


头脑的四个面向——驾驭头脑的真正力量丨四种Chit Shakti冥想汇总

The Four Parts of Mind – Harnessing the True Power of the Mind


Sadhguru explains the four parts of mind - Buddhi, Manas, Ahankara and Chitta - and reveals that if you manage to touch the Chitta which is the cosmic intelligence, God becomes your slave!


Questioner: Namaskaram, Sadhguru. I have been doing Chit Shakti meditation, and sometimes, I find it difficult to visualize, but later on, things have really happened. Can you throw some light on that?

提问者:Namaskaram,萨古鲁。我一直在做Chit Shakti冥想,有时候,我觉得观想很难,但后来,事情就真的发生了。你能解释一下吗?

Sadhguru: Chit Shakti meditation is not just visualization. In the yogic understanding, there are 16 dimensions to the human mind. These 16 dimensions fall into four categories. These four categories are known as buddhi, manas, ahankara, and chitta. Buddhi is the intellect – the logical dimension of thought. Unfortunately, the modern education systems and modern sciences have largely limited themselves to buddhi. That is a buddhu (foolish) way of existence.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):Chit Shakti冥想不仅仅只是观想。在瑜伽的认知里,人的心识有十六个层面。这十六个层面归为四类。这四类被称为buddhi、manas、ahankara和chitta。Buddhi是指智力——思维的逻辑层面。遗憾的是,现代教育体系和现代科学在很大程度上把自身局限在buddhi之内。这是一种buddhu(愚蠢)的存在方式。

Buddhi – The Intellect


Buddhi or the intellect cannot function without a certain bank of memory or data. Depending on the data you have, the intellect plays around. Suppose in your memory system, there are 10 gigabytes of memory. Depending on how sharp your buddhi is, one person can produce, let’s say, a trillion thoughts with these 10 gigabytes. Someone else can produce 10 trillion thoughts with the same 10 gigabytes of memory.


In the yogic understanding, there are 16 dimensions to the human mind.


If you can think a little better than someone else, it is considered as intelligence today. If someone says one thing and you can say ten things to that, you may be socially smart, but you are not any more intelligent. Unfortunately, in today’s systems of education and academics, everything is determined by this. If you can make more things out of it, you are considered intelligent, which is not true – you only have a sharper buddhi. The buddhi will not take you beyond limits in any way, because it can only function based on the data that is already there. It is not capable of accessing anything beyond that.


Manas – A Huge Silo of Memory


The next dimension is called manas. Manas has many layers to it. But manas is not just the brain – it is right across the body. Every cell in the body has a phenomenal memory – not just of this life but of millions of years. Your body clearly remembers how your forefathers were a million years ago. Top to bottom, there is manas – this is called manomaya kosha. In every cell in the body, there is memory and intelligence, but no intellect. Intellect is only in the brain.

下一维度被称为manas。Manas有很多个层面,不仅仅指大脑——它贯穿整个身体。身体的每一个细胞都有惊人的记忆——不单是今生的记忆,而是数百万年的记忆。你的身体清楚地记得你祖先在一百万年前是怎样的。身体从上到下都有manas——这被称作manomaya kosha(精神身)。在身体的每一个细胞里,都有记忆和智慧,但没有智力。智力只存在于大脑中。

What is in the brain is intellect, not intelligence. Intelligence and memory are right across your body. But people have never been trained how to use this intelligence.


In English language, everything comes under one banner called “mind.” The idea that intelligence is only in the brain has produced human beings whose consciousness is seriously constipated. What is in the brain is intellect, not intelligence. Intelligence and memory are right across your body. But people have never been trained how to use this intelligence. Instead, they use their intellect for everything. No wonder they are stressed out whatever job you give them. The whole weight is on only one dimension of the mind out of sixteen. It is like loading a sixteen-wheeler truck and trying to drive on only one wheel – you can imagine the stress! That is what today’s world is going through.


People may be using other dimensions of the mind marginally, unconsciously, but they are not trained to use them. They have only been trained to use their buddhi, or their intellect. They are very smart. They know everything about everything, but they do not know how to figure their own life. They do not even know how to sit here peacefully and at total ease within themselves. If there is true intelligence, the first thing that you need to figure out is how to make life happen. You know how to make the world happen, but you do not know how to make your life happen. You do not know how to conduct your mind, your energies, your emotions or your body.


If you ask people to become fit, they become tight. If you ask them to live in a more natural way, they become fat. Where is the intelligence? There is only intellect. Intellect looks good only in comparison. Suppose you are the only person on the planet, your intellect will not mean anything. Only because there are a few idiots around you, you shine. By itself, intellect will not be of any consequence.


Ahankara – The Sense of Identity


The intellect directly connects with the third dimension of your mind, called ahankara. Ahankara is sometimes translated as ego, but it is much more than that. Ahankara gives you a sense of identity. Once your ahankara takes on an identity, your intellect functions only in that context. It is important to function beyond the intellect, because the intellect is seriously enslaved to your identity.


There are other ways to know life beyond the identities we have taken on for our survival in the world.


