You can add a segmented entry control to a form when you want that form to show an account number and related dimensions from the chart of accounts. In addition, you use the segmented entry control to associate an account and related financial dimensions with the record that appears in the form. To update the values in the control, you can use a lookup or a list of recently used values to select a value for each segment. Finally, you can have the control validate the updated segments to ensure the account and financial dimensions are a valid combination:
static void AC_Test(Args _args)
CustTable custTable;
VendTable vendTable;
LedgerDimensionAccount led;
while select vendTable where vendTable.AccountNum == "F00424"
info(strFmt("%1,",DimensionStorage::accountNum2LedgerDimension('F00424', LedgerJournalACType::Vend)));
info(strFmt("%1,",DimensionStorage::getDynamicAccount('F00424', LedgerJournalACType::Vend)));