



[UEE01] 这一天是2017年1月4日,一天中写了两段话。

Good morning, everyone. In 2017, One of my goals is "Using English Everyday" , which i called UEE plan. So i set a rule: when i open my computer or phone, i must write 5 minutes in english first, at least 5 sentences. Maybe there're lots of mistakes in my writing, but i don't care. You are very kind of telling me the mistakes that i make. I hope that "Using English Everyday" would become one of my good habits in this year. Yesterday night, i read articles in english more than 3 hours. So, today is the first day of my UEE plan.

Today morning, i commited to use english everyday. Now is 11 pm, after having a shower, i use english to write down something that happened today. We ate MAOCAI food this afternoon, and we all enjoyed the spicy food. The spicy food is very delicious. We also bought some drinks, such as Red Tea, Milk Tea, Jiang Tea, and so on. I first time tried Fruits Red Tea, but it was not so tasty. It made me a little unhappy. Altogether i still felt happy today. I hope we can have the same happy time again soon.

[UEE02] 2017年1月5日

【UEE02】Good morning, dear friends. Today is the 2nd day of my UEE plan. I must write down 5 sentences to start a new day. To me, this task is not so easy. My mother language is chinese, and i am not good at writing in chinese. I don't like writing, either. Writing is one of my weaknesses. I want to turn this weakness into strength. If you have the same idea, please go with me. I am looking forward to sharing something with you. We could encourage us by ourselves.


Morning. I went to bed very lately last night, so i am still tired after having an sleep. Yesterday i read an article from Steve Pavlina named Show Me Your Battle Scars. It talks about brave vs timid. I agree with his main ideas in the article.

Smog descends on Beijing。雾霾笼罩北京。Smog descends on all over the country. Lots of people are definitely worried about our health. With these pictures, we could understand the difference among the three words: fog, smoke ang smog.


Good morning! I awoke at 5:30 AM this morning. Today i will be going to a BBQ party with many colleagues. They have already bought lots of food, such as corns, meats, sausages, chicken wings, pork ribs, and many kinds of vegetables. Also they've prepared many bread and drinks. I like pork ribs and sausages the most. We will have barbecues all by ourselves. To many of us, it's not a little challenge. I am looking forward to enjoying the barbecues together. I hope we will have a nice day.


It's a beautiful day! It's sunny. Today morning i finished a 2.67 mi run in 32 minutes. After running, I felt very Good. Then I went to the park with my family. There are lots of people in the park enjoying the good weather .


【UEE 06】Today is the sixth day of the UEE Plan. Today is Monday, too. I don't know what to write. So i just try to finish the task that i must use english everyday. Last week i read 4articles more than about 5 thousands words. Yesterday i lost my temper many times for some little things. I know it's my weakness. And i want to turn this weakness into power, but i don't know how to do. Dear friends, could you give me some good advice?


【UEE07】When i feel there are nothing to write, what should i do? I've been trying to remember the practice of "continual letting go." Take a deep breath and relax. Then i tell myself: it's ok! And then write down the first sentence, such as "Good morinig," or "Hi!" After doing this, another sentence will come out. If i don't write down the first sentence, the writing will not begin. Maybe i could talk about the weather, tell a story, write down what i think or what i feel. Perhaps these sentence


【UEE08】After work, I ate many sunflower seeds last night . They were delicious. I haven't eaten sunflower seeds for a long time. The sunflower seeds are very popular food for Chinese. The sunflower seeds are one kind of Chinese leisure food . When Chinese people are watching TV, they like eating sunflower seeds. If you are invited to visit Chinese friends' home , you would be given this food to try. I don't know whether the foreigners eat sunflower seeds. I want to know in which country the sunflower seeds are more popular.


【UEE08】Good morning , everyone. I am Alan. I'm from GuangDong, China. I graduated from the south China normal university. Now i am a computer teacher in a middle school. I like running. I have finished totally about 2800 km in more than 2 years.


【UEE09】The hardest part of making a change or learning something new is getting started. One week ago, i took that leap and started to write down something in english. I have taken the first step, and i think i should stick with it by making writing in english a habit. It took me more than 20 minutes to write down several sentences. I think it's normal. Because i am not familiar with english, i seldom use english to read, write and listen. I am sure that i can use english freely one day.


【UEE10】Today is very cold. I went to work by bus earlier in the morning, for i were afraid to be late. There were few people and vehicles in the street , for it was too earlier. The whole city were still asleep. Today was very busy. I did lots of work. When i was back home, it's half past ten. After doing some cleaning, i went to bed.


Yesterday i didn't write anything in English. Last night i were so tired, so i went to bed earlier than the usual. Yesterday if i wrote down something in the morning, i should had finished the writing. Why? I always finish the task at the last minute. I have fallen into such patterns over the years and it can seem like i am not able to change them. In fact, i can change them. I think i should do the important things in the morning everyday. If writing in English in one of the important things to me, i should finish it in the morning. Too much to do, no time? No, it's not the fact. It can seem our lives are filled with busyness, noise, distraction, and often meaningless activities. What if i could filter out all that noise, and focus on the meaningful? I will have enough time to do the important things. Noise in my life comes from: WeChat and QQ. I should decide to check on something just once a day. The important thing is to set a limit.


【UEE12】The day before yesterday i didn't write anything in English, but i didn't know how to express my feelings about it. Today i know that maybe i can use the word "guilty". I felt a little guilty about it. I know i will learn English very slowly in such way. But i also know: it does not matter how slowly i go so long as i do not stop. I am sure that i can use English freely at last if i don't stop using English everyday.
Today is cold and rainy. Today morning, I finished a 5km run .On March 19th, i will attend the second half marathon this year. I hope i can keep running. And i hope i will become healthy and stronger.


Today is rainy and cold still. I don't like today's weather. I think no one would like it. I just read a poem Remember. I like it. I like the sentence most "Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad." Today i didn't run, i think i will do some exercises, such as doing push ups, kicking shuttlecock. Now i see a little sunshine, i hope it will be a good weather today.


I am extremely tired today. For last night i went to bed very late. Last night i visited a good site called 'BetterExplained – Math lessons for lasting insight. BetterExplained – Math lessons for lasting insight. ', on which the author Kalid have posted 168 articles in 10 years. I am interested Kalid's ideas that better explaination to learn Math well. I want to learn these ideas from him to change my courses.


Today is cloudy. I think i catch a cold. I feel a little pain in my throat. I drank a bowl of warm water with a little salt When i got up. I think i should drink lots of warm water these days. Warm water is good for my health . I remember i have seen a Chinese film 'Water is one kind of medicine'. The film told audiences an interesting story about water. And doctors also tell us to drink more water everyday. I will not stop doing exercise. I hope i will be well soon.


Yesterday i drove to my hometown, a little village surrounded by lots of little hills. You'll see hills when opening the door of the house. There are many kinds of bamboo on the hills. The air is very fresh. The water from the hills is sweet. Every family feed poultry like cocks, hens, ducks, geese and so on. They feed the poultry on food, not the manufactured feeds. And some families keep pigs and dogs.


The air temperature dropped last night. It is very cold now. The APP on my phone tells me the air temperature is about 9 degrees Celsius today. Last night we saw many stars shining in the sky. I haven't seen so many big and bright stars for a long time. It is hard to see stars in the sky in cities. We played fireworks last night. And we enjoyed delicious food, too.


