
首先感谢祖国,可以无忧无虑的码代码 ~

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoudlers of giants.




如果各位看官没有想到怎么使用runtime的话,且容笔者留个悬念,后续揭晓 ~

o(* ̄3 ̄)o


runtime 源码下载 o(* ̄3 ̄)o

1. 类与基础数据结构

1.1 Class


/// An opaque type that represents an Objective-C class.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;

而 结构体objc_classobjc/runtime.h)的定义为

struct objc_class {
    Class _Nonnull isa  OBJC_ISA_AVAILABILITY;

#if !__OBJC2__
    Class _Nullable super_class                              OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    const char * _Nonnull name                               OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    long version                                             OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    long info                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    long instance_size                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_ivar_list * _Nullable ivars                  OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_method_list * _Nullable * _Nullable methodLists                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_cache * _Nonnull cache                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_protocol_list * _Nullable protocols          OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;

  • isa:在OC中,所有的类本身也是一个对象,这个对象的Class里面有一个指针,指向该类metaClass
  • super_class:指向该类的父类,如果该类已经是顶层根类(NSObjectNSProxy)的话,则为NULL
  • name:类的名字
  • version:使用这个字段提供类的版本信息,默认为0,这对于对象的序列化非常有用,可以识别出 不同 版本类 定义中 实例变量布局 的改变
  • info:提供运行时使用的一些标识,有如下一些位掩码:
    CLS_CLASS (0x1L) 表示该类为普通class,其中包含实例方法和变量
    CLS_META (0x2L) 表示该类为metaclass,其中包含类方法
    CLS_INITIALIZED (0x4L) 表示该类已经被运行时初始化了,这个标识位只被 objc_addClass 所设置
    CLS_POSING (0x8L) 表示该类被pose成其他的类;(poseclassObjC 2.0中被废弃了)
    CLS_MAPPED (0x10L) 为运行时所使用
    CLS_FLUSH_CACHE (0x20L) 为运行时所使用
    CLS_GROW_CACHE (0x40L) 为运行时所使用
    CLS_NEED_BIND (0x80L) 为运行时所使用
    CLS_METHOD_ARRAY (0x100L) 该标志位指示methodLists是指向一个 objc_method_list还是一个包含objc_method_list指针的数组;
  • instance_size:该实例变量的大小,包括从父类继承下来的实例变量
  • ivars:成员变量数组
  • methodList:方法的数组,与info的一些标志位有关,CLS_METHOD_ARRAY标识位决定其指向的是,单个objc_method_list,还是一个objc_method_list指针数组,如果info设置了 CLS_CLASSobjc_method_list存储实例方法,如果设置的是CLS_META则存储类方法
  • cache:用于缓存最近使用到的方法,一个接收者对象接收到消息时候,会依据isa指针去查找可以响应该消息的对象。在实际使用的时候,对象只有部分方法是常用的,这种情况下,如果每次来消息时候都去methodLists中遍历一遍的话,会影响性能,这个时候就用上了cache,每次调用一个方法后,这个方法就会被缓存到cache列表中,下次调用的时候runtime就会优先到cache中查找,如果没有查到的话,才去methodList中查找方法,这样对于经常用到的方法可以提高效率
  • protocols:协议的数组


1.2 objc_object 和 id


/// Represents an instance of a class.
struct objc_object {
    Class _Nonnull isa  OBJC_ISA_AVAILABILITY;

/// A pointer to an instance of a class.
typedef struct objc_object *id;



id类型,是一个objc_object结构体类型的指针,id的存在可以实现类似于C++中泛型的一些操作,有点类似Cvoid *指针类型的作用

1.3 objc_cache
struct objc_cache {
    unsigned int mask /* total = mask + 1 */                 OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    unsigned int occupied                                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    Method _Nullable buckets[1]                              OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;


  • mask:一个整数,指定分配的buckets的数量,在运行时 查找方法的过程中,使用这个字段来确定 开始线性查找 数组的索引的位置,指向 方法selector的指针 与 该字段做AND位操作(index = mask & selector),可以作为一个简单的hash散列算法
  • occupied:一个整数,指定实际占用的缓存bucket的总数
  • buckets:指向Method数据结构指针的数组,这个数组长度不能超过mask + 1。这个指针也可能是NULL,表示这个buckets没有被占用,被占用的bucket可能是不连续的,这个数组内元素也可能随着时间而增加
1.4 元类 MetaClass

所有类的自身也是一个对象,可以向这个对象发送消息 即调用类方法

NSArray *array = [NSArray array];

+ (instancetype)array;

NSArray是一个对象,因此也会有一个objc_object类型的指针,包含一个指向其类的isa指针(参考 1.2),为了调用+ array方法,这个类的isa指针,必须指向一个包含这些类方法的objc_class(参考1.1)的结构体


图1.4 类与metaClass的继承体系


Class newClass = objc_allocateClassPair([NSString class], "NewClass", 0);
class_addMethod(newClass, @selector(showMetaClass), (IMP)ShowMetaClass, "v@:");

id instance = [[newClass alloc] init];
[instance performSelector:@selector(showMetaClass)];

void ShowMetaClass(id self, SEL _cmd) {
    NSLog(@"this object is --> %p, class is --> %@, superclass is --> %@", self, [self class], [self superclass]);
    Class currentClass = [self class];
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        // i == 0 实例对象 currentClass 的地址和类,实例对象的 isa 指向 当前对象的所属类
        NSLog(@"次数 --> %d, 当前类或者实例所属类 --> %@, isa指针 指向 --> %@ == %p", i, currentClass, object_getClass(currentClass), object_getClass(currentClass));

        currentClass = objc_getMetaClass(object_getClassName(currentClass));
    NSLog(@"NSObject's class is %p", [NSObject class]);
    NSLog(@"NSObject's metaclass is %p", object_getClass(CFBridgingRelease((__bridge void *)[NSObject class])));
    NSLog(@"NSObject's metaclass is %@", objc_getMetaClass(object_getClassName([NSObject class])));

// 输出:
this object is --> 0x600000013c80, class is --> NewClass, superclass is --> NSString
次数 --> 0, 当前类或者实例所属类 --> NewClass, isa指针 指向 --> NewClass == 0x60000005ea20
次数 --> 1, 当前类或者实例所属类 --> NewClass, isa指针 指向 --> NSObject == 0x10ac96e38
次数 --> 2, 当前类或者实例所属类 --> NSObject, isa指针 指向 --> NSObject == 0x10ac96e38
次数 --> 3, 当前类或者实例所属类 --> NSObject, isa指针 指向 --> NSObject == 0x10ac96e38
次数 --> 4, 当前类或者实例所属类 --> NSObject, isa指针 指向 --> NSObject == 0x10ac96e38
NSObject's class is 0x10ac96e88
NSObject's metaclass is 0x10ac96e38
NSObject's metaclass is NSObject

