Chapter 2 2017-06-20
In my experience, survivors want the opportunity to teach and not be shunned because they went through something unknowable.
释义:v to deliberately avoid someone or something
Eg:Victims of the disease found themselves shunned by society.
造句:As a shy girl, I always shun publicity
2.dredge /dredʒ/
Still, people hesitate to ask questions out of concern that probing will dredge up trauma.
释义:to talk about something bad or unpleasant that happened in the past 翻(旧帐),揭(伤疤),重提(不快往事)
Eg: The article dredged up details of her unhappy childhood.
造句:Now she was dredging up memories from the depths of her mind.
In China and Japan, the ideal emotion state is calm and composed
释义:seeming calm and not upset or angry 的解释Composed
typically describes an outward appearance, so you could be angry on the inside but still maintain a composed manner that hides what you’re really feeling.
You’ll often hear the word used to describe someone who can keep everything
under control during times of stress.就是隐藏内心的情绪,不写在脸上
同时还有我们熟悉的短语 be composed of
Eg:He appeared very composed despite the stress he was under.
造句:Ding Junhui is a composed guy who always hides his inner feelings.
4.Pour into
I poured my emotions into a post but didn’t think I’d ever share it—it was too personal, too raw, too revealing.
to give a lot of effort, money, or help to someone or something
此外还有一个短语 pour in表示大量涌入(图片)
Eg:They’ve already poured a lot of time and money into this project.
造句:The government poured into a great deal of money to help the poor.
For the hard-core Catholic Filipino immigrants that my parents were, having a gay son was never part of the plan
You can refer to the members of a group who are the most committed
to its activities or who are the most involved in them as a hard core of
members or as the hard-core members. (团体、组织中的)中坚力量,骨干分子,核心分子
例:the hardcore of the Communist party
造句:Muji got a hard core of customers.
Silence can increase suffering.
I know you don’t know yet what will happen-and neither do I. But you won’t go through this alone. I will be there with you every step of the way.
我想到了之前看的的一部关于抑郁症的短片,他把抑郁症比喻成一只Black dog,和这个elephant有些类似。