被安利了一种叫做 Adactylidium 的螨虫的奇特生命周期,这个物种的人生就是死循环啊:
Adactylidium is a genus of mites known for its unusual life cycle. The pregnant female mite feeds upon a single egg of a thrips, growing five to eight female offspring and one male in her body. The offspring devour their mother from the inside out, and the single male mite mates with all the daughters when they are still in the mother. The females, now impregnated, cut holes in their mother's body so that they can emerge to find new thrips eggs. The male emerges as well, but does not look for food or new mates, and dies after a few hours. The females die at the age of 4 days, when their own offspring eat them alive from the inside.
the words "chuffed", "egregious", and "nonplussed" all have two different meanings that are complete opposites.
部位 | 单词 |
头部 | head |
头发 | hair |
额头 | forehead |
眉毛 | eyebrow |
眼睛 | eye |
鼻子 | nose |
脸颊 | cheek |
耳朵 | ear |
鼻子 | nose |
小胡子(嘴巴上面) | moustache |
嘴巴 | mouth |
胡子(嘴巴下面) | beard |
下巴 | chin |
脖子 | neck |
喉结 | prominentia laryngeal |
躯干 | body |
肩膀 | shoulder |
腋窝 | armpit |
胳膊 | arm |
手肘 | elbow |
手腕 | wrist |
手 | hand |
手指 | finger |
拇指 | thumb |
胸膛/乳房 | breast |
肚子 | belly |
腰 | waist |
屁股 | ass/bottom |
腿 | leg |
大腿 | thigh |
小腿 | calf |
膝盖 | knee |
脚 | foot |
器官 | organ |
心脏 | heart |
肝脏 | liver |
脾脏 | spleens |
肺脏 | lungs |
肾脏 | kidneys |
肠 | guts |