- siamfc-pytorch代码讲解(一):backbone&head
- siamfc-pytorch代码讲解(二):train&siamfc
- 代码来自:https://github.com/huanglianghua/siamfc-pytorch
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
from siamfc import TrackerSiamFC
if __name__ == '__main__':
seq_dir = os.path.expanduser('D:\\OTB\\Crossing\\')
img_files = sorted(glob.glob(seq_dir + 'img/*.jpg'))
anno = np.loadtxt(seq_dir + 'groundtruth_rect.txt', delimiter=',')
net_path = 'pretrained/siamfc_alexnet_e50.pth'
tracker = TrackerSiamFC(net_path=net_path)
tracker.track(img_files, anno[0], visualize=True)
- 上面的
路径自己该,我这次是windows测试的,所以这样写了(看着有点不规范)。 -
我多加了一点代码:, delimiter=','
ValueError: could not convert string to float
- 下面几行就是用训练好的siamfc_alexnet_e50.pth模型进行tracking,给定的是img_files:视频序列;anno[0]就是第一帧中的ground truth bbox。
现在就来看一下类TrackerSiamFC下的track方法。这个函数的作用就是传入video sequence和first frame中的ground truth bbox,然后通过模型,得到后续帧的目标位置,可以看到主要有两个函数实现:init和update,这也是继承Tracker需要重写的两个方法:
:就是传入第一帧的标签和图片,初始化一些参数,计算一些之后搜索区域的中心等等 -
def track(self, img_files, box, visualize=False):
frame_num = len(img_files)
boxes = np.zeros((frame_num, 4))
boxes[0] = box
times = np.zeros(frame_num)
for f, img_file in enumerate(img_files):
img = ops.read_image(img_file)
begin = time.time()
if f == 0:
self.init(img, box)
boxes[f, :] = self.update(img)
times[f] = time.time() - begin
if visualize:
ops.show_image(img, boxes[f, :])
return boxes, times
2.1 init(self, img, box)
def init(self, img, box):
# set to evaluation mode
# convert box to 0-indexed and center based [y, x, h, w]
box = np.array([
box[1] - 1 + (box[3] - 1) / 2,
box[0] - 1 + (box[2] - 1) / 2,
box[3], box[2]], dtype=np.float32)
self.center, self.target_sz = box[:2], box[2:]
# create hanning window
self.upscale_sz = self.cfg.response_up * self.cfg.response_sz # 272
self.hann_window = np.outer(
self.hann_window /= self.hann_window.sum()
# search scale factors
self.scale_factors = self.cfg.scale_step ** np.linspace(
-(self.cfg.scale_num // 2),
self.cfg.scale_num // 2, self.cfg.scale_num) # 1.0375**(-2,-0.5,1)
# exemplar and search sizes
context = self.cfg.context * np.sum(self.target_sz)
self.z_sz = np.sqrt(np.prod(self.target_sz + context))
self.x_sz = self.z_sz * \
self.cfg.instance_sz / self.cfg.exemplar_sz
# exemplar image
self.avg_color = np.mean(img, axis=(0, 1))
z = ops.crop_and_resize(
img, self.center, self.z_sz,
# print(z.shape) # [127,127,3]
# exemplar features [H,W,C]->[C,H,W]
z = torch.from_numpy(z).to(
self.device).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).float()
self.kernel = self.net.backbone(z) # torch.Size([1, 256, 6, 6])
- 一开始,就是把输入的ltwh格式的box转变为[y, x, h, w]格式的,这个看过我第二篇的就很清楚了,然后记录bbox的中心和宽高size信息,以备后用(如下图黑色字体表示的)
- 这里计算了响应图上采样后的大小upscale_sz,因为论文中有这样一句话:
We found that upsampling the score map using bicubic interpolation, from 17 × 17 to 272 × 272, results in more accurate localization since the original map is relatively coarse.
