1. be susceptible to 容易受...影响
以往的写法.....be influenced easily
young people are the most susceptible to the advertisements
造句:advertiser deepen their understanding of their consumer, which lead to the result that the consumer are more susceptible to the advertisement.
订正:as the commercial advertise better understand the consumer psychological needs, the consumer become more susceptible to the advertisement.
2. dream up 策划 想出
以往的写法 create/ make up/figure out
超级碗开始时,就连平时不关注橄榄球的人们纷纷转台,很多人会留意到超级碗广告商独具匠心的广告 。
造句 when the super bowl are on, even those who have no interest in the ruby game turn to the live, to admire how well the advertisement dream up.
订正 Even people who don't usually interested in the football game come to the super bowl to watch how well the commercials can be dream up by Madison Avenue.
3. distort 扭曲 distortion
以往写法:mix up
造句 There always be sort of distortion when the media convert message to the mass——sometimes you even can't tell which one is true.
订正 Distortion is everywhere when we get informed by media——you can't even know whose statement is correct.