Good morning! Today i want to talk something about the Chinese New Year. It is the most important and meaningful festival to Chinese people. It's also the time for Chinese families reunion. All the Chinese are eager back hometown to stay with their families. This make a big problem in traffic . It's very difficult to buy tickets of train, bus and plane .

When you are busy, what do you do beyond your job? Did you ever When you are free, what do you do? Do you focus on the meaningful? Do you care for your growth?


Good morning! Today i feel there are nothing to write. But i know i must write down at least 5 sentences in English. I can't eat my words! Yes, these days i tried to use English, like reading, writing, listening and speaking. Sometimes i felt exhausting. Maybe i forgot to do something –writing in Chinese. For, Chinese is my mother language. I am not so good at writing in Chinese, too. So the question is: i can't write articles logically and clearly by using my first language, how can i demand myself to write in English freely? The important thing is to improve my writing skills with my mother language. Another problem is the lack of my vocabulary and grammar. There are lots of problems in using English! Do you feel nervous? Do you want to escape? Be patient! Give myself a long time to improve your level. My English is very very very poor! So what? Don't care so much about your mistakes. If you find something wrong in your writing, correct them. Look! You have written so many sentences! When you stress out, when you think you have nothing to write, tell yourself that you know nothing about English, then write down the first sentence. Then you will come up with sentences one by one. Just do it!


Good morning. After a pee and drinking some warm water, i sit down to write. Just like a best friend talk with me, and talk to who read it. It is the best time for me to stay with myself. Why do i want to learn english so eagerly? I want to make friends all over the world, not only just from China. I want to see a bigger world, people from different countries have different culture. I want to read the best articles by myself, for some translation works are too bad and have many mistakes. I want to change my mindset. I want to learn something more interesting. If one day i could use english freely, i will get a powerful weapon. If that day coming, i will definitely enter a different world.


Isaac Asimov is a prolific writer. In his lifetime he wrote almost 500 books. Why was Asimov able to do that? In his autobiography, He shares the tactics and strategies he developed to keep his creativity. Let's steal everything from him.
1.Never stop learning. Asimov had a PhD in chemistry from Columbia, but he wrote on physics and ancient history. He even wrote a book on the Bible.The secret is that he "had to keep a program of self-education in process." To grow up, we should read everything and learn everything.
2.Don't fight getting stuck. Like everyone, Asimov also often got stuck. It's normal. When getting stuck, he stopped to write another things such as an editorial, an essay, a short story, etc. When i have nothing to write, I should put it aside and do other thing. When i feel much better, the go on to write.
To be continued.


Last night we went to the cinema. It has been a long time that we haven't seen a film. The film is called QingSheng. It tells an interesting story that full of humor, joke and happiness. We enjoyed a good night.


Good night! Happy Chinese New Year! Today in China adults are very busy, they prepare food, do cleaning, prepare HongBao and so on. They are very very busy. The Chinese children are so Happy that they have lots of delicious food, fruits, candies to eat, they will get HongBao from adults who have married. I think Chinese Spring Festival is a happy festival . All people should be happy, no matter or children . No so many things to do, they all enjoy these happy holidays. They are free to do what they want to do. If they don't want to do, they may not do. But that's not the fact. It is only one of my daydreams. I hope one day that will come true.


Happy New Year! I just finished a 8.88 km run this morning in the first day of Chinese new year. We call this run XingDaYun, means good luck in this year. My dear friends, i wish you and me have good luck, more money and big growth in this year. On the first day of Chinese new year, people give best wishes each other. They would say GongXiFaCai to you, which means you will get lots of money this year. They would say ShenTiJianKang which means you will have good health. They would say XinXiangShiCheng which means you will succeed in everything that you want. Heath, money and success are three important things to us. I hope you get these three things too.


Good morning! The weather forecast is for light rain. I don't like light rain in spring, for it always lasts for a long period. the temperature will be cold, the road will be muddy, your shoes will be dirty and wet after walking out. In Chinese Spring Festival we have to go out to visit kinfolks and friends. We have to face with the uncomfortable weather of light rain. But we still be happy to visit our relatives and friends.


Good night! I am very tired now and i am eager to go to bed, but i know i can't . ...These were wrote on January 30th , but were not finished. Now is January 31st 3:30 am. I am awake now, and i think i should go on to finish it. Yesterday we were busy. Our relatives came to see us. We were happy. We prepared food for them. We hoped them enjoying our food.


Now that i am awake now, i try to write down something. Still i feel tired now. It is the 27th writing, and i know there are lots of mistakes in my sentences. Without these mistakes, i can't make even a little progresses. Without these mistakes, i will never know how to use english correctly. Without these mistakes, i will never know i have power and courage to face them. Thanks for these mistakes. We should not fear to make mistakes. Mistakes are not our enemy. On the contrary, they are our good friends.


Yesterday my finger was hurt by the kitchen knife. I cut my finger when i cut the chicken. I bled a bit. It was my left index finger. I felt lucky that it was not hurt so much. I think the YunNanBaiYao medicine will heal it in several days. So sad, for i cannot use computer freely these days. Still i can do lots of things: reading, writing.


Good night! So tired. Attention is one of the most important things. We should treasure our attention and use our attention to do the most important things in our life.


Today we went to a park. The park is on a hill. When we got to the top of the park, we saw the whole little city. So beautiful! The wind flew gently, we felt so comfortable! The air was so fresh! There were not so many people in the park, i thought it's a best choice for us climbing this little park.


The world is silent, very very silent. The world is asleep, the people, the buildings, the plants are all asleep. But some lights are still lighting, shinning in the dark. They are awake in the night, sleeping in the daytime. There are a few vehicle passing by occasionally. These drivers are awake. I think there must be some people awake at the same. What are they thinking in this silent world? What are they doing? Are they hungry? I feel a little hungry now. What about those people who are on duty? What are they feeling and thinking? One hour has passed away after i am awake. I feel a bit drowsy. I think i should go to bed again. Can i sleep again? Who know!


Today is rainy. Today i have no motivation to learn English. I used to regard English as an easy language to learn. It is wrong. English is easy to begin with. But it's difficult to master English well. English is an different language from Chinese. For example, English has tense but Chinese doesn't. I know i should learn and use English in all my life.


Good night! Tonight i want to talk something about challenge. There are lots of impossible things in the world. But some people have tried many impossible things and succeeded. To these people, these were big challenges. But they didn't fear challenge. The opinion of limit didn't limit them. They dive into deep sea about 130m depth without oxygen device. They can hold their breath in the water last for about 20 minutes. Their spirit encourage us to challenge our limits. To me, learning English is a big challenge. It seems impossible for me to learn English well. But i want to challenge myself and never give up. I am sure that i will succeed in the future.


Good night! I have tried to use English more than 30 days. There are lots of methods to learn English well. Simulation is one of the best methods. You could simulate from films, TV programmes. Then repeat these practice more than 100 times or 1000 times. It will help you get rapid progress. Another important thing is making an English environment around you. You should only listen English songs and radio programmes, only watch English films or TV programmes, set the OS of your computer and phone into English version, only use softwares of English version …


It might be a good idea to learn English through watching English movies. We may learn pronunciation from film actors who normally speak with beautiful and precise tone. These sentences above are extracted from XuCen's article. I think it's a good idea. Xu has a learning English course online. I want to buy and join it.