也就是17×16=272 - 然后创建了一个汉宁窗(hanning window),也叫余弦窗【可以看这里】,论文中说是增加惩罚:
Online, ... and a cosine window is added to the score map to penalize large displacements
- 论文中提到两个变体,一个是5个尺度的,一个是3个尺度的(这里就是),5个尺度依次是,代码中3个尺度是
- context 就是边界的语义信息,为了计算z_sz和x_sz,最后送入crop_and_resize去抠出搜索区域【我第二篇博客有讲这个函数】,<font color=blue> z_sz大小可以看下面蓝色方形框</font>,<font color=#FF1493> x_sz大小可以看下面粉色方形框</font>,最后抠出z_sz大小的作为exemplar image,并送入backbone,输出embedding,也可以看作是一个固定的互相关kernel,为了之后的相似度计算用,如论文中提到:
We found that updating (the feature representation of) the exemplar online through simple strategies, such as linear interpolation, does not gain much performance and thus we keep it fixed
2.2 update(self, img)
def update(self, img):
# set to evaluation mode
# search images
x = [ops.crop_and_resize(
img, self.center, self.x_sz * f,
border_value=self.avg_color) for f in self.scale_factors]
x = np.stack(x, axis=0) # [3, 255, 255, 3]
x = torch.from_numpy(x).to(
self.device).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float()
# responses
x = self.net.backbone(x) # [3, 256, 22, 22]
responses = self.net.head(self.kernel, x) # [3, 1, 17, 17]
responses = responses.squeeze(1).cpu().numpy() # [3, 17, 17]
# upsample responses and penalize scale changes
responses = np.stack([cv2.resize(
u, (self.upscale_sz, self.upscale_sz),
for u in responses]) # [3, 272, 272]
responses[:self.cfg.scale_num // 2] *= self.cfg.scale_penalty
responses[self.cfg.scale_num // 2 + 1:] *= self.cfg.scale_penalty
# peak scale
scale_id = np.argmax(np.amax(responses, axis=(1, 2))) # which channel is max
# peak location
response = responses[scale_id]
response -= response.min()
response /= response.sum() + 1e-16
response = (1 - self.cfg.window_influence) * response + \
self.cfg.window_influence * self.hann_window
loc = np.unravel_index(response.argmax(), response.shape)
# locate target center: disp stand for displacement
disp_in_response = np.array(loc) - (self.upscale_sz - 1) / 2
disp_in_instance = disp_in_response * \
self.cfg.total_stride / self.cfg.response_up
disp_in_image = disp_in_instance * self.x_sz * \
self.scale_factors[scale_id] / self.cfg.instance_sz
self.center += disp_in_image
# update target size
scale = (1 - self.cfg.scale_lr) * 1.0 + \
self.cfg.scale_lr * self.scale_factors[scale_id]
self.target_sz *= scale
self.z_sz *= scale
self.x_sz *= scale
# return 1-indexed and left-top based bounding box
box = np.array([
self.center[1] + 1 - (self.target_sz[1] - 1) / 2,
self.center[0] + 1 - (self.target_sz[0] - 1) / 2,
self.target_sz[1], self.target_sz[0]])
return box
- update顾名思义就是对后续的帧更新出bbox来,因为是tracking phase,所以把模型设成eval mode。然后在这新的帧里抠出search images,根据之前init里生成的3个尺度,然后resize成255×255,特别一点,我们可以发现search images在resize之前的边长x_sz大约为target_sz的4倍,这也印证了论文中的:
we only search for the object within a region of approximately four times its previous size
- 然后将这3个尺度的patch(也就是3个搜索范围)拼接一起,送入backbone,生成emdding后与之前的kernel进行互相关,得到score map,这些tensor的shape代码里都有标注,得到3个17×17的responses,然后对每一个response进行上采样到272×272
- 上面的
就是对尺度进行惩罚,我是这样理解的,因为中间的尺度肯定是接近于1,其他两边的尺度不是缩一点就是放大一点,所以给以惩罚,如论文中说:Any change in scale is penalized
- 之后就选出这3个通道里面最大的那个,并就行归一化和余弦窗惩罚,然后通过
找到一张response上峰值点(peak location)【关于这个函数可以看这里】 - 接下来的问题就是:在response图中找到峰值点,那这在原图img中在哪里呢?所以我们要计算位移(displacement),因为我们原本都是以目标为中心的,认为最大峰值点应该在response的中心,所以
就是峰值点和response中心的位移。 - 因为之前在img上crop下一块instance patch,然后resize,然后送入CNN的backbone,然后score map又进行上采样成response,所以要根据这过程,逆回去计算对应在img上的位移,所以
就是在做这件事,也可以看下面的图 - 根据
修正center,然后update target size,因为论文有一句:update the scale by linear interpolation with a factor of 0.35 to provide damping
,但是似乎参数不太对得上,线性插值可以看下面<font color=#00BFFF>蓝色</font>的图,因为更新后的scale还是很接近1,所以bbox区域不会变化很大 - 最后根据ops.show_image输入的需要,又得把bbox格式改回ltwh的格式
三、checkpoint and demo