之后的循环就是 元类NSObjectisa指向当前元类自身了(可以结合 图1.4)~

2. 类与对象的操作函数


2.1 类的操作函数
  • class_getName获取类名
/* Working with Classes */

 * Returns the name of a class.
 * @param cls A class object.
 * @return The name of the class, or the empty string if \e cls is \c Nil.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nonnull
class_getName(Class _Nullable cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_getSuperclass获取父类
 * Returns the superclass of a class.
 * @param cls A class object.
 * @return The superclass of the class, or \c Nil if
 *  \e cls is a root class, or \c Nil if \e cls is \c Nil.
 * @note You should usually use \c NSObject's \c superclass method instead of this function.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
class_getSuperclass(Class _Nullable cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_isMetaClass判断一个类是否是元类
 * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a class object is a metaclass.
 * @param cls A class object.
 * @return \c YES if \e cls is a metaclass, \c NO if \e cls is a non-meta class, 
 *  \c NO if \e cls is \c Nil.
class_isMetaClass(Class _Nullable cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_getInstanceSize获取实例变量的大小
 * Returns the size of instances of a class.
 * @param cls A class object.
 * @return The size in bytes of instances of the class \e cls, or \c 0 if \e cls is \c Nil.
class_getInstanceSize(Class _Nullable cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// ---
NSString *str = @"123";
NSLog(@"%zu", class_getInstanceSize([str class]));
// 8
2.2 成员变量和属性


struct objc_ivar {
    char * _Nullable ivar_name                               OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    char * _Nullable ivar_type                               OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    int ivar_offset                                          OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
#ifdef __LP64__
    int space                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
}                                                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
/// An opaque type that represents an instance variable.
typedef struct objc_ivar *Ivar;
2.2.1 成员变量操作函数
  • ivar_getName
 * Returns the name of an instance variable.
 * @param v The instance variable you want to enquire about.
 * @return A C string containing the instance variable's name.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nullable
ivar_getName(Ivar _Nonnull v) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • ivar_getTypeEncoding
 * Returns the type string of an instance variable.
 * @param v The instance variable you want to enquire about.
 * @return A C string containing the instance variable's type encoding.
 * @note For possible values, see Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide > Type Encodings.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nullable
ivar_getTypeEncoding(Ivar _Nonnull v) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • ivar_getOffset
    对于id类型 或 其他对象类型的变量,可以使用object_getIvarobject_setIvar来直接访问成员变量,而不使用偏移量
 * Returns the offset of an instance variable.
 * @param v The instance variable you want to enquire about.
 * @return The offset of \e v.
 * @note For instance variables of type \c id or other object types, call \c object_getIvar
 *  and \c object_setIvar instead of using this offset to access the instance variable data directly.
OBJC_EXPORT ptrdiff_t
ivar_getOffset(Ivar _Nonnull v) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_getInstanceVariable
 * Returns the \c Ivar for a specified instance variable of a given class.
 * @param cls The class whose instance variable you wish to obtain.
 * @param name The name of the instance variable definition to obtain.
 * @return A pointer to an \c Ivar data structure containing information about 
 *  the instance variable specified by \e name.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
class_getInstanceVariable(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

想要获取ffSpringInfo父类中属性@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *ff_seasonStr;的值

@interface FFSeasonModel ()
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *ff_seasonStr; // 初始化为 @"这是父类的私有属性"

// --- 
Ivar strSuperIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([FFSpringModel class], "_ff_seasonStr");
const char * strSuperName = ivar_getName(strSuperIvar);
const char * strSuperEncoding = ivar_getTypeEncoding(strSuperIvar);
ptrdiff_t strSuperOffset = ivar_getOffset(strSuperIvar);
NSLog(@"%s, %s, %td", strSuperName, strSuperEncoding, strSuperOffset);
// _ff_seasonStr, @"NSString", 8

id strSuperValue = object_getIvar(ffSpringInfo, strSuperIvar);
NSLog(@"%@", strSuperValue);
// 这是父类的私有属性

想要获取ffSpringInfo中属性@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *springStr;的值

FFSpringModel *ffSpringInfo = [FFSpringModel new];
ffSpringInfo.springStr = @"ff_spring";
ffSpringInfo.springBool = false;

Ivar strSpringIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([ffSpringInfo class], "_springStr");
const char * strName = ivar_getName(strSpringIvar);
const char * strEncoding = ivar_getTypeEncoding(strSpringIvar);
ptrdiff_t strOffset = ivar_getOffset(strSpringIvar);
NSLog(@"%s, %s, %td", strName, strEncoding, strOffset);
// _springStr, @"NSString", 16

id strValue = object_getIvar(ffSpringInfo, strSpringIvar);
NSLog(@"%@", strValue);
// ff_spring

Ivar boolSpringIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([ffSpringInfo class], "_springBool");
const char * boolName = ivar_getName(boolSpringIvar);
const char * boolEncoding = ivar_getTypeEncoding(boolSpringIvar);
ptrdiff_t boolOffset = ivar_getOffset(boolSpringIvar);
NSLog(@"%s, %s, %td", boolName, boolEncoding, boolOffset);
// _springBool, B, 8

id boolValue = object_getIvar(ffSpringInfo, boolSpringIvar);
NSLog(@"%@", boolValue);
// (null)

这里存在一个问题,object_getIvar方法如果传入值的最终类型是bool的,如果bool的值为true的话 程序会crash,如果为false返回null,这里没想明白

iOS6之后LLVM编译器引入了property autosynthesis(属性自动合成),编译器会为每个@property添加@synthesize

@synthesize propertyName = _propertyName;


  • class_getClassVariable
    获取指定类 的 指定名字的 类变量 的详细信息,一般认为OC不支持类变量,笔者认为这里应该指的是类的元类,而类的元类只有一个变量为isa
 * Returns the Ivar for a specified class variable of a given class.
 * @param cls The class definition whose class variable you wish to obtain.
 * @param name The name of the class variable definition to obtain.
 * @return A pointer to an \c Ivar data structure containing information about the class variable specified by \e name.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
class_getClassVariable(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


Ivar springMetaClassIvar = class_getClassVariable([FFSpringModel class], "isa");
const char * mcName = ivar_getName(springMetaClassIvar);
const char * mcEncoding = ivar_getTypeEncoding(springMetaClassIvar);
ptrdiff_t mcOffset = ivar_getOffset(springMetaClassIvar);
NSLog(@"%s, %s, %td", mcName, mcEncoding, mcOffset);
// isa, #, 0
  • class_addIvar
 * Adds a new instance variable to a class.
 * @return YES if the instance variable was added successfully, otherwise NO 
 *         (for example, the class already contains an instance variable with that name).
 * @note This function may only be called after objc_allocateClassPair and before objc_registerClassPair. 
 *       Adding an instance variable to an existing class is not supported.
 * @note The class must not be a metaclass. Adding an instance variable to a metaclass is not supported.
 * @note The instance variable's minimum alignment in bytes is 1<<align. The minimum alignment of an instance 
 *       variable depends on the ivar's type and the machine architecture. 
 *       For variables of any pointer type, pass log2(sizeof(pointer_type)).
class_addIvar(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name, size_t size, 
              uint8_t alignment, const char * _Nullable types) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