I won't be far away. Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.


Good night! It is time to write in English. When I tried to write down something by using English, I felt that I could not write down even one word. So awkward! Stressful! But it's OK! Let it be. Let go of it. Let go, Let go. I know nothing of English. My English is so poor! I just tried to make friend with English. I just want to become more familiar with English. I learn English just like a baby learn his mother language. I know it's not easy. I have a long trip to go. I will never stop.

What make you happy? If you don't really love something, you will not do it well. If I don't really love running, it's impossible for me to finish a full marathon in one and a half years. Running let me feel happily and calmly. When I am running, I focused on the breath. I also thought everything in running. Running gives me health and self-confidence. I will go out to run when I want to run. Everyone are borned to run. It is also the name of a book. I think running is one of the best sports for health. I hope you like running too. If you like running, I am looking forward to share the same happy moment with you.


Today is cold. The weather became worse. Just like the weather, my temper became worse. I don't know why. I know that is not good for me and to my family. But some times I can't control my temper.


Yesterday I were very busy, so I forgot to write something. I know it's an excuse. To me, using English have not become the necessary thing, just like eating or breathing. Being busy , no feeling, being tired ……We could find lots of excuse . But if you really want to use English to write, you only need one thing –just do it.


The Lantern Festival: January 15 on the lunar calendar . Today is the Lantern festival, wish you and your family a happy Lantern Festival. I want to go to the park and enjoy various lanterns. But there must be too many people in the park, I don't like staying in the crowded. It's not safe in the crowded. So tonight I would rather stay at home than go out. What will you do tonight?


Running may be good for your knees. In my two years as a runner, it's a good news for me. I like long slow distance run and enjoy it. Sometimes I wonder whether running will ruin my knees. "Epidemiological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people of the same age who do not run." Researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, have done some researches and experiments to find out the answer. The result proved running may be good for your knees. I am glad to learn it. And I will stick to run.


Today is a busy day. Leaving home at 7 a.m and back home at 10 p.m. These days are very busy, too. But I felt happy and fulfilled. I tried my best to finish my work without forgetting learning and growing. Still I learn a little and grow slowly. But I would not give up. Tomorrow will also be a busy day, I had better go to bed now. Good night! Have a good dream.


What is thinking? We often "think", but we don't really know how to think. When we were in grade and high school, the teacher directed us to "think. " "This problem is very difficult than the ones we have been doing, please take more minutes to think about it carefully. " But how to think, she didn't tell us. So we didn't master thinking. I still can't tell you what's thinking and how to think. "Thinking is a general term used to cover numerous activities, from daydreaming to reflection and analysis. " This concept is from the book Beyond Feeling . I remain can't tell how to think, and I know I don't really know how to think. I know I always don't think, just believe or feel. I want to know how to think clearly. It's hard to master it. Still I would tried my best to learn how to think.


Thinking is an important activity that we should master. But we failed to master it. "Thinking remains in many respects one of the great mysteries of our existence." Though we don't know how to think, we have learned that we use our brains to think not other organs. If one person's brain is dead, that person is dead even if his heart is still working. Neuroscience has proved that our brains have two hemispheres, the left hemisphere and that right hemisphere. The left hemisphere of the brain deals mainly with detailed language processing and is associated with analysis and logical thinking, that the right hemisphere deals mainly with sensory images and is associated with Intuition and creative thinking.


What are the distinctions between thinking and feeling? We sometimes use I think and I feel as the same meaning. But it will confuse us. Feeling is a subjective response that reflects emotion, sentiment, or desire. It generally occurs spontaneously. Thinking is a conscious mental process performed to solve a problem, make a decision, or gain understanding. Feeling need to be tested before being trusted, and thinking is the most reasonable and reliable way to test them. These sentences above are all from Beyond Feeling. I try to write down some important sentences from the book. Also I try rewrite some content by using my expression. I know I am not so good at English, so I read slowly and write even more slowly. Reading in a lower speed give me a chance to read carefully. To understand better, I must read the book one word by one word. And Writing in English costs me lots of time. All these are valuable.


Today is the NO. 45 day since I started using English. It is not easy for me. To write some sentences in English, it takes me at least 30 minutes each time. These sentences are very simple, but it's still hard for me to write them down. Sometimes I felt there are nothing to write or I didn't know which word I should use. My vocabulary is very poor. So I need more reading, listening and practising speaking.


There are three broad categories of thinking: reflective, creative, and critical. They are all important. I want to master all the three categories of thinking. But I know I'd be patient. These days I focus on critical thinking. Critical thinking is a research for answer, a quest. One of the most important techniques used in critical thinking is asking probing question.


I just finished a 5.0 km run and I feel good now. The Nike+ doesn't work normally, I don't know the reason. I have run totally for more than 3,000 km. Though I run less than before, no matter times and distance, but I still love running and keep running when I am free.


To many mosquitoes in GuangDong in summer. We were all badly bitten by them. Though we have screened our house against mosquitoes, there are still many mosquitoes in our house. So we have to hang mosquito nets over our beds. Even one mosquito can make me sleep badly. Mosquitoes are pests, they carry diseases and infect many kinds of diseases to people. We employ many methods to kill mosquitoes or keep them away. We can't kill them all. We still have to live with mosquitoes


The most important characteristic of critical thinkers is skill in asking appropriate questions. Another is control of one's mental activities. Asking approriate questions is one difficult thing. It will make us feel uncomfortable, stressful, nervous...... Lots of people are directed by their feelings, thoughts, impulse or intuition. In another words, they don't want to think at all.


Tonight when I began to go home by bicycle, it was drizzling. The rain was light and a little cold. Then I had to go home by bus. I don't like the Spring Light Rain. When it's raining in the spring, the sky is dull and people's feelings are dull, too. People always feel sleepy in this season. More people commit suicide in spring than in other season. But in spring, many kinds of blossoms are all open, trees and mountains grow green …Spring is a season for all things to grow. These make us happy.


Using English is not easy. English is a tool to listen, talk, write, read, think and communicate. How can we use English skilfully and expertly? The best answer is to use. Use English everyday and everywhere. Don't expect that you can use English skilfully in several months or one year. It will be a long term before you really master English. Maybe several years. Maybe tens of years. Tell yourself that you know nothing about English. It puts you in student mind. It keeps you focus on using English and away from when you can master English. If you don't understand some words, phrases or sentences, it's Okay. You know nothing about English. Remember to use dictionaries or Google to help you. They are your best friends.


Yesterday I didn't write anything. Today morning I finished a 5.0km run. Today is very cold. When I began to run, it was raining very lightly. After 2 or 3 minutes, the rainstopped. These two days I felt that I had nothing to write. So I wrote nothing. I don't want to force myself to write. Today afternoon I saw a fill named War Horse. The story about a horse is very warming and impressive.


When we are very busy, we should slow down and think deeply. When we are busy, we may lose our directions, forget our real goals. We are tired to deal with everything and everyone. What your goals are and why you are so busy for. We do all the urgent things but forget the most important things, such as health, dream, growth etc. Busy is OK, but we should remember to have a short time staying with yourself. Even several minutes are enough. In that time, shut down your phone, stay alone, breathe. These steps will help you know where you are and where you go.


