下图10所示为缓冲罐液位斜坡响应:假设出容器流量每小时增加1 Mlb/hr,液位大约会以1%/60min的速率下降。斜坡值(如图所示为-0.0154)即液位变化率,是基于模型响应的最后两个系数计算的。在60min时响应依旧在下降,这表明系统依旧存于不平衡状态。
Prediction update预测更新
图11: 稳态变量的预测反馈校正
Ramp variables are handled differently than steady-state variables in the DMCplus controller. The model responses also look somewhat different.
Figure 10 below shows the ramp response for level in a surge tank: For a 1 Mlb/hr increase in flow out of the vessel, the level will drop by almost 1 percent after 60 minutes. The value ofthe ramp (shown as -0.0154) is calculated as the rate of change in the level,based on the last two coefficients in the model response. The response is still dropping at 60 minutes; this indicates that an imbalance in the system exists.
Prediction update
To correct the prediction vector for a steady-state variable using feedback methods, the observed prediction error (measured value-predicted value) is added to each element of the prediction vector (see Figure 11 below).This corresponds to a simple shift in the prediction vector by a constant value.What this assumes is that in the absence of other knowledge, the currently observed error will neither grow nor shrink.
For a ramp variable on the other hand,an observed prediction error can be related to an incorrect prediction in the rate of material accumulation in the system. In this case, the prediction error will continue to grow unless the prediction is "rotated" to account for this error in imbalance prediction.
To correct a ramp prediction using feedback methods,the prediction vector is first shifted by an amount equal to the prediction error, just as for steady-state variables. Next, however, the prediction is "rotated";that is, a ramp vector proportional to the prediction error is added to the prediction vector. The rotation factor determines how aggressively the prediction is rotated (see Figure 12 below).
The rotation factor can bethought of as the fraction of the error used to rotate the prediction vector(see Figure 13 below). A rotation factor of zero (0) means no rotation, while a one (1) means that all of the observed prediction error is attributed to error in the imbalance prediction.