Class FFRuntimeClass = objc_allocateClassPair([FFSeasonModel class], "FFRuntimeModel", 0);
BOOL isSucc = class_addIvar(FFRuntimeClass, "ff_runtime_str", sizeof(NSString *), log2(sizeof(NSString *)), @encode(NSString *));
if (isSucc) {

id runtimeClass = [[FFRuntimeClass alloc] init];
[runtimeClass setValue:@"这是 ff_runtime_str 的值" forKey:@"ff_runtime_str"];
id value = object_getIvar(runtimeClass, class_getInstanceVariable([runtimeClass class], "ff_runtime_str"));
NSLog(@"%@", value);
// 添加成功
// 这是 ff_runtime_str 的值


  • class_copyIvarList
 * Describes the instance variables declared by a class.
 * @param cls The class to inspect.
 * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array. 
 *  If outCount is NULL, the length is not returned.
 * @return An array of pointers of type Ivar describing the instance variables declared by the class. 
 *  Any instance variables declared by superclasses are not included. The array contains *outCount 
 *  pointers followed by a NULL terminator. You must free the array with free().
 *  If the class declares no instance variables, or cls is Nil, NULL is returned and *outCount is 0.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nonnull * _Nullable
class_copyIvarList(Class _Nullable cls, unsigned int * _Nullable outCount) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);ins


// 这是定义在 FFSpringModel.h 中的属性
@interface FFSpringModel : FFSeasonModel
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *h_p_str;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *h_p_bool;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *h_p_arr;

// 这是定义在 FFSpringModel.m 中的变量和属性
@interface FFSpringModel() {
    NSArray *m_array;
    NSString *m_str;
    BOOL *m_bool;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *m_p_str;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *m_p_bool;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *m_p_arr;


unsigned int i_outCount = 0;
Ivar *ivars = class_copyIvarList([FFSpringModel class], &i_outCount);
for (int i = 0; i < i_outCount; i ++) {
    NSLog(@"class_copyIvarList ---> %s", ivar_getName(ivars[i]));
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.132 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> m_array
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.133 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> m_str
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.133 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> m_bool
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.134 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> _h_p_str
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.134 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> _h_p_bool
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.134 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> _h_p_arr
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.134 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> _m_p_str
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.134 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> _m_p_bool
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.135 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyIvarList ---> _m_p_arr

unsigned int p_outCount = 0;
objc_property_t *propertys = class_copyPropertyList([FFSpringModel class], &p_outCount);
for (int i = 0; i < p_outCount; i ++) {
    NSLog(@"class_copyPropertyList ---> %s", property_getName(propertys[i]));
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.135 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyPropertyList ---> m_p_str
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.135 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyPropertyList ---> m_p_bool
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.135 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyPropertyList ---> m_p_arr
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.136 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyPropertyList ---> h_p_str
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.136 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyPropertyList ---> h_p_bool
//    2018-03-24 15:32:30.136 runtime[2906:197694] class_copyPropertyList ---> h_p_arr


2.2.2 属性操作函数
  • property_getName
 * Returns the name of a property.
 * @param property The property you want to inquire about.
 * @return A C string containing the property's name.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nonnull
property_getName(objc_property_t _Nonnull property) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • property_getAttributes
 * Returns the attribute string of a property.
 * @param property A property.
 * @return A C string containing the property's attributes.
 * @note The format of the attribute string is described in Declared Properties in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nullable
property_getAttributes(objc_property_t _Nonnull property) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • property_copyAttributeList
 * Returns an array of property attributes for a property. 
 * @param property The property whose attributes you want copied.
 * @param outCount The number of attributes returned in the array.
 * @return An array of property attributes; must be free'd() by the caller. 
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_attribute_t * _Nullable
property_copyAttributeList(objc_property_t _Nonnull property,
                           unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • property_copyAttributeValue
 * Returns the value of a property attribute given the attribute name.
 * @param property The property whose attribute value you are interested in.
 * @param attributeName C string representing the attribute name.
 * @return The value string of the attribute \e attributeName if it exists in
 *  \e property, \c nil otherwise. 
OBJC_EXPORT char * _Nullable
property_copyAttributeValue(objc_property_t _Nonnull property,
                            const char * _Nonnull attributeName)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_getProperty
 * Returns a property with a given name of a given class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param name The name of the property you want to inspect.
 * @return A pointer of type \c objc_property_t describing the property, or
 *  \c NULL if the class does not declare a property with that name, 
 *  or \c NULL if \e cls is \c Nil.
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t _Nullable
class_getProperty(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


objc_property_t s_property = class_getProperty([FFSpringModel class], "m_p_str");
if (s_property) {
    NSLog(@"%s", property_getName(s_property));
} else {
// m_p_str
  • class_copyPropertyList
    获取属性列表(参考 2.2.1的例子)
 * Describes the properties declared by a class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array. 
 *  If \e outCount is \c NULL, the length is not returned.        
 * @return An array of pointers of type \c objc_property_t describing the properties 
 *  declared by the class. Any properties declared by superclasses are not included. 
 *  The array contains \c *outCount pointers followed by a \c NULL terminator. You must free the array with \c free().
 *  If \e cls declares no properties, or \e cls is \c Nil, returns \c NULL and \c *outCount is \c 0.
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t _Nonnull * _Nullable
class_copyPropertyList(Class _Nullable cls, unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_addProperty
 * Adds a property to a class.
 * @param cls The class to modify.
 * @param name The name of the property.
 * @param attributes An array of property attributes.
 * @param attributeCount The number of attributes in \e attributes.
 * @return \c YES if the property was added successfully, otherwise \c NO
 *  (for example, the class already has that property).
class_addProperty(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name,
                  const objc_property_attribute_t * _Nullable attributes,
                  unsigned int attributeCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


/// Defines a property attribute
typedef struct {
    const char * _Nonnull name;           /**< The name of the attribute */
    const char * _Nonnull value;          /**< The value of the attribute (usually empty) */
} objc_property_attribute_t;


  • class_replaceProperty
 * Replace a property of a class. 
 * @param cls The class to modify.
 * @param name The name of the property.
 * @param attributes An array of property attributes.
 * @param attributeCount The number of attributes in \e attributes. 
class_replaceProperty(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name,
                      const objc_property_attribute_t * _Nullable attributes,
                      unsigned int attributeCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
2.2.3 方法
struct objc_method {
    SEL _Nonnull method_name                                 OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    char * _Nullable method_types                            OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    IMP _Nonnull method_imp                                  OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
  • class_addMethod
 * Adds a new method to a class with a given name and implementation.
 * @param cls The class to which to add a method.
 * @param name A selector that specifies the name of the method being added.
 * @param imp A function which is the implementation of the new method. The function must take at least two arguments—self and _cmd.
 * @param types An array of characters that describe the types of the arguments to the method. 
 * @return YES if the method was added successfully, otherwise NO 
 *  (for example, the class already contains a method implementation with that name).
 * @note class_addMethod will add an override of a superclass's implementation, 
 *  but will not replace an existing implementation in this class. 
 *  To change an existing implementation, use method_setImplementation.
class_addMethod(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull name, IMP _Nonnull imp, 
                const char * _Nullable types) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


void myFunction(id self, SEL _cmd) {
    // do something


void SummerRuntimeMethod(id self, SEL _cmd) {
    NSLog(@"这里是 runtime 添加的方法");