I have a habbit of taking a nap after lunch. It is a good habbit for health. Today I decide to quit this habbit. Instead, I will form a habbit of taking a meditation in the afternoon. First, I have no room to nap. Taking a nap on office's chair is very uncomfortable. Second, maybe having a nap after lunch isn't necessary for me. In the weekend, I often don't taking a nap. Third, the main reason that I want to quit nap is I want to have a meditation everyday and I have found that meditating in the afternoon is a good idea to me. I can assure myself of that time in the afternoon. I will start to meditate for 5 minuters everyday. Today is the first day. I felt it's hard to me to calm down and breathe smoothly. But I know it will be better after more practice.


It's the second day since I have quit the nap habbit. I felt very tired, so I took a nap on my chair in my office. Then I took a meditation for 10 minutues. During the meditation, I recalled lots of things and couldn't stop thinking. It will be a long term before I master the skill of meditation. Practice, practice and practice. No other methods.


Today I reinstalled the operating system of my computer. Then I tried to set the Apache Server. It didn't work. After checking, adjusting and testing, I found what's the problem and how to solve. Now it works! Tomorrow I am going to set the SQL and PHP Server. This year one of my goals is using Php to build a site all by myself.


After lunch, I finished a 15 minutes walk. Then back to office, sat down and wrote these words in my cell phone. This noon I want to finish a tiny program which I began with in the morning. Also I will have a 5 minutes meditation. I hope I will feel less tired today than yesterday afternoon.


When I had nothing to write, I wrote nothing. When I don't want to write, I write nothing. Maybe I could force myself to write at those times. It will make me feel unwilling, unhappy. It's Okay to stop writing on some day. Have a rest and don't worry about your writing during your rest. It's important for me to have a spare time that I need doing nothing. Just staying with myself and talking with myself or even thinking nothing. After a rest, I will feel I am full of power and enthusiasm. Then I will write more.


Today I am very busy. Lots work, learning, programming, listening English …I am tired after work. But I don't feel stressed out. I am going to have a 5 km run tomorrow morning. I will be powerful after running. Tomorrow is also a busy day. I had better go to bed earlier.


I have stopped writing for 3 days. No a little guilty. I need some days to have a rest, just have a rest and no thinking about my UEE plan. We should try our best to do something, and we also need rest and adjustment. Just like breath. We breathe in and then we breathe out. These three days are belong to my breathe-out period. After the rest, I feel very well. I am full of power and high spirit. It is a good lesson for me: breathe in and then breathe out.


Nobody would help you if you don't help yourself first! It's true. If you don't really want to learn English well and do your best to practise, nobody can help you! It's all up to you! Other people can give you some advice for how to learn English well, but those advice can't help you to improve your English if you don't practise and learn everyday. Even the best teacher in the world can't help you, either! You should ask yourself how to learn English well all by yourself, you must find the answer by yourself.


Today is light rainy. It's a little cold. The air and the ground is wet. I don't like this weather. The bad news is that this kind of weather will be last for at least one month. It's terrible for us. It is very difficult for us to see the sun in this month. Our clothes can not be dry after washing. We must use the dryer to help us.
This afternoon I were very busy. I had 4 lessons. After work I felt very tired and stressed out.


Now I am lying on the bed, recalling all the things happened in the daytime. It was a very busy day, moving things from somewhere, preparing for tomorrow's open day, attending the preparation meeting, finishing my business… Now I have time to go to bed, but I must finish writing before I go to bed. To tired! Though tomorrow is Saturday, I still have to go to work. I wish you have a good dream, good night!


Today morning, I finished a 15km run. It had been such a long time that I didn't run so far. The several months recently I just run about 30km each month. I became so lazy. I can find lots of excuses, too busy, no time, bad weather and too tired etc. Day after day, I forgot my goal of run.


What is learning? It's hard for me to answer this question. I haven't thought it deeply. Learn is a verb means gain knowledge or skills. So learning is an activity for gaining knowledge or skills. We can learn something not only from school but also from out of school. We can learn something not only from books but also from what you have seen or what you have heard and even what you have felt or thought. We can learn in anywhere at anytime. When you walk you can learn, when you are in bus you can learn……Even when you are asleep you can learn something.


Learning is the necessaries of life. To grow up, we must learn. To play games, we also need to learn. To feed up our children, we must learn. To swim freely in water , we must learn...We learn every minutes in everywhere. Lots of times , we couldn't be aware of our learning. Everyone should learn something new everyday.


The best way of learning anything is to teach. This idea is from Feynman. I couldn't agree with him more.


I just finished a 5 km run. Today I will make some preparation for ZhaoQing Half-Marathon which will be held tomorrow. I haven't run for many times in the past several months. So my goal is to finish the run safely in ZhaoQing Half-Marathon. I will see some runner friends tomorrow. We haven't seen each other for a long time. ZhaoQing is a beautiful city. I was born and raised there. And I have lived in another city for more than 15 years. It is the second year of ZhaoQing Half-Marathon. Last year I booked the ZhaoQing Half-Marathon, but I didn't attend it for some reasons. So it's the first time I have a 21 km run at my hometown. I hope I can finish it and enjoy all the process.


Today I finished the 2017 ZhaoQing Internationale Half Marathon in 2 hours and 6 minutes. It had been raining heavily for half an hour before the match began. Most of the runners didn't take raincoat with them. I didn't, either. We ran in a heavy rain. We felt cold. But nobody gave up running.


Today is the second day after the ZhaoQing International Half Marathon. I feel tired and a little painful in my legs. Today evening, I finished a 3km run to reduce lactic acid in my body . I think I will feel better tomorrow.


Today I reviewed the chapter 2 "What Is Critical Thinking? " So, what is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking is the process by which we test claims and arguments and determine which have merit and which do not. In another words, critical thinking is a search for answer, a quest. Critical thinker have good habits of thinking –asking appropriate questions, then finding the answers. Everyone can improve their thinking skills. Critical thinkers have learned how to take charge of their thoughts, to use their minds actively as well as passively. This will help them to avoid errors when they are thinking. They control their mental life, direct their thoughts rather than being directed by them. These sentences are rewrote from the assay.


There are lots of things to do, you can't do everything well. So, you need to choose the most important things to devote to. Which thing is the most important to you ? Entertainment? Learning? Health? Or growth? The answer you found will direct your life.


Last night I coughed and can't stop coughing. Today I took some medicine and felt a little sick. When men are sick, they will remember the important of health. We should often do some exercises to keep us healthy. I like runing


Yesterday I didn't finished my writing before I were asleep. I lost passion with writing in English. When I started writing, I felt that I didn't know how to begin. I found I couldn't write down even one word. What's the problem with me? I don't know. But I want to find the answer.


Usually, I wrote some sentences before I went to sleep. At that moment I always felt tired, so I just wanted to finish writing quickly in order to go to sleep earlier. Sometimes I wrote nothing, sometimes I only wrote several sentences. It's not the best time for writing to me. I'd better write in daytime in the better status of mine. It's the first advice from these days' writing. Another advice is that I should read more English articles or books. Input can help output. These days I didn't stop reading English articles but just read only . I should do more during and after reading, such as record meaningful sentences, do some summaries or write down my thought after reading and so on. The third advice is that I should write more with my mother language, too.


