After all these years of growing , we've got to know ourself better to better . But is that really true ? Or just something we prefer to do -------- Do we always see the best of ourself , even something really messed up , yet we could still say it's for good reason.
Is it possible that we always image the best version of ourself , and while we hurt the person , we simply ignore it or forgive ourself ? I mean we do accept all ourself's defect pretty easily .
There are edges between who we thought we are , and the way how we actually behave . And thoes edges' existence , sometime could be harsh , it could wake you up in the midnight ,shattered your dreams , leave you with hopelessly curiosty . While that took place , you might just hurt someone you really care without knowing .
I thought I could figure this out , after my times of China , I'll get to see the world , at the meanwhile I'm able to learn better to myself . Who knows things would turn to reverse , not only I couldn't leave the country , I'm trapped in villa . And the journey of finding myself has became more narrow and nasty . Until you decide to finishi this book yet , I should inform you that this is not a book about philosophy, but about love .