FFSummerModel *summerInfo = [FFSummerModel new];
class_addMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(runtimeMethod), (IMP)SummerRuntimeMethod, "v@:");
[summerInfo performSelector:@selector(runtimeMethod)];
// 这里是 runtime 添加的方法
  • class_getInstanceMethod
 * Returns a specified instance method for a given class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param name The selector of the method you want to retrieve.
 * @return The method that corresponds to the implementation of the selector specified by 
 *  \e name for the class specified by \e cls, or \c NULL if the specified class or its 
 *  superclasses do not contain an instance method with the specified selector.
 * @note This function searches superclasses for implementations, whereas \c class_copyMethodList does not.
OBJC_EXPORT Method _Nullable
class_getInstanceMethod(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


Method summerMethod2 = class_getInstanceMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(shouldGoSwimming));
if (summerMethod2) {
} else {
    NSLog(@"shouldGoSwimming 没找到");
// let us go swimming!


Method summerMethod0 = class_getInstanceMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(showSomething));
if (summerMethod0) {
    IMP summerImp0 = method_getImplementation(summerMethod0);
} else {
    NSLog(@"showSomething 没找到");
// 这是父类 FFSeasonModel 的 showSomething 方法


Method summerMethod1 = class_getInstanceMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(doSomething:));
if (summerMethod1) {
    IMP summerImp1 = method_getImplementation(summerMethod1);
    // 这里是传递参数的样式
    summerImp1(summerInfo, @selector(doSomething:), @"runtime");
} else {
    NSLog(@"showSomething 没找到");
// 成功配置后 即可 得到正确的执行结果,👇的是
// 这是父类 FFSeasonModel 的 doSomething 方法,传入的值为:runtime


id returnObjc = someIMP(id self, SEL, parameters);


/// A pointer to the function of a method implementation. 
typedef void (*IMP)(void /* id, SEL, ... */ ); 
typedef id _Nullable (*IMP)(id _Nonnull, SEL _Nonnull, ...); 

如果需要识别参数的话,需要将如下配置设置为NOTARGETS -> Build Settings -> Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls),即可得到正确的执行结果

Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls

但是,此时又会出现一个比较烦的问题,就是每个IMP的调用都要至少传入两个参数,即someIMP(id self, SEL)
实际代码中,如果方法 没有返回值 或 有返回值但是不用接收返回值 的话,可以使用类似如下FF_IMPFF_VOID_IMP都可以;但是如果需要接收返回值的话,必须使用FF_IMP

typedef id (* FF_IMP) (id, SEL, ...); // 有返回值
typedef void (* FF_VOID_IMP) (id, SEL, ...); // 无返回值

Method summerMethod1 = class_getInstanceMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(doSomething:));
if (summerMethod1) {
    FF_IMP summerImp1 = (FF_IMP)method_getImplementation(summerMethod1);
    summerImp1(summerInfo, @selector(doSomething:), @"runtime");
} else {
    NSLog(@"doSomething 没找到");
// 这是父类 FFSeasonModel 的 doSomething 方法,传入的值为:runtime
  • class_getClassMethod
 * Returns a pointer to the data structure describing a given class method for a given class.
 * @param cls A pointer to a class definition. Pass the class that contains the method you want to retrieve.
 * @param name A pointer of type \c SEL. Pass the selector of the method you want to retrieve.
 * @return A pointer to the \c Method data structure that corresponds to the implementation of the 
 *  selector specified by aSelector for the class specified by aClass, or NULL if the specified 
 *  class or its superclasses do not contain an instance method with the specified selector.
 * @note Note that this function searches superclasses for implementations, 
 *  whereas \c class_copyMethodList does not.
OBJC_EXPORT Method _Nullable
class_getClassMethod(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


Method summerClassMethod = class_getClassMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(seasonInfoClassMethod));
if (summerClassMethod) {
} else {
    NSLog(@"seasonInfoClassMethod 没找到");
// 这是父类的类方法 seasonInfoClassMethod
  • class_copyMethodList
    返回包含所有实例方法的数组,无论是否在OC.h中定义 都可以获取到,但是父类的不会包含
    如果需要获取类方法,是在元类里面,需class_copMethodList(object_getClass(cls), &outCount)
 * Describes the instance methods implemented by a class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array. 
 *  If outCount is NULL, the length is not returned.
 * @return An array of pointers of type Method describing the instance methods 
 *  implemented by the class—any instance methods implemented by superclasses are not included. 
 *  The array contains *outCount pointers followed by a NULL terminator. You must free the array with free().
 *  If cls implements no instance methods, or cls is Nil, returns NULL and *outCount is 0.
 * @note To get the class methods of a class, use \c class_copyMethodList(object_getClass(cls), &count).
 * @note To get the implementations of methods that may be implemented by superclasses, 
 *  use \c class_getInstanceMethod or \c class_getClassMethod.
OBJC_EXPORT Method _Nonnull * _Nullable
class_copyMethodList(Class _Nullable cls, unsigned int * _Nullable outCount) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


unsigned int outCount = 0;
Method *methodArr = class_copyMethodList([FFSummerModel class], &outCount);
for (int i = 0; i < outCount; i ++) {
    Method method = methodArr[i];
    SEL sel = method_getName(method);
    NSLog(@"class_copyMethodList ---> %s", sel_getName(sel));
//    2018-03-25 15:44:47.820 runtime[1586:81902] class_copyMethodList ---> runtimeMethod
//    2018-03-25 15:44:47.820 runtime[1586:81902] class_copyMethodList ---> shouldGoSwimming
//    2018-03-25 15:44:47.820 runtime[1586:81902] class_copyMethodList ---> isSummer
//    2018-03-25 15:44:47.820 runtime[1586:81902] class_copyMethodList ---> gogogo
//    2018-03-25 15:44:47.820 runtime[1586:81902] class_copyMethodList ---> init
  • class_replaceMethod
 * Replaces the implementation of a method for a given class.
 * @param cls The class you want to modify.
 * @param name A selector that identifies the method whose implementation you want to replace.
 * @param imp The new implementation for the method identified by name for the class identified by cls.
 * @param types An array of characters that describe the types of the arguments to the method. 
 *  Since the function must take at least two arguments—self and _cmd, the second and third characters
 *  must be “@:” (the first character is the return type).
 * @return The previous implementation of the method identified by \e name for the class identified by \e cls.
 * @note This function behaves in two different ways:
 *  - If the method identified by \e name does not yet exist, it is added as if \c class_addMethod were called. 
 *    The type encoding specified by \e types is used as given.
 *  - If the method identified by \e name does exist, its \c IMP is replaced as if \c method_setImplementation were called.
 *    The type encoding specified by \e types is ignored.
class_replaceMethod(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull name, IMP _Nonnull imp, 
                    const char * _Nullable types) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


