今天继续给大家带来绘本分享任然是安东尼的经典绘本,Willy the Wimp。一只连苍蝇都不敢伤害的善良小猩猩威利,什么都不忍心伤害,一次出去散步被小混混取了绰号“胆小鬼”,他不喜欢这个称号,然后决定进行改变,他真的有变变强大吗?我们一起来看看本吧。
翻开绘本的第一页,看到“Willy wouldn’t hurt a fly.”再翻到第二页,看到“Willy worried about stepping on tiny insects every time he went for a walk.”第四页Sometimes when he was out walking , the suburban gorilla gang builled him . “Oh, I am sorry! said Willy when they hit him.The suburban gorillas called him Willy the Wimp.可怜的威利就这样受人欺负。
Willy hated that name.Willy the Wimp. 然后威力利决心进行改变自我。开始进行some exercises.The some jogging, and go on a special diet.
He went to aerobics classes where everybody danced to disco misco music.,Willy felt a bit silly..He learned How to box.And He went to a body -building club.这里健身部分里面秀肌肉的情景孩子都喜欢模仿,可是威利却秀不出自己的肌肉。
When He took up weight lifting ,and gradually over weeks and months Willy got bigger..and bigger很生动形象地对比威利前后的变化。
当他照镜子时,发现威利身体强壮如他所愿。威利真的强大了吗?我们看看后面的故事。So when Willy walked down the street ,and saw the suburban gorillas attacking Millie,they ran.Millie 对威利说you are my hero.Willy was proud.走在大街上都是理直气壮,信心满满的。但是却不小心撞上柱子,把威利打回原形。