I have read the chapter "What is critical thinking" for several times. In each time I read, I got new deep understanding. Thinking is a rare thing but an important skill that everyone should master. We heard thousands of times about thinking, but we don't really know what's thinking. If you ask me this question now. I can't tell you about it clearly and simply.


Do you often work out? When I feel stressed out, nervous, unhappy etc. I will go out for running. After a slow run, sweated, I feel better. Now I go to run, bye!


Should you learn writing? Yes. Writing is one of the important basic skills in lives of human being. Most of us even can't write clearly and simply. To write something well, we must read lots books, search for kinds of opinions and think it over before.


Imagine there are some fruits on the table in front of you , an apple, two bananas, one pear and an orange, you are permitted to choose only one, Which one will you choose? Making choice sometimes is difficult. But it's very important. We know when we choose the one, we must lose the others.


Today is a rainy day. Almost all day is raining. Today morning I went to work by taxi. But when I arrived at my working place, my shoes were all wetted. So you could Imagine how heavy the rain was! This made me recall the run in the ZhaoQing Internationale Half Marathon half a month ago. In that day it also was a heavy rainy day. And we had run in the heavy rain for about 2 hours. Before the marathon began, we had already been in heavy rain for half an hour. Though we were wetting and cold, but nobody gave up the marathon.


It's sunny today. After yesterday's raining, the shy is so beautiful today. The air is fresh, the temperature is a little cold. Today I feel very well. And today is a busy day. When I were back home, I were very tired. From tomorrow, We will have a three days' vacation.


Sunny. I get up at 6:30 a.m. likes everyday in the past several years. In the morning, I always feel energetic. It's a good time to read, write and think. It's a precious gift that everyone possesses and cherishes.Now I will go out to run.


One year ago we were sitting in the coffee room, Emma and me. I remembered I didn't know how to explain Qingming Festival to Emma. I felt a little embarrass. Emma is a foreign teacher from Scotland, teaching English. I didn't know how to express the important activities that Chinese do in the Qingming Festival, such as sweeping tombs, offering sacrifices, worshipping ancestors and so on. Now I know Qingming Festival is also called Tomb-sweeping Day. Tomb Sweeping Day is our country traditional festival, is also offer sacrifices to festival most importantly, is the day which worships ancestors and visits graves.


Today I have read the book for more than 2 hours. I read very slowly, for there were lots of words that I didn't know. The English–Chinese dictionary is my best friend. I looked for the meanings of these unknown words in the dictionary. In some cases, Even I had got the meanings of the words, I still didn't know the meanings of these sentences which the words were among them. To me, not only writing in English is difficult but also reading English book is also hard. I know it's normal. I know using English more and more is the only and the best way to master English. So I tried to read, listen and write English articles or books everyday. Though I couldn't reach this goal perfectly, I still tried my best to use English.


After sitting before tablet for several hours, I felt a little sick yesterday . It is harmful to our health sitting on chair and gazing at computer screen too long. It seems we can do nothing without computers and Internet. But we should have a ten–minute rest after working before screens for about 1 hour. When you feel tired, leave your table for a while. Drink a cup of water, walk around for a while, leave chair for toilet or do some exercises. This will make you feel better, then you can work efficiently. The most important thing is it will be good for your health.


Today I had finished a video in one and half an hour. When I were Leaving work, it was fifteen minutes to 8 o'clock in the evening . I were hungry at that time, I biked across the streets and arrived home at 8 p.m. To build the video, I used PowerPoint. I am familiar to use PowerPoint to make slides and simple videos. This task was urgent, so I prefer to skilled tools. I Conceived the structure of the video, searched all the resources such as images and music, designed and built the whole video. It took me one and half an hour. After finishing the version V1.0, I tried to modify it and then finished V2.0 and V3.0. Maybe it was still not perfect, I were satisfied with all my endeavor. I made small progress one step by one step. It's the best way to reach your goals. Good night!


Too tired and so sleepy! At this moment , the only thing that I want to do now is going to bed. And I don't want to read English books and write. So good night And draw on.


This week I have run 0 kilometer. A little guilty. This month my goal for running is 80 km. How could I reach it? Run! Tomorrow morning I will run at least 5 km. It's too late, I must go to sleep at once. Have a good dream!


I heard the sentence "Cheese and bread " the day before yesterday. To my surprise, this sentence means astonishing or surprise. When you feel astonishing or surprise, you can say "Cheese and bread! " It's a slang in some English region.

I finished a 8.25 km run today morning. Totally, I have run 13.25 km this month. And this month I must finish 80 km. I will try my best to reach this goal. When you have a clear, reachable and measurable goal, your brain will complete the plan. To me, 80 km is a clear, reachable and measurable goal. I have confidence to reach that goal.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. As lots of people know, apples are good for people's health. Apple is rich in Vitamin C which is important to people's health. But I seldom eat apple and I don't have the habit of eating fruits. In my opinions, good habits, balanced diet and plenty of exercise are enough for our health. The most important thing is balance.


It doesn't matter that you go slowly than anybody else. All you should do is never stop. It doesn't matter that you have ever do something wrong. All you should do is to keep trying. It doesn't matter that you are old and you have no money. All you should do is to remember your dreams and pursue it. It doesn't matter that you lost all that had ever belonged to you but life. You can start again from now. It does matter that you give in your fate and do nothing but complaining. You can learning, laughing, singing and even crying, then taking actions. Do what you can do the best. If you can't fly then run; if you can't run then walk; if you can't walk then crawl.


You can't feel what everyone else feels. You can't see what everybody else see. But you must do something that you don't want to do for others. You must had ever said something that you didn't want to say. It's life, true life, everyone's life. You don't walk, time still will never stop. The sun will rise in the sky tomorrow morning.


Nothing to write!? No. What did you see? What did you hear? what did you think today? Write down what you've seen, what you've heard and what you've thought. Today I ran about 5 km with a slow speed. I hadn't run for a week.


"You raise me up to more than I can be. I am strong when I am on your shoulders. " These sentences are from the song of "You raise me up." The author of <You raise me up> is Secret Garden. I were moved by singers of Zhangjie and Liruntong last night. I like this song. Though I am not so good at singing, I want to learn to sing this song. Let me try it.


Learning is not easy. Learning how to learn is more important than learning itself. Learning is difficult. Learning how to learn is more difficult. But if you have mastered how to learn, you can learn anything well and quickly. I think the approaches that everyone learn are very different, you must find out your own learning approaches by practice.


It's late. It's hot, but I can't turn on the air conditioner because of my cough. I have taken lots of medicine, but I still cough. The cough has lasted for about one month. This make me unhappy. I don't want to see the doctor, I don't like going to the hospital.


It's sunny. It becomes hotter and hotter. Summer is coming close to us. I don't like summer so much. In south China, it's very hot in summer. People will feel irritable and become sweaty. Cold drinking and fruits are the most favorite food in summer. I like cold watermelons. After dinner, lots of young people will go to DapaiDang, a kind of restaurant to eat delicious food in GuangDong. They sit around the tables by the road drinking cold beers and trying yummy food. At the same time, they would also chat happily and sharing their all kinds of stories. It's one of the happy activities in summer.


