:坚持英语和法语听写,越来越重视细节。法语材料换了新的,难度降下来了,对于我来讲,难度大的练习坚持不下去,错得太多会严重挫伤积极性。
4 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:本月开始读这本期待已久的书,之前听过audiobook,这回一字一字读,发现这本书实践性很强,真的需要动笔去花时间写东西,计划周末专门抽时间来写Personal Mission Statement。
5 思考与写作:As I continued retelling and reciting practices, binge watched TV series, read web novels, and wrote journals, tons of ideas sped through my mind. 为了把这些纷杂的念头捋顺,给大脑减负,本月我的纸上写作较为频繁。正如The 7 Habits里所写的,“When we pick up one end of the stick, we pick up the other.” 大脑的高强度工作一体两面:一面是深度思考、自我发问,另一面是乱云飞渡,non-stop thinking. I found myself frequently analyzing and judging people and things, instead of feeling and accepting them. 目前,唯有八段锦才是静心时刻。
1. Don't judge. Accept.
Last Twilight had a perfect ending which is exactly what I hoped for. I feel a deep sense of gratitude to director Nopphanach Chaiyahwimhon and his team for their tremendous work and dedication to the TV series. Along with I Feel You Linger in the Air and I Told Sunset About You, this is one of the most extraordinary Thai BL dramas ever created and my favorite one.