okio 源码学习笔记


OKio - 重新定义了“短小精悍”的IO框架


   public static void copyFile(String fromName, String toName) throws IOException{
        File from = new File(fromName);
        File to = new File(toName);

        BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(from));
        BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(to));

        String copyContent = "";
        while (!source.exhausted()){
            copyContent = source.readString(Charset.defaultCharset());


首先我们需要明确在okio中,source代表输入流,sink代表输出流,我们可以看到构建输入输出流很简单,Okio这个类提供一系列的工具方法供我们使用,而在使用流的时候没有那么多类,包括BufferedXXX, DataXXX, FileXXX,以及XXXStream, Reader, Writer等区分, 在okio中source和sink代表基本的输入输出流的接口,对其封装的只有BufferedXXX一种类型,它提供了几乎所有 的我们常用的输入输出操作,不过在BufferedSource和BufferedSink中都包含了一个Buffer对象,这个类是我们需要重点学习的对象,okio都是通过这个类与InputeStream和OutputStream通信完成的IO操作,下面我们开始进入学习okio的代码结构。

1. 整体结构



从图中我们可以看到结构很清晰,上面是输出流,下面是输入流,每个都只有BufferedXXX一个装饰器对象,并且两个装饰器对象都是依赖Buffered对象。这里需要说明的是Source, Sink, BufferedSource, BufferedSink都是接口,他们定义了需要的基本功能,而他们都有对应的实现类,RealBufferedSource和RealBufferedSink, 但是他们两个的功能实现几乎都是通过封装的Buffer对象来完成的,Buffer类同时实现了BufferedSource, BufferedSink接口,再次强调这个我们重点学习的对象。

 * Supplies a stream of bytes. Use this interface to read data from wherever
 * it's located: from the network, storage, or a buffer in memory. Sources may
 * be layered to transform supplied data, such as to decompress, decrypt, or
 * remove protocol framing.
public interface Source extends Closeable {
   * Removes at least 1, and up to {@code byteCount} bytes from this and appends
   * them to {@code sink}. Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 if this
   * source is exhausted.
  long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException;

  /** Returns the timeout for this source. */
  Timeout timeout();

   * Closes this source and releases the resources held by this source. It is an
   * error to read a closed source. It is safe to close a source more than once.
  @Override void close() throws IOException;

这里保留的Source源码中的第一段注释,其他部分可以自行查看,注释说明的很清楚,它作为一个输入流,可以为内存输入(提供)一个字节流,这个流可以是封装的任何的底层文件结构,比如网络通信的中的socket, 硬盘中保存的普通文件,或者内存中的缓存数据等等。代码中我们需要注意的时候read方法,它规定了应该将该流的内容读到内存中的Buffer对象中去。第二个方法为timeout返回一个timeout对象,关于IO的超时对象,我们留到本文的最后一部分介绍。下面再来看BufferedSource的代码:

 * A source that keeps a buffer internally so that callers can do small reads without a performance
 * penalty. It also allows clients to read ahead, buffering as much as necessary before consuming
 * input.
public interface BufferedSource extends Source {
  Buffer buffer();

  boolean exhausted() throws IOException;

  void require(long byteCount) throws IOException;

  boolean request(long byteCount) throws IOException;

  byte readXXX() throws IOException;

  void read(XXXX) throws IOException;

  void skip(long byteCount) throws IOException;

  int select(Options options) throws IOException;

  long indexOf(ByteString bytes, long fromIndex) throws IOException;
  boolean rangeEquals(long offset, ByteString bytes) throws IOException;
  /** Returns an input stream that reads from this source. */
  InputStream inputStream();



final class RealBufferedSource implements BufferedSource {
  public final Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
  public final Source source;
  boolean closed;

  RealBufferedSource(Source source) {
    if (source == null) throw new NullPointerException("source == null");
    this.source = source;

从代码中可以看到它封装了一个Buffer对象以及一个Source对象, 其中Buffer对象提供缓存以及字节流与其他数据类型的转换的功能, 而source对象则是封装的底层输入字节流,包括文件,Socket等,这个在前面已经做了介绍,可见如此设计甚好。我们就可以预感到RealBufferedSource将多数在BufferedSource中定义的接口功能都代理给了Buffer。下面我们来看部分代码:

@Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {
    if (sink == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sink == null");
    if (byteCount < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteCount < 0: " + byteCount);
    if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("closed");

    if (buffer.size == 0) {
      long read = source.read(buffer, Segment.SIZE);
      if (read == -1) return -1;

    long toRead = Math.min(byteCount, buffer.size);
    return buffer.read(sink, toRead);