Good night. It's 0:10 p.m. I am lying on the bed now. Tonight I finished a 3.4 km run. Now I feel a little hungry and tired. So, good bye. I want to be asleep.


Everyday I tell myself "You are a learner, you must learn something new. You should use what you learned to change your life, help more people, make more money ." When you become more useful to others, you are successful. Today I made a very simple presentation with Prezi. Usually I make presentations by PowerPoint. I am happy that I have got a new tool. Though they are tools to make presentations, Prezi is very different from PowerPoint.


……97,98,99……Yes, today is the NO. 99 day. I have already written in English for 99 days! Is it difficult? Yes but it is not all the thing. Writing in English is just a little thing, but it's meaningful to me. I said the best approach for learning English is to use it. I try to use English to record what's happened to me everyday, what I saw , read and thought. I try to use English to express my opinions, my feeling and my simple life. I am sure there must be lots of errors in what I wrote in English. I will correct them when I find the mistakes.


ENIAC is the world's first general-purpose programmable electronic computer. On April 12th, 1947 , it ran the first code written in modern paradigm. It was the birthday of computer programming as a profession. There were something interesting about this test code: it ran computations for the hydrogen bomb. These professional programmers were all women. Coding ENIAC to solve a single problem would take weeks. Now we can build a beautiful website in several hours. Coding become more easier and interesting. Everyone can learn coding and do it well.


Today I wrote down something about what I learned from my 100 days of using English. If we want to achieve our goal, make a clear goal is not enough, we must set some rules. For example, set a goal of learning English, we must some rules such as writing in English for 20 minutes everyday, reading English articles half an hour everyday, and so on. Then you must take actions seriously. These rules may not lead you to the goal. It's sure that you must go closely to your goal. I will continue to use English everyday. And I will use Chinese by writing paragraph everyday, too.


Today I set a goal of going to bed before 11:00 p.m. in a week. And you see, I failed at the first day. Now before going to sleep, I should finish this writing. Otherwise, I would eat my words twice today. Today I finished an 8.12 km run in the morning. Thanked for today's cloudy weather and cool temperature. Soon after my run, it began to rained. To finish my running goal of this month, I have about 36 km to run before next month. I hope tomorrow I would go out to run in good weather just like today. Now I must go to sleep, have a good night!


I just finished a 5.06 km run with a pace of 5'52" . Today I woke up at 6:00 am, half-hour earlier than usual mornings. I have finished writing in Chinese. Because I am so poor in writing, I decided not to post the Chinese-writing here until I can write in Chinese better.


I got up at 6:00 a.m. in the morning, then I finished a 3.4 km run with a pace of 6'0". It's the second times that I got up so early of this week. Because I had no other time to run, so I decided to get up half an hour earlier than before. I want to run in the morning, I think it maybe be a good time for me to run. In the morning no disturbing, no business, I am sure that I can run at that time if the weather permit. Of course, I will try this plan for a week. If I feel better, I will keep this habit for a long time.


"Imagine that you wear eyeglasses with serious distortions in the lens but are unaware of the problem......" When I read these sentences, I smiled. Yes, errors of perspective are like seriously distorted lenses, they inhabit our minds. They will shape the attitudes and habits we bring to the evaluation of issues and create expectations that bias our thinking. Moreover, we may not even be aware of their existence. The author introduce seven specific errors to readers: poverty of aspect, unwarranted assumptions, the either/or outlook, mindless conformity, absolutisim, relativism, and bias for or against change. I had a look at this chaper, learned something about these errors of perspective. I know have all these errors, maybe also have others errors that the author don't mentioned. These errors are obstructing my critical thinking. And I would try my best to evaluate my patterns of thought and avoid these errors.


Today morning I got up at 6 a.m. by the clock alarm. Last night I were not asleep so well. The ground is wet. I went out to run. Lots of residents were sleeping at that time. A few old women were walking on the road of our housing estate. Some with their pet dogs. It was silent, the air was fresh, light wind were blowing. I could only run for 20 minutes. After finished my run, I took a. shower. Then I went to work by bicycle.


Sometimes I felt what I wrote were so uninteresting and with so many errors. How dare you share these sentences in the Internet? Aren't you afraid of someone else's laughing at you? I worried about that sometimes. But most of times I encouraged myself: you are a beginner and learner of learning English. Your English must be better as long as you never give up using English. The more I use, the better I do with English. It's the only method and the best way to master English. Thinking that I am just a beginner, I will feel better when somebody else laugh at me. Thank for them to let me know I made a mistake, maybe I will be right next time.


We always believe we approach issues with perfect impartiality. Unfortunately, such is seldom the case. We will generally lean in one direction or another. It's a natural reaction, not only for us but also for everyone else. These sentences above are not written by me. They are from the book beyond feelings which I am reading continually. I learned the error called biased consideration of evidence. Leaning can cause us to commit that error.


Today I don't want to write anything. There is nothing odd or shameful about it. It's a natural emotion. When you don't want to do one thing, what will you do? I will do nothing. Just follow my feelings, tell myself "Do nothing if you don't want to". Maybe I need a relaxation, a long walk, a deep breath, a cup of tea, a talking with friends, ...... or just stay alone. Let go of your dream, goal, or task. Turn off the WIFI,Shut down your laptop, leave your cell phone, do anything you want to.


Today is the last day of April. I finished a 6.08 km run in the morning. I have finished 80 kilometers this month. And next month my plan is still to run 80 kilometers. I plan to run as soon as I get up in the morning. Last week I woke up at 6:00 a.m. everyday. Also I went out to run more than 3 km everyday.


What's the secret of writing? To write. Write at once. Numerous people are scared of writing. They would worry about other people's thought about their writing. They worry about making mistakes. They want to write a popular work right now. But they never start writing even one word. Then they thought "Oh, my god! Writing is so difficult for me to write. I can't write." As you see, it's their choice. They choose to believe they can't write and commit it. So if you want to write, write down at once. The more you write, the better you write. It's also the secret of learning everything. At the beginning of learning, you are sure to look stupidly. Don't care. Please pay attention to your growth. You are certainly to make progress so long as you do not stop learning.


Today I wasted more than 2 hours. I watched television programmes after work this night. I meant I should use these times to learn or do something meaningful. I were absorbed by the programmes. On television some people challenged some mission that seemed like impossible. Most people succeeded with patience and courage. The secret of their success is to practise. Practise day by day. Practise hundreds of times, thousands of times or millions of times. Maybe they had more talents than others. But they can't succeed without practice.


Got up at 6 A.M. and went out to run this morning. It took me about 20 minutes to finish a 3 km run. Back home then had a shower. Took my way to work by public bicycle. When I arrived, I were somewhat sweaty just liked after a shower. It is the No. 10th times that I got up and ran at 6 A.M. I hope that will become one of my good habits.


Tired. There were a heavy rain this morning. It was the same time that lots of people went to work. I made my way to work by DIDI. when I reached the office, my shoes were all wet. Also my trouserses were partly wet.


