The commander in chief’s method focuses onwinning the minds of the valiant, rewarding and providing salaries to themeritorious, and having his will penetrate to the masses. Thus if he has the same likes as the masses, there is nothing he will not accomplish. If he has the same dislikes as the masses, there is nothing he will not overturn. Governing the state and giving security to one’s family is a question of gaining the people. Losing the state and destroying one's family is a question of losing thepeople. All living beings want to realize their ambitions.
The Military Pronouncements' states: “Thesoft can control the hard, the weak can control the strong.” The soft isVirtue. The hard is a brigand. The weak is what the people will help, thestrong is what resentment will attack. The soft has situations in which it isestablished; the hard has situations in which it is applied; the weak hassituations in which it is employed; and the strong has situations in which itis augmented. Combine these four and control them appropriately.
When neither the beginning nor end has yetbecome visible, no one is able to know them. Heaven and Earth are spiritual andenlightened, with the myriad things they change and transform. His changes andmovements should not be constant. He should change and transform in response tothe enemy. He does not precede affairs; when the enemy moves he immediately followsup. Thus he is able to formulate inexhaustible strategies and methods of control, sustain and complete theawesomeness of Heaven, bring tranquility and order to the extremes of the eightdirections, and gather and settle the Nine Barbarians. Such a strategist is ateacher for an emperor or a true king.
Thus I say everyone covets strength, butrare are those capable of preserving the subtle. If someone can preserve thesubtle he can protect his life. The Sage preserves it in order to respond tothe slightest change in affairs. If he releases it then it will extendthroughout the Four Seas. If he rolls it up it will not fill a cup. He dwellsin it, but without a house. He guards it, but without city walls. He stores itaway in his breast, and enemy states submit.
The Military Pronouncements states: “If one can be soft and hard, his state will be increasingly glorious! If one can be weak and strong, his state will be increasingly illustrious! If purely soft and purely weak, his state will inevitably decline. If purely hard and purely strong, his state will inevitably be destroyed.”