- (void)testReplaceMethod01 {

- (void)testReplaceMethod02 {

// ---

FFSummerModel *summerInfo = [FFSummerModel new];
[summerInfo performSelector:@selector(testReplaceMethod01)];
IMP imp = class_getMethodImplementation([FFSummerModel class], @selector(testReplaceMethod02));
// IMP imp = method_getImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(testReplaceMethod02)));
class_replaceMethod([FFSummerModel class], @selector(testReplaceMethod01), imp, "v@:");
[summerInfo performSelector:@selector(testReplaceMethod01)];
// 2018-03-25 16:01:19.444 runtime[1762:100824] testReplaceMethod01
// 2018-03-25 16:01:19.444 runtime[1762:100824] testReplaceMethod02
  • class_getMethodImplementation
 * Returns the function pointer that would be called if a 
 * particular message were sent to an instance of a class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param name A selector.
 * @return The function pointer that would be called if \c [object name] were called
 *  with an instance of the class, or \c NULL if \e cls is \c Nil.
 * @note \c class_getMethodImplementation may be faster than \c method_getImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod(cls, name)).
 * @note The function pointer returned may be a function internal to the runtime instead of
 *  an actual method implementation. For example, if instances of the class do not respond to
 *  the selector, the function pointer returned will be part of the runtime's message forwarding machinery.
class_getMethodImplementation(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull name) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


  • class_getMethodImplementation_stret
    返回方法的实现,这个方法与class_getMethodImplementation的区别是,如果类实例无法响应这个方法时候 不会返回运行时消息转发机制中的实现(待验证)
 * Returns the function pointer that would be called if a particular 
 * message were sent to an instance of a class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param name A selector.
 * @return The function pointer that would be called if \c [object name] were called
 *  with an instance of the class, or \c NULL if \e cls is \c Nil.
class_getMethodImplementation_stret(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull name) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  • class_respondsToSelector
    可以使用NSObject- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector+ (BOOL)instancesRespondToSelector:(SEL)aSelector替代
 * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether instances of a class respond to a particular selector.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param sel A selector.
 * @return \c YES if instances of the class respond to the selector, otherwise \c NO.
 * @note You should usually use \c NSObject's \c respondsToSelector: or \c instancesRespondToSelector: 
 *  methods instead of this function.
class_respondsToSelector(Class _Nullable cls, SEL _Nonnull sel) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


BOOL isResponds = class_respondsToSelector([FFSummerModel class], @selector(shouldGoSwimmingg));
NSString *str = isResponds ? @"实现了" : @"没有实现";
NSLog(@"%@", str);
// 没有实现
2.2.4 协议


  • class_copyProtocolList
 * Describes the protocols adopted by a class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array. 
 *  If outCount is NULL, the length is not returned.
 * @return An array of pointers of type Protocol* describing the protocols adopted 
 *  by the class. Any protocols adopted by superclasses or other protocols are not included. 
 *  The array contains *outCount pointers followed by a NULL terminator. You must free the array with free().
 *  If cls adopts no protocols, or cls is Nil, returns NULL and *outCount is 0.
OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * __unsafe_unretained _Nonnull * _Nullable 
class_copyProtocolList(Class _Nullable cls, unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


@protocol FFAutumnProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)autumnProtocolMethod;


unsigned int outCount2 = 0;
Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *protocol_arr = class_copyProtocolList([self class], &outCount2);
for (int i = 0; i < outCount2; i ++) {
    Protocol *protocol = protocol_arr[i];
    NSLog(@"class_copyProtocolList --> %s", protocol_getName(protocol));
//  class_copyProtocolList --> FFAutumnProtocol
  • objc_allocateProtocol
 * Creates a new protocol instance that cannot be used until registered with
 * \c objc_registerProtocol()
 * @param name The name of the protocol to create.
 * @return The Protocol instance on success, \c nil if a protocol
 *  with the same name already exists. 
 * @note There is no dispose method for this. 
OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * _Nullable
objc_allocateProtocol(const char * _Nonnull name) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_registerProtocol
 * Registers a newly constructed protocol with the runtime. The protocol
 * will be ready for use and is immutable after this.
 * @param proto The protocol you want to register.
objc_registerProtocol(Protocol * _Nonnull proto) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • protocol_addProperty
 * Adds a property to a protocol. The protocol must be under construction. 
 * @param proto The protocol to add a property to.
 * @param name The name of the property.
 * @param attributes An array of property attributes.
 * @param attributeCount The number of attributes in \e attributes.
 * @param isRequiredProperty YES if the property (accessor methods) is not optional. 
 * @param isInstanceProperty YES if the property (accessor methods) are instance methods. 
 *  This is the only case allowed fo a property, as a result, setting this to NO will 
 *  not add the property to the protocol at all. 
protocol_addProperty(Protocol * _Nonnull proto, const char * _Nonnull name,
                     const objc_property_attribute_t * _Nullable attributes,
                     unsigned int attributeCount,
                     BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • protocol_addMethodDescription
 * Adds a method to a protocol. The protocol must be under construction.
 * @param proto The protocol to add a method to.
 * @param name The name of the method to add.
 * @param types A C string that represents the method signature.
 * @param isRequiredMethod YES if the method is not an optional method.
 * @param isInstanceMethod YES if the method is an instance method. 
protocol_addMethodDescription(Protocol * _Nonnull proto, SEL _Nonnull name,
                              const char * _Nullable types,
                              BOOL isRequiredMethod, BOOL isInstanceMethod) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • protocol_addProtocol
 * Adds an incorporated protocol to another protocol. The protocol being
 * added to must still be under construction, while the additional protocol
 * must be already constructed.
 * @param proto The protocol you want to add to, it must be under construction.
 * @param addition The protocol you want to incorporate into \e proto, it must be registered.
protocol_addProtocol(Protocol * _Nonnull proto, Protocol * _Nonnull addition) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_addProtocol
 * Adds a protocol to a class.
 * @param cls The class to modify.
 * @param protocol The protocol to add to \e cls.
 * @return \c YES if the method was added successfully, otherwise \c NO 
 *  (for example, the class already conforms to that protocol).
class_addProtocol(Class _Nullable cls, Protocol * _Nonnull protocol) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • class_conformsToProtocol
    判断类是否实现了指定的协议,通常是使用NSObject+ (BOOL)conformsToProtocol:(Protocol *)protocol;
 * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a class conforms to a given protocol.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param protocol A protocol.
 * @return YES if cls conforms to protocol, otherwise NO.
 * @note You should usually use NSObject's conformsToProtocol: method instead of this function.
class_conformsToProtocol(Class _Nullable cls, Protocol * _Nullable protocol) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


