1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:to cause something to happen or be done
例句:The scandal prompted the immediate resignation of the company’s CEO.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“prompt”可以做名词、形容词也可以做动词,今天我们学习它的动词用法。prompt 作为动词表示“促使”“推动”“引起”,是个高频词汇,几乎每一期的《经济学人》中都会多次用到它。
The scandal prompted the immediate resignation of the company’s CEO.
我们想说“某事引发热议”时,这里的“引发”除了用常见的 cause, lead to 外,还可以用 prompt,比如:
The mass shooting prompts a heated debate on gun control.
最新一期的《经济学人》中就出现了 4 次 prompt 的这种用法,我们看其中两个句子:
1)The disastrous drought prompted government action to restore the river.
2)An attack by JEM in September 2016 killed 19 Indian soldiers, prompting Mr Modi to send special forces across the line of control.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
The continuous rise in the unemployment rate may prompt social unrest.
(参考翻译:The continuous rise in the unemployment rate may prompt social unrest.)
例子: 国际
场景 :Two nulcear powers are shooting at each other. They are playing with fire. The armies of India and Pakistan often exchange fire across the front line in the disputed state of Kashmir. When tensions rise, one side will subject the other to a blistering artillery barrage. On occasion, the two have sent soldiers on forays into one another’s territory. But since the feuding neighbours tested nuclear weapons in the late 1990s, neither had dared send fighter jets across the frontier-until this week. After a terrorist group based in Pakistan launched an attack in the India-controlled part of Kashmir that killed 40 soldiers, India responded by bombing what it said was a terrorist training camp in the Pakistani state of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan retaliated by sending jets of its own to bomb Indian targets. In the ensuing air battle, bother sides claim to have shot down the other’s aircraft, and Pakistan captured an Indian pilot.A miscalculation may prompt calamity. The fighting is already the fiercest between the two countries since India battled expel Pakistani intruders from high in the Himalayas in 1999.