// Double-Up.jsx
// This script creates duplicates of the layers in a composition and
// lays them side by side with the original layers. You can use this
// script to compare different settings on the same footage.
// Notes:
// This script works best when it is initially applied to a footage layer
// that's the same size as and centered within its composition.
// Re-running the script allows you to double-up the previous layers.
function DoubleUp()
var doubleUpData = new Object();
doubleUpData.scriptName = "Double-Up";
doubleUpData.strErrNoCompSel = "Select or open a composition, then try again.";
doubleUpData.favorLongerDim = 0; // set to 1 to lay side-by-side along longest dimension (width or height)
var comp = app.project.activeItem;
if ((comp == null) || !(comp instanceof CompItem)) {
alert(doubleUpData.strErrNoCompSel, doubleUpData.scriptName);
var selLayers = new Array();
for (var i=1; i<=comp.numLayers; i++)
selLayers[selLayers.length] = comp.layer(i);
// first layer is the first selected layer; this controls width and height
var firstLayer = selLayers[0];
// revised comp settings
var widthIsLonger = (comp.width > comp.height);
var xOffset = (doubleUpData.favorLongerDim == widthIsLonger) ? comp.width : 0;
var yOffset = (doubleUpData.favorLongerDim == widthIsLonger) ? 0 : comp.height;
comp.width = comp.width * ((doubleUpData.favorLongerDim == widthIsLonger) ? 2 : 1);
comp.height = comp.height * ((doubleUpData.favorLongerDim == widthIsLonger) ? 1 : 2);
for (var i=0; i<selLayers.length; i++) {
var newLayer = selLayers[i].duplicate();
newLayer.name = selLayers[i].name;
newLayer.position.setValue([selLayers[i].position.value[0] + xOffset, selLayers[i].position.value[1] + yOffset]);
提示: 作者知了-联系方式1
提示: 作者知了-联系方式2