挂盐水 Getting a drip/Getting an IV
1. 我们去药房拿你的药.
Let’s go to the pharmacy to get your medicines.
2. 我们把药给护士,她会给我们一个号.
We will give the medicines to the nurse and she’ll give us a number.
3. 护士会在你的手腕处绑一根管子,这样她就可以轻松找到你的血管并且对你下针.
The nurse will tie a tube around your wrist so that she has no problem seeing your veins and she can get the IV started easily.
4. 你能看到你皮肤下面的血管吗?
Can you see your veins, or blood vessels, under your skin?
5. 它们是青紫色的。
They are blue and purple looking.
6. 护士会使用一个棉花球来给你的皮肤消毒,然后她会小心翼翼地把针扎进你的血管里面.
First the nurse will use a cotton ball to disinfect your skin, then she’ll carefully insert the needle into your vein.
7. 有点儿疼。但是没什么好怕的,就像被蛰下.
It’s a bit painful. But there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s just a bit of a sting.
8. 你看,药物会随着时间慢慢地通过这个管子和针直接流入你的血管.
Look! Now the medicine can go directly into your veins over time from the tube and through the needle.
9. 这个密封的东西可以控制这个过程,这样药物就可以缓慢地流进你的血管,不会有任何空气进入血管的风险.
This sealed device can control the process, so the medicine slowly flows into your blood vessel, without any chance of air entering your blood vessels.
10. 这只手不要乱动。要让针保持不动。如果滚针了,药物会渗入你的身体引起肿胀.
Keep this hand still to make sure the needle remains in its place. If the needle is moved around and comes out of your vein, the medicine will leak into your body and cause swelling.