if (!class_conformsToProtocol([self class], NSProtocolFromString(@"FFRuntimeProtocol"))) {
    Protocol *runtimeProtocol = objc_allocateProtocol("FFRuntimeProtocol");
    objc_property_attribute_t type = { "T", "@\"NSString\"" };
    objc_property_attribute_t ownership = { "C", "" };
    objc_property_attribute_t backingivar  = { "V", "" };
    objc_property_attribute_t attrs[] = { type, ownership, backingivar };
    protocol_addProperty(runtimeProtocol, "name", attrs, 3, true, true);
    protocol_addProtocol(runtimeProtocol, NSProtocolFromString(@"NSObject"));
    protocol_addMethodDescription(runtimeProtocol, @selector(FFRuntimeProtocolMethod), "v@:", false, true);


    class_addProtocol([self class], runtimeProtocol);
} else {
2.2.5 版本
  • class_getVersion
 * Returns the version number of a class definition.
 * @param cls A pointer to a \c Class data structure. Pass
 *  the class definition for which you wish to obtain the version.
 * @return An integer indicating the version number of the class definition.
 * @see class_setVersion
class_getVersion(Class _Nullable cls)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


int version = class_getVersion([FFSummerModel class]);
NSLog(@"%d", version);
// 0
  • class_setVersion
 * Sets the version number of a class definition.
 * @param cls A pointer to an Class data structure. 
 *  Pass the class definition for which you wish to set the version.
 * @param version An integer. Pass the new version number of the class definition.
 * @note You can use the version number of the class definition to provide versioning of the
 *  interface that your class represents to other classes. This is especially useful for object
 *  serialization (that is, archiving of the object in a flattened form), where it is important to
 *  recognize changes to the layout of the instance variables in different class-definition versions.
 * @note Classes derived from the Foundation framework \c NSObject class can set the class-definition
 *  version number using the \c setVersion: class method, which is implemented using the \c class_setVersion function.
class_setVersion(Class _Nullable cls, int version)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


class_setVersion([FFSummerModel class], 3);
NSLog(@"%d", class_getVersion([FFSummerModel class]));
// 3

3. 动态创建类和对象


3.1 动态创建类


  • objc_allocateClassPair
 * Creates a new class and metaclass.
 * @param superclass The class to use as the new class's superclass, or \c Nil to create a new root class.
 * @param name The string to use as the new class's name. The string will be copied.
 * @param extraBytes The number of bytes to allocate for indexed ivars at the end of 
 *  the class and metaclass objects. This should usually be \c 0.
 * @return The new class, or Nil if the class could not be created (for example, the desired name is already in use).
 * @note You can get a pointer to the new metaclass by calling \c object_getClass(newClass).
 * @note To create a new class, start by calling \c objc_allocateClassPair. 
 *  Then set the class's attributes with functions like \c class_addMethod and \c class_addIvar.
 *  When you are done building the class, call \c objc_registerClassPair. The new class is now ready for use.
 * @note Instance methods and instance variables should be added to the class itself. 
 *  Class methods should be added to the metaclass.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
objc_allocateClassPair(Class _Nullable superclass, const char * _Nonnull name, 
                       size_t extraBytes) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_registerClassPair
 * Registers a class that was allocated using \c objc_allocateClassPair.
 * @param cls The class you want to register.
objc_registerClassPair(Class _Nonnull cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_disposeClassPair
 * Destroy a class and its associated metaclass. 
 * @param cls The class to be destroyed. It must have been allocated with 
 *  \c objc_allocateClassPair
 * @warning Do not call if instances of this class or a subclass exist.
objc_disposeClassPair(Class _Nonnull cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
3.2 动态创建对象
  • class_createInstance
    调用class_createInstance+ (instancetype)alloc方法类似
 * Creates an instance of a class, allocating memory for the class in the 
 * default malloc memory zone.
 * @param cls The class that you wish to allocate an instance of.
 * @param extraBytes An integer indicating the number of extra bytes to allocate. 
 *  The additional bytes can be used to store additional instance variables beyond 
 *  those defined in the class definition.
 * @return An instance of the class \e cls.
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
class_createInstance(Class _Nullable cls, size_t extraBytes)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


id obj = class_createInstance([FFSummerModel class], 0);
NSLog(@"%@", object_getClassName(obj));
[obj performSelector:@selector(shouldGoSwimming)];
// FFSummerModel
// let us go swimming!
  • objc_constructInstance
 * Creates an instance of a class at the specific location provided.
 * @param cls The class that you wish to allocate an instance of.
 * @param bytes The location at which to allocate an instance of \e cls.
 *  Must point to at least \c class_getInstanceSize(cls) bytes of well-aligned,
 *  zero-filled memory.
 * @return \e bytes on success, \c nil otherwise. (For example, \e cls or \e bytes
 *  might be \c nil)
 * @see class_createInstance
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
objc_constructInstance(Class _Nullable cls, void * _Nullable bytes) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  • objc_destructInstance
 * Destroys an instance of a class without freeing memory and removes any
 * associated references this instance might have had.
 * @param obj The class instance to destroy.
 * @return \e obj. Does nothing if \e obj is nil.
 * @note CF and other clients do call this under GC.
OBJC_EXPORT void * _Nullable objc_destructInstance(id _Nullable obj) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
3.3 实例操作函数
3.3.1 针对整个对象进行操作的函数
  • object_copy
 * Returns a copy of a given object.
 * @param obj An Objective-C object.
 * @param size The size of the object \e obj.
 * @return A copy of \e obj.
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable object_copy(id _Nullable obj, size_t size)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  • object_dispose
 * Frees the memory occupied by a given object.
 * @param obj An Objective-C object.
 * @return nil
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
object_dispose(id _Nullable obj)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)

如何关闭ARCautomatic reference counting),使用MRCmanual reference counting)?
TARGETS -> Build Setting -> Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting -> YES

