Me:Can you tell me a love story about you or others you heard. I like to write story maybe you can give me idea.
Swindler 1:I have 2 gf.The first betryed me with my friend. The second like to drunk so we separate.
Swindler 2: I have 1 gf, she betrayed me with my friend.
Me: What is the most exciting(happy) moment with you and her? I need know some detail moving monent.
Swindler1: You are funny. You know what a man and a women will do during love period.
Swindler2:We like shopping and do the gym together.
Me: Dont think too much.
Say some moving activities both you like in public not on bed. I like good love story.
Swindler1:She advice me all time and make me happy and let me know what is love.
Swindler 2:Its a longtime before. I dont want to mention.Can you share your love story?
Me:It sounds good. But everyone will do that during love period.Any special detail mermoy belong to you and her.
Swindler 1 & 2: Haha. I dont remenber.
Me: Do you love me now?
Swindler 1: Yes i love you.
Me: What kind of my personality do you like?
Swindler:I love the way you sound to me you make me happy.
Me:Will you easily say this love words to all kind girls everyday?
Swindler 1: I only love you
Me: I think you have practice many times
then say it so easily.
Swindler 1:No. Not all girls or woman I love but for you now I'm so happy to have you here.
Me:Here is an old word from China.
相信男人的嘴 不如信鬼.
To trust ghost better than man's mouth
Swindler 1: Haha, you are.funny. That's why i love you.