Do you want to keep fit? Yes. Do you often work out? No. So do you really want to keep fit? … If we often ask and answer ourselves some questions like this dialogue above, you will find what you really want. It's easy to set a goal, but it's hard to reach it. If the goal is not your really goal, if it is not a good goal, you are sure to be failed. A good goal will make you to take action at once, a bad goal will let you to postpone it. A good goal will make you exciting, enthusiastic and tireless. If you can't keep doing something, the most important thing is to think it over and find your really dream and good goal.


Goodbye, my dear Nike+. I don't wanna say goodbye, but I have to say goodbye to you. Thank you for your company when I ran every time in the past two years. When I were running, you always stayed with me, telling me the pace and the distance, encouraging me to finish my goals, recording my running trail, etc. Since about half a year ago, you don't work normally. I don't know the reason you don't work. I am so sad to speak out the word –goodbye. I have to uninstall you from my cell phone. Maybe you will be OK at sometime in the future, I will install you again. I am looking forward to that day coming soon.


Computational Thinking is suggested to be a fundamental skill for everyone, not just computer scientists. Computational Thinking includes (but are not limited to ) the following characteristics: 1.using abstractions and pattern recognition to represent the problem in new and different ways; 2.logically organizing and analyzing data; 3.breaking the problem down into smaller parts; 4.approaching the problem using programmatic thinking techniques such as iteration, symbolic representation, and logical operations; 5.reformulating the problem into series of ordered steps (algorithmic thinking ); 6.identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with the goal of achieving the most efficient and effective combination of steps and resources; 7.generalizing this problem–solving process to a wide variety of problems.


Too late. Now I want to be asleep at once. But I can't for I have something most important to do. What? Write down something in English about my life, my feeling or my thought. That's my homework. I don't think it's difficult for me to do this little things everyday. It's my love, my life and my dream.


Today is very busy. Some work should have been done for some times. But I postpone them till today. Anxious and stressed out. Tonight I have to go to sleep lately. Almost have no time to write down something about what happened today. I want to find the reason that I can't finish work on time. I also want to know how to be more efficient. Tonight isn't a good chance.


Go to bed early, get up early next morning. It is a good habit. It's good for your health. I find the pace of reading english articles is faster than before. Tonight I finished more than 10 pages of chapter 13.


Today I learned two sentences that I didn't know how to express before. The one "I am a late riser" means "I am a person that is used to getting up late". Another "I cut class " means "I didn't go to class intentionally ". I am glad to learn the two sentences. There are many ways to express the same meaning. From time to time I didn't know how to express what I want to say. It's normal. Because I have read such a few articles and books. I should read more books , listen more radio programmes and watch more English movies.


Writing is boring. Can I write something interesting? If I can, what should I write? If I can't , What is the reason? I have written for several months. None of the writings is interesting. I think the main reason is my life is simple and boring. I am a boring person. I can't make my life colourful , happy, full of joy. So what I have written only were boring.


Running is boring. When you are running, you can't do more anything else. You need pay attention to your feet, keep balance, the single thing you can do at the same time is thinking. One step by one step , you forward on the trails or track. Other exercises are more interesting than running, such as soccer, basketball, badminton, table tennis, etc. But I still prefer to running, I enjoy running. It's the best time of staying alone with myself, no disturbance, no talking. At that moment, you have a good chance talking to myself. Or you can have a meditation during running, don't thinking, just focusing on breath , your feeling, sound surround you ...


Computer Virus is codes that programmer coded for a hidden purpose. These codes is invisible. We can't see computer virus by our eyes. We must use anti-virus software to find and kill virus. Virus comes first, anti-virus software comes later. There are no anti-virus software without virus.


We always ask question before thinking it over. It's not good idea and habit.We ask for answer from others only. We are too lazy to think. It's humanity. We want to get answer without thinking by ourselves. Thinking is a hard work for our brains. We would rather doing other things than thinking, such as manual labour, doing exercise etc. But thinking is the most important skill of us. It's a treasure from our parents.


Knowing oneself is the key to wisdom. Do you really know who you are? I can't answer this question at once. I can tell you my name, my career, how old I am, which sport I like best, my favorite food ……But these are not the whole of me. To learn about myself, I should ask myself lots of probing questions. Some questions are easy to response, but some are hard to answer. To learn about ourselves maybe take the whole of our lifetimes.


Nothing to write? Nothing happened today? No. Rode to work at 7:18 A.M. , rode from work at 9:30 P.M. . I have left home for more than 14 hours today! I felt so tired. It's my choice, don't crying for that. Instead, thanks for providing me the job and I will do my endeavors to charge all my duty. I don't fear challenge and change. I have the abilities to learn, to adjust, to conform.


Let us read two sentences. "When my alarm goes off at 6 a.m., go out and do my run for today." "Got up at 6 a.m. and went out to run this morning." Both express the same meaning. The first sentence is from LEO BABAUTA's post. It's native English. The second is from my post. I am not so sure that the sentence from my post is correct. Maybe it's Chiness English. Imitation is one of the good ways to learn English. I think I can "stolen" the first sentence and write it down in my post. Then this native English sentence becomes mine.


Everyday is a chance to grow. Are you happier today than yesterday? Do you do your work more efficiently today? Are you healthier today? Do you learn something new today? Do you read a new book today? Do you make new friends? Do you think more critical? …… Good questions make us to grow rapidly. Questions are reminders that tell us don't forget to be growing. The most scared thing in our life is we stop learning and growing, we lose our curiosity and passion, we lose our hope.


I've got a little headache. This afternoon the boys and girls were so naughty in the class. Some of them talked as soon as you said something. They didn't listen to you even when they didn't chat. Then at the time of working by themselves, they didn't know how to do. They couldn't focus on what they should pay attention to.


Summer is coming. There are more and more mosquitoes appearing. They are flying silently, they are so smart that they hide themselves at somewhere where we are hardly to find them. Sometimes they fly near to the ground. When you are focusing on looking cell phones, reading books or watching TV, they bite you silently. If you are fortunately to find them, you kill them or you fail. This is a fight between human and mosquitoes. When the summer is coming, that happen all the time all over the world. Men hate mosquitoes not only for their bite but also for them spreading disease. Men use many methods to kill them. But mosquitoes multiply so quickly that men can't destroy them all entirely.


Today is Saturday. When I got up in the morning, I felt a little cold. The air is fresh. The ground is all wet. It must rained in the last night.
I didn't go out and didn't do my run. But I did a meditation. I seldom do meditation even though I know that meditation is good for promoting our intelligence.
After reading some articles, I wrote some sentences in Chinese. I found it's not easy to write 300 words even if you use your mother tongue. But I know the only way to improve my writing skills is to write more and practise more.


I have stopped my run for 2 days. This morning I got up at 6 a.m., went out and did my run for today. I finished a 10.10 km run. I am a slow runner. When I am running, I usually focus on my breath or my steps. Sometimes I think about something or some issues that disturb me recently. During my running times, I can think clearly and deeply. That is a good chance to talk to myself, to feel what my body's feeling, to stay alone with my self. Maybe that's why I enjoy so much running.


An old expression says "Men's best friend is his dog. " Dog is a loyal companion for his host. When the host is out, his dog guides the house. If someone strange tries to approach or enter the house, the dog barks until the stranger leaves. If the stranger doesn't leave, the dog will bite him. Dogs can accompany old men, lonely men or blind people. A guide dog can even guide his host to park, hospital, shopping mall or banks. Some kinds of dog can even take care of babies.