Our identities, such as belonging to a certain nation, community, or whatever else, are necessary for our survival in a particular society. But you cannot think beyond this because you are functioning only from your intellect, and the intellect takes its sustenance from ahankara. Only along the axis of ahankara, the intellect can function. The intellect cannot transcend this, because that is its nature. But there are other ways to know life beyond the identities we have taken on for our survival in the world.


Chitta – The Cosmic Intelligence


The fourth category of the mind is called chitta. Chitta is mind without memory – pure intelligence. This intelligence is like the cosmic intelligence – simply there. Everything happens because of that. It does not function out of memory – it simply functions. In a way, what you call cosmos is a living mind, not in the sense of intellect but in the sense of chitta. Chitta is the last point of the mind. It connects to the basis of creation within you. It connects you with your consciousness.


Chitta is always on – whether you are awake or asleep. Your intellect comes on and goes off. Many times it fails, even when you are awake. If chitta or the intelligence within you was not always on, you could not stay alive. Try to conduct your breath with your intellect – you will go crazy. Chitta is keeping you alive, keeping you going, making life happen. If you touch this dimension of your mind, which is the linking point to one’s consciousness, you do not even have to wish for anything, you do not have to dream of anything – the best possible thing that can happen to you will anyway happen.


The Divine Enslaved


When people touch this dimension of the mind, it is called ishwara pranidhana in yoga. This means God becomes your slave – he works for you. You know, yogis say, “Shiva is my servant. He does everything for me.” In a way, otherwise, I would not be here. Once you know how to consciously access your chitta, everything that is needed will simply happen in the best possible way. If you go by your intellect or your buddhi, today you think “this is it,” tomorrow morning you think “that is it” – like this it goes on endlessly.

当人们触及心识的这个层面时,在瑜伽中被称为ishwara pranidhana。这意味着神成为了你的奴隶——他会为你而工作。知道吗,瑜伽士们说,“Shiva是我的仆人,他为我做所有的一切。” 在某种程度上的确如此,否则,我就不会在这里了。一旦你知道如何有意识地连接你的chitta,一切所需都会以最好的方式发生。如果你按你的buddhi(智力)去行事,今天你会认为“就按这个办!”,而明天早上你又会认为“就按那个办!”——就这样无休止地进行下去。

Chitta is the last point of the mind. It connects to the basis of creation within you. It connects you with your consciousness.


Once you know how to consciously keep your chitta on, once the Divine is your servant, when someone really efficient is working for you, you do not have to do anything. Simply sit; the best things will happen – things that you could not imagine. People always think if their dreams come true, their life will be great. I think that is a very poor life, because you cannot dream about anything that is not at all in your experience. My wish and my blessing for you is things that you could not dream of, things that you never thought possible, must happen to you. What you did not dream must happen to you – that is why you should not dream.


Instead of seeing how to delve deeper into yourself, you go on projecting stupid ideas into the world. People think that is a great thing to do. Last time when I was in the US, and someone said to me, “Sadhguru, how do you manifest all this?” I said, “I do not manifest anything. I am just fooling around. I got a very efficient partner [Shiva]. I simply leave it to him, and it happens.”


Chit Shakti is about touching the dimension of your mind that is pure intelligence – unsullied by memory, unsullied by identification. It is beyond ahankara, beyond buddhi, beyond judgment, beyond divisions – simply there, just like the intelligence of existence that makes everything happen. If you access this, you do not have to worry about what happens or what does not happen. It will happen in a way that you never imagined possible.

Chit Shakti是去触碰心识中纯智慧的那个层面——它不受记忆的污染,也不受身份的污染。它超越了ahankara、超越了buddhi、超越了评判、超越了分裂——就只是纯粹地在那里,就像让一切得以发生的存在的智慧一样。如果你连接到这个,你就不必担心什么会发生,或什么不会发生。它将以一种你从未想象过的方式发生。

Once you have access to your chitta, it is also a multi-pointed telescope. It makes you see things that no one else can see – in every direction.


Once you have access to your chitta, it is also a multi-pointed telescope. It makes you see things that no one else can see – in every direction. It is your crystal ball. It is a magnifying glass that brings the very core of life close to you. For everyone else, it is far way. Everyone thinks the Divine is somewhere up there. Where exactly, no one knows. All they know is, it seems far away.


The moment you start looking at life through your chitta, where there is no memory, there is no karmic substance and no division. Suddenly, the Divine is right there, bang on, in your face all the time. You cannot miss it.


The idea of Chit Shakti is not to keep asking for things. The idea is that if the physical arrangements of life happen easily, you can dedicate more time for your spiritual wellbeing. It would be stupid if just because it happens easily, first you want to be a millionaire, then you want to be a billionaire. The main intention is that your physical life happens more easily, that it does not take your entire time to handle it, so that you will have time to close your eyes and sit. Please make use of it for this purpose.

Chit Shakti冥想的意图不是要不断地索取。它的理念是,如果安置物质生活变得很容易,你就可以把更多的时间用于你的灵性福祉。如果只是因为它太容易发生,首先你想成为百万富翁,然后你想成为亿万富翁,那就太愚蠢了。它的主要意图是让你的物质生活更容易得到安置,不需要耗费你全部的时间,这样你就有时间闭上眼睛,坐下来。请把它用于这个目的。




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