I want to introduce you to an idea that may change your attitude towards desire. Before we begin, think about something you’ve been striving for. It may be a new career, improving your financial situation, being in a committed relationship or something else.
Close your eyes and think about your desire before you continue reading. If you haven’t already manifested it, what do you think is the primary reason? Similarly, why do you want it? What will it bring to your life?
Here’s another provocative idea: Most of us don’t really know what we want. We think we know; our desire stems from a belief that attaining our desire — whatever it may be — will make us happy. And maybe it does, for a short time.
But what happens when the joy wears off? Well, naturally, we go looking for the next thing to make us happy. We get caught in a cat-and-mouse game, without stopping to consider our motives.
I’m inviting you to re-engineer the process and begin at the source — with yourself. Go deep within and try to understand why you want what you want.
What will it give you once you have it? Who will you be once you’ve attained it? Will you be happier? If so, what then?