Love is patient and kind. What is love? Maybe that's the best answer. Love is not how much money you pay, how honey of your words, how many presents you give.Love is about how long do you want to stay with him or her.


Today we drove to Zhongshan and visited a primary school and a software company. It rained heavily today morning. But we didn't change our plan. We saw a beautiful primary school campus which have about 2000 pupils. It's furniture and decoration are very artistic and cultural. I think that the pupils who study in the school are very happy and lucky. The software company are very modern and powerful. It have many products of education. And we visited it's office and heard their introduction about their products. I am interested in their project organization. They unite different team to finish different project. One team have about several members. There are many teams in their company.


When you are back home from work at night , what do you usually do? Watching TV? Scanning moments of your friends on WeChat? Reading books? or just being in a daze? There are lots of Chinese people take lots of times on their smart cell phones. Most people take most of times on WeChat. They use WeChat to communicate with their friends, read articles from subscription accounts, share their beautiful moments, click like and write comments on their friends'moments. It seems that We can't live without WeChat or without WiFi.


We all know that Running is good for our health, and everyone can run. Running is a small challenge. Why are there a few people stick to running? They fear of failure. If they fail, they have to response for it. So they never start running. People like big challenges. If they fail, they can say it's too hard so they need not response for it.


Open my smart cell phone, want to write something, but I can write nothing. Am I happy today? Am I busy? Whom did I talk to? Talked what? What book did I read? What does the book tell? What didn't I think or feel? ……As long as I choose some questions above, I can write many many words or paragraphs. So there are no excuses or reasons to say I have nothing to write. If you really want to write, you even can't stop writing.


From A to C, I choose the B, pretend to be the Cow B. Cheese! Do you understand the meaning of this sentence? It's a typical Chinese English. I don't know how to tell you the exactly meaning. The Cow B means …? I don't know how to express the same meaning in English. Maybe powerful, successful, … Could you help me?


Today stayed with my family a whole day, without WIFI, without WECHAT. We went out and had a picnic with our friends in the park at noon. It's very hot but we were all happy. I spend too little time with my family at weekdays. At weekends and on vacations I want to spend more time staying with my family. We are on the DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL vacation, so I have plenty of time to stay with my family. Tomorrow we will go out to watch dragon boat race or show. That is will be lively and interesting.


Why do I have nothing to write someday? If it's true, that means no thinking, no learning, no listening, no seeing, even no feeling at that day. That is impossible! It's only an excuse. I must had listened, seen, felt, thought or learned something at that day. It's not the truth that I have nothing to write. The truth must be the fact that I don't want to write at that time. The brain of mine tell myself that it's not my fault but there is nothing to write. I needn't to be responsible for it. I myself cheat myself. So next time when my brain tell me that there is nothing to write, I will smile and reply calmly "It's not the truth. Don't trick me. Don't be lazy. Write at once! "


Today is the last day of June. Good weather, a little hot. I finished a 3.08 km run this morning, and I ran more than 100 km in total this month. I am very happy for I reach my goal of running this month. I had ever thought that I were too busy to run, I 'm busy, I have no time to run ……This month I adjusted my schedule : went to bed earlier, got up earlier and went out.


Too hot, always sweaty if we left the air condition. Today is the International Children's Day. The children are so happy with delicious food(snacks), drinks, lovely games, presents, movie. They have held a big school bargain in the afternoon. They tried to sell things, such as books, all kinds of drinks, toys, snacks, and so on. And they also bought themselves favorite things. They traded each other. It was not a trade, just a party or a game. But they will learn lots of things through this bargain, such as finance, economy, trade, bargain, cooperation etc.


How to run for 3 years? 3 years ago on the same date, I went out and had the first run. But I couldn't Imagine that I Could. have run for 3 years. How can I run for 3 year?what's


what's your purpose for running? 1.Running for yourself. Don't care of others' eyesight, just focus on your steps, your breath, your feeling. Don't mind of your pace and distance. 2.Start with small steps. If you don't often work out, please don't challenge your limit at the beginning. Start with 1 km or less, if you can't run, walking is OK. But don't give up, keep these exercises for at lest one month. As soon as you get used to these exercise, try a 2 km run for 1 month. 3. Make a record of your running. Just write down your running distance everyday. The simple record let you know your progress, improve your confidence. I hope these proposal can help you.


Do you like learning something new? Do you like challenge your opinions? Do you want personal change? If your answers are "yes ", please take action at once. Only actions can make change happen. If you want to be a famous writer, write right now, keep writing everyday. If you hope yourself become more strong, do workout at once, do exercises everyday, even just several minutes each time. If you want to read more books, put your phone down and open one book to read, read everyday no matter how busy you are. If your dream is to run a marathon, set an alarm at once. When you get up, go out and do your run everyday. As long as you take actions everyday, you are sure to make your dreams come true.


Yesterday I didn't write anything. It's a day off. Recently I always felt exhausting. I know I need read more books , learn more new words and grammar. Writing is an output . To output more, it's necessary for me to input more. Read books, listen radios, watch TV, see movies, browse webs ……
These are all good ways, but it is not enough. I need more actions: recording good sentences, imitating speaking, imitating writing


It rained hardly at the middle of last night. I awoke by the noise of the rain and wind. Too tired and sleepy. After a few minutes, tried to get up and closed the window of the study, put away the clothes from the hanger. It was about 2 a.m. Then went back to bed and slept.


Yesterday didn't write anything, tired, went to bed earlier. Yesterday I closed my personal website on QQ to see whether I still can stick to write in English. only I myself can see my posts. No friends' likes, no comments. Do I still have passion in writing or learning?


I haven't written diaries for 3 days. I can write some sentences, but not logically, not topically, not clarified. I want to improve writing skills, maybe the key to improve writing skill isn't about writing. It is about the quality of thinking. What is your opinion? Why do you have this opinion? How this opinion can help you or others? If you have an unclear concept, you should think it over and over before you write about it. The more clarified, clearly you think, the more logically you can write.


Today I finished reading the book Beyond The Feelings. It took me almost one year to read it. The author help readers to be conscious about their thinking errors. Also the author give methods to avoid these errors. Critical thinking is not so easy to master. To become a critical thinker, we need more practices about asking appropriate questions, investigate evidences, inquiry arguments, draw conclusions and so on. This is the second English book that I have read. Congratulation, Alan. You have read 2 English books.


If we want to change the world, we need to change the way it works. The sentence above is from a short ad movie which impress me most. I have stopped writing in English for several days. I want to change the way I write, not just write some loose sentences to record my life. A short passage one time. It's hard tasks for me to write short passage, for I can't even write short passages with my first language –Chinese. But I must try it, it's the only way to improve the qualities of thinking and writing.


Today morning I finished a 10 km run on a little mountain . I haven't have such a long distance run for one month. I felt very tired after my run. I need more practice , more run to let me feel better during my running. In the past several months I usually had a short distance run, such 3 or 5 km, no long distance run. My body can't finish a long distance.



A sentence from an English children's song "I wish I might, I wish I may , Have wish what I wish today." The word "wish" have three different meanings in this sentence. In English lots of words have many meanings, so we must check every sentence from the context.

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