FFSeasonModel *seasonInfo = [FFSeasonModel new];
id newInfo = object_copy(seasonInfo, class_getInstanceSize([FFSummerModel class]));
object_setClass(newInfo, [FFSummerModel class]);
[newInfo performSelector:@selector(shouldGoSwimming)];
// let us go swimming!
3.3.2 针对对象实例变量操作的函数
  • object_setInstanceVariable
 * Changes the value of an instance variable of a class instance.
 * @param obj A pointer to an instance of a class. Pass the object containing
 *  the instance variable whose value you wish to modify.
 * @param name A C string. Pass the name of the instance variable whose value you wish to modify.
 * @param value The new value for the instance variable.
 * @return A pointer to the \c Ivar data structure that defines the type and 
 *  name of the instance variable specified by \e name.
 * @note Instance variables with known memory management (such as ARC strong and weak)
 *  use that memory management. Instance variables with unknown memory management 
 *  are assigned as if they were unsafe_unretained.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
object_setInstanceVariable(id _Nullable obj, const char * _Nonnull name,
                           void * _Nullable value)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  • object_getInstanceVariable
 * Obtains the value of an instance variable of a class instance.
 * @param obj A pointer to an instance of a class. Pass the object containing
 *  the instance variable whose value you wish to obtain.
 * @param name A C string. Pass the name of the instance variable whose value you wish to obtain.
 * @param outValue On return, contains a pointer to the value of the instance variable.
 * @return A pointer to the \c Ivar data structure that defines the type and name of
 *  the instance variable specified by \e name.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
object_getInstanceVariable(id _Nullable obj, const char * _Nonnull name,
                           void * _Nullable * _Nullable outValue)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  • object_getIndexedIvars
    返回 指向给定对象分配的任何额外字节的指针,ARC下无效
 * Returns a pointer to any extra bytes allocated with an instance given object.
 * @param obj An Objective-C object.
 * @return A pointer to any extra bytes allocated with \e obj. If \e obj was
 *   not allocated with any extra bytes, then dereferencing the returned pointer is undefined.
 * @note This function returns a pointer to any extra bytes allocated with the instance
 *  (as specified by \c class_createInstance with extraBytes>0). This memory follows the
 *  object's ordinary ivars, but may not be adjacent to the last ivar.
 * @note The returned pointer is guaranteed to be pointer-size aligned, even if the area following
 *  the object's last ivar is less aligned than that. Alignment greater than pointer-size is never
 *  guaranteed, even if the area following the object's last ivar is more aligned than that.
 * @note In a garbage-collected environment, the memory is scanned conservatively.
OBJC_EXPORT void * _Nullable object_getIndexedIvars(id _Nullable obj)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  • object_setIvar
 * Sets the value of an instance variable in an object.
 * @param obj The object containing the instance variable whose value you want to set.
 * @param ivar The Ivar describing the instance variable whose value you want to set.
 * @param value The new value for the instance variable.
 * @note Instance variables with known memory management (such as ARC strong and weak)
 *  use that memory management. Instance variables with unknown memory management 
 *  are assigned as if they were unsafe_unretained.
 * @note \c object_setIvar is faster than \c object_setInstanceVariable if the Ivar
 *  for the instance variable is already known.
object_setIvar(id _Nullable obj, Ivar _Nonnull ivar, id _Nullable value) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • object_getIvar
    返回 对象中实例变量的值
 * Reads the value of an instance variable in an object.
 * @param obj The object containing the instance variable whose value you want to read.
 * @param ivar The Ivar describing the instance variable whose value you want to read.
 * @return The value of the instance variable specified by \e ivar, or \c nil if \e object is \c nil.
 * @note \c object_getIvar is faster than \c object_getInstanceVariable if the Ivar
 *  for the instance variable is already known.
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
object_getIvar(id _Nullable obj, Ivar _Nonnull ivar) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


FFAutumnModel *autumnInfo = [FFAutumnModel new];
autumnInfo.autumnStr = @"秋天真是太好了~";
Ivar ivar = class_getInstanceVariable([autumnInfo class], "_autumnStr");
id autumn_value = object_getIvar(autumnInfo, ivar);
NSLog(@"%@", autumn_value);
// 秋天真是太好了~

object_setIvar(autumnInfo, ivar, @"秋天真是真是真是太好啦~");
NSLog(@"%@", object_getIvar(autumnInfo, ivar));
// 秋天真是真是真是太好啦~
3.3.3 针对对象所属的类的操作
  • object_getClassName
 * Returns the class name of a given object.
 * @param obj An Objective-C object.
 * @return The name of the class of which \e obj is an instance.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nonnull object_getClassName(id _Nullable obj)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


const char * name = object_getClassName([FFAutumnModel new]);
NSLog(@"%s", name);
// FFAutumnModel
  • object_getClass
 * Returns the class of an object.
 * @param obj The object you want to inspect.
 * @return The class object of which \e object is an instance, 
 *  or \c Nil if \e object is \c nil.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
object_getClass(id _Nullable obj) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


Class autumnClass =  object_getClass([FFAutumnModel new]);
[autumnClass performSelector:@selector(shouldGoTraveling)];
// let's go traveling
  • object_setClass
 * Sets the class of an object.
 * @param obj The object to modify.
 * @param cls A class object.
 * @return The previous value of \e object's class, or \c Nil if \e object is \c nil.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
object_setClass(id _Nullable obj, Class _Nonnull cls) 
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


3.3.4 获取类定义相关的函数


  • objc_getClassList
 * Obtains the list of registered class definitions.
 * @param buffer An array of \c Class values. On output, each \c Class value points to
 *  one class definition, up to either \e bufferCount or the total number of registered classes,
 *  whichever is less. You can pass \c NULL to obtain the total number of registered class
 *  definitions without actually retrieving any class definitions.
 * @param bufferCount An integer value. Pass the number of pointers for which you have allocated space
 *  in \e buffer. On return, this function fills in only this number of elements. If this number is less
 *  than the number of registered classes, this function returns an arbitrary subset of the registered classes.
 * @return An integer value indicating the total number of registered classes.
 * @note The Objective-C runtime library automatically registers all the classes defined in your source code.
 *  You can create class definitions at runtime and register them with the \c objc_addClass function.
 * @warning You cannot assume that class objects you get from this function are classes that inherit from \c NSObject,
 *  so you cannot safely call any methods on such classes without detecting that the method is implemented first.
objc_getClassList(Class _Nonnull * _Nullable buffer, int bufferCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


int bufferCount = 0;
Class *classes = NULL;
bufferCount = objc_getClassList(NULL, 0);
NSLog(@"objc_getClassList --- %d", bufferCount);
if (bufferCount > 0) {
    classes = (Class *)malloc(sizeof(Class) * bufferCount);
    bufferCount = objc_getClassList(classes, bufferCount);
    NSLog(@"class count --- %d", bufferCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i ++) {
        Class class = classes[i];
        NSLog(@"class name ---> %s", class_getName(class));
        if (class_getSuperclass(class) == [UITableView class]) {
           NSLog(@"subclass of UITableView ---> %s", class_getName(class));
  • objc_copyClassList
 * Creates and returns a list of pointers to all registered class definitions.
 * @param outCount An integer pointer used to store the number of classes returned by
 *  this function in the list. It can be \c nil.
 * @return A nil terminated array of classes. It must be freed with \c free().
 * @see objc_getClassList
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nonnull * _Nullable
objc_copyClassList(unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


unsigned int outCount3 = 0;
Class *classList = objc_copyClassList(&outCount3);
NSLog(@"objc_copyClassList count --- %d", outCount3);
for (int i = 0; i < outCount3; i ++) {
    Class class = classList[i];
    NSLog(@"%s", class_getName(class));
  • objc_lookupClass
 * Returns the class definition of a specified class.
 * @param name The name of the class to look up.
 * @return The Class object for the named class, or \c nil if the class
 *  is not registered with the Objective-C runtime.
 * @note \c objc_getClass is different from this function in that if the class is not
 *  registered, \c objc_getClass calls the class handler callback and then checks a second
 *  time to see whether the class is registered. This function does not call the class handler callback.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
objc_lookUpClass(const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_getClass
 * Returns the class definition of a specified class.
 * @param name The name of the class to look up.
 * @return The Class object for the named class, or \c nil
 *  if the class is not registered with the Objective-C runtime.
 * @note \c objc_getClass is different from \c objc_lookUpClass in that if the class
 *  is not registered, \c objc_getClass calls the class handler callback and then checks
 *  a second time to see whether the class is registered. \c objc_lookUpClass does 
 *  not call the class handler callback.
 * @warning Earlier implementations of this function (prior to OS X v10.0)
 *  terminate the program if the class does not exist.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
objc_getClass(const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_getRequiredClass
 * Returns the class definition of a specified class.
 * @param name The name of the class to look up.
 * @return The Class object for the named class.
 * @note This function is the same as \c objc_getClass, but kills the process if the class is not found.
 * @note This function is used by ZeroLink, where failing to find a class would be a compile-time link error without ZeroLink.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nonnull
objc_getRequiredClass(const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_getMetaClass
 * Returns the metaclass definition of a specified class.
 * @param name The name of the class to look up.
 * @return The \c Class object for the metaclass of the named class, or \c nil if the class
 *  is not registered with the Objective-C runtime.
 * @note If the definition for the named class is not registered, this function calls the class handler
 *  callback and then checks a second time to see if the class is registered. However, every class
 *  definition must have a valid metaclass definition, and so the metaclass definition is always returned,
 *  whether it’s valid or not.
OBJC_EXPORT Class _Nullable
objc_getMetaClass(const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

4. 类型编码(Type Encoding)


Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide > Type Encodings

Objective-C type encodings


long double abc = 1000;
NSLog(@"%Lf", abc);
NSLog(@"%s", @encode(typeof (abc)));
// 1000.000000
// D

float arr[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
NSLog(@"%s", @encode(typeof(arr)));
// [3f]

NSString *string = @"string";
NSLog(@"%s", @encode(typeof(string)));
// @

typedef struct example {
    int num1;
    double num2;
    char string;
} example;
NSLog(@"%s", @encode(typeof(example)));
// {example=idc}

NSLog(@"%s", @encode(typeof(FFSummerModel)));
// {FFSummerModel=#}

NSLog(@"int        : %s", @encode(int));
// int        : i
NSLog(@"float      : %s", @encode(float));
// float      : f
NSLog(@"float *    : %s", @encode(float*));
// float *    : ^f
NSLog(@"char       : %s", @encode(char));
// char       : c
NSLog(@"char *     : %s", @encode(char *));
// char *     : *
NSLog(@"BOOL       : %s", @encode(BOOL));
// BOOL       : B
NSLog(@"void       : %s", @encode(void));
// void       : v
NSLog(@"void *     : %s", @encode(void *));
// void *     : ^v

NSLog(@"NSObject * : %s", @encode(NSObject *));
// NSObject * : @
NSLog(@"NSObject   : %s", @encode(NSObject));
// NSObject   : {NSObject=#}
NSLog(@"[NSObject] : %s", @encode(typeof([NSObject class])));
// [NSObject] : #
NSLog(@"NSError ** : %s", @encode(typeof(NSError **)));
// NSError ** : ^@

int intArray[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
NSLog(@"int[]      : %s", @encode(typeof(intArray)));
// int[]      : [5i]

float floatArray[3] = {0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f};
NSLog(@"float[]    : %s", @encode(typeof(floatArray)));
// float[]    : [3f]

typedef struct _struct {
    short a;
    long long b;
    unsigned long long c;
} Struct;
NSLog(@"struct     : %s", @encode(typeof(Struct)));
// struct     : {_struct=sqQ}
  • 指针的标准编码是加一个前置的^,而char *拥有自己的编码,因为C的字符串被认为是一个实体,而不是指针

5. 关联对象

可以使用 关联对象(associated object

  • objc_setAssociatedObject
 * Sets an associated value for a given object using a given key and association policy.
 * @param object The source object for the association.
 * @param key The key for the association.
 * @param value The value to associate with the key key for object. Pass nil to clear an existing association.
 * @param policy The policy for the association. For possible values, see “Associative Object Behaviors.”
 * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
 * @see objc_removeAssociatedObjects
objc_setAssociatedObject(id _Nonnull object, const void * _Nonnull key,
                         id _Nullable value, objc_AssociationPolicy policy)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_getAssociatedObject
 * Returns the value associated with a given object for a given key.
 * @param object The source object for the association.
 * @param key The key for the association.
 * @return The value associated with the key \e key for \e object.
 * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
objc_getAssociatedObject(id _Nonnull object, const void * _Nonnull key)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • objc_removeAssociatedObjects
 * Removes all associations for a given object.
 * @param object An object that maintains associated objects.
 * @note The main purpose of this function is to make it easy to return an object 
 *  to a "pristine state”. You should not use this function for general removal of
 *  associations from objects, since it also removes associations that other clients
 *  may have added to the object. Typically you should use \c objc_setAssociatedObject 
 *  with a nil value to clear an association.
 * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
 * @see objc_getAssociatedObject
objc_removeAssociatedObjects(id _Nonnull object)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);
  • 内存管理策略
 * Policies related to associative references.
 * These are options to objc_setAssociatedObject()
typedef OBJC_ENUM(uintptr_t, objc_AssociationPolicy) {
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN = 0,           /**< Specifies a weak reference to the associated object. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC = 1, /**< Specifies a strong reference to the associated object. 
                                            *   The association is not made atomically. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC = 3,   /**< Specifies that the associated object is copied. 
                                            *   The association is not made atomically. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN = 01401,       /**< Specifies a strong reference to the associated object.
                                            *   The association is made atomically. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY = 01403          /**< Specifies that the associated object is copied.
                                            *   The association is made atomically. */

vc中有一个view,想要动态地添加手势到这个view,并且指定点击后的操作 ~
可以动态的创建一个tap关联到view上,动态地创建一个block关联到view上 ~

// 传入指定的view,和后续需要执行的操作
- (void)setTapActionFFView:(FFView *)view WithBlock:(void(^)(void))block {
    // 根据指定key,获取手势,如果没有的话,就创建手势,并关联到view
    UITapGestureRecognizer *tapGR = objc_getAssociatedObject(view, "FFUITapGestureRecognizerKey");
    if (!tapGR) {
        // 这里的 target 需要传 self,因为触发动作后 是当前的 vc 来响应
        tapGR = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(actionOfTapGestureRecognizer:)];
        [view addGestureRecognizer:tapGR];
        objc_setAssociatedObject(view, "FFUITapGestureRecognizerKey", tapGR, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
    // 关联 block
    objc_setAssociatedObject(view, "FFActionBlockKey", block, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY);

- (void)actionOfTapGestureRecognizer:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)tapGR {
    if (tapGR.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateRecognized) {
        // 从 view 中取出关联的 block,如果存在的话就执行
        void (^action)(void) = objc_getAssociatedObject(tapGR.view, "FFActionBlockKey");
        if (action) {

// -----
FFView *ff_view = [[FFView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 200, 200)];
ff_view.backgroundColor = [UIColor cyanColor];
[self.view addSubview:ff_view];
[self setTapActionFFView:ff_view WithBlock:^{
    // do something ~

不定期更新 不合适的地方 还请指点~ 感激不尽
o(* ̄3 ̄)o

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