@Override public byte readByte() throws IOException {
    return buffer.readByte();

第二个方法是读取一个字节,同样也是首先将source对象中的内容读取到Buffer对象中,(这里的读取到Buffer对象的工作是在request方法中完成的, require方法是调用的request方法)然后将该方法的功能全权代理给Buffer对象来完成。有兴趣的同学可以查看其他方法的实现,起基本原理都是一致的,代理给Buffer对象。

以上内容我们就整体介绍了一下okio中的输入流的类的结构以及其中的关系,同样地,在输出流中,其结构与之类似,有兴趣的同学可以自行查看源码。在使用okio的功能时,不可或缺的是Okio这个工具类,该工具类中有两类静态方法, 一类是buffer()方法,它可以将任何source或sink对象转换为BufferedSource或BufferedSink对象,第二类方法就是sink()或source()方法,这一类方法可以将任何流对象,包括InputStream或OutputStream,以及流的底层结构文件,字符串,Socket等转换为source或者sink对象,这样以来就可以很方便地使用okio完成输入输出操作,而且也可以很容易与原生的JavaIO完成转换。

okio中将所有的功能方法都定义在了BufferedXXX接口中,而两个接口分别有两个实现类,即RealBufferedXXX 和Buffer, Buffer对象实现了上述两个接口,而RealBufferedXXX中的功能都是代理给了Buffer对象,因此在下一部分我们需要重点学习Buffer对象。

2 Buffer对象





 * A segment of a buffer.
final class Segment {

  final byte[] data;

  /** The next byte of application data byte to read in this segment. */
  int pos;

  /** The first byte of available data ready to be written to. */
  int limit;

  /** True if other segments or byte strings use the same byte array. */
  boolean shared;

  /** True if this segment owns the byte array and can append to it, extending {@code limit}. */
  boolean owner;

  /** Next segment in a linked or circularly-linked list. */
  Segment next;

  /** Previous segment in a circularly-linked list. */
  Segment prev;


我们首先来看一下Segment的结构,这里由于不擅长画图,又没有在网上找到合适的图片,所以暂且以文字描述,如果是熟悉Java的nio框架的同学可以借鉴ByteBuffer的结构,Segment与之类似。data是底层的字节数组,pos表示当前读到的位置,lim表示当前写到的位置,读操作的结束点为lim, 写操作的结束位置为data的末尾,也就是SIZE-1,这两个属性与ByteBuffer的结构完全一致。而在okio中为了避免过多的数据拷贝,它使用了共享的方式,我们在后面还会介绍到。这里share属性表示该Segment对象的数据即data数组是与其他Segment对象共享的, 而owner属性表示该Segment对data数组是否拥有所有权。举个例子来说,当我们需要拷贝一份数据,刚好处于一个Segment中,为了避免拷贝,我们可以新建一个Segment对象,但是新的Segment对象与之前的Segment对象共享data数组,此时两个Segment对象的share属性都置为true, 而原有的Segment的ower属性为true,新建的Segment对象ower属性则为false, 此时原Segment对于数组中lim到数组结尾的空间具有写权限,而新建的Segment则没有。对于最后两个属性pre, next则应该很容易明白他们是用于构建链表的。下面我们来看它的构造器, 注意其中的ower和shareed属性:

Segment() {
    this.data = new byte[SIZE];
    this.owner = true;
    this.shared = false;

  Segment(Segment shareFrom) {
    this(shareFrom.data, shareFrom.pos, shareFrom.limit);
    shareFrom.shared = true;

  Segment(byte[] data, int pos, int limit) {
    this.data = data;
    this.pos = pos;
    this.limit = limit;
    this.owner = false;
    this.shared = true;


  public Segment pop() {
    Segment result = next != this ? next : null;
    prev.next = next;
    next.prev = prev;
    next = null;
    prev = null;
    return result;

  public Segment push(Segment segment) {
    segment.prev = this;
    segment.next = next;
    next.prev = segment;
    next = segment;
    return segment;

这里是两个最为常用但是也很简单的方法,就是简单的pop和push方法,pop方法用于将自己移除链表,并返回下一个节点的引用,即下一个Segment对象,如果这是最后一个节点,则返回null; push方法则是将一个新的Segment对象添加到当前节点的后面。

   * Splits this head of a circularly-linked list into two segments. The first
   * segment contains the data in {@code [pos..pos+byteCount)}. The second
   * segment contains the data in {@code [pos+byteCount..limit)}. This can be
   * useful when moving partial segments from one buffer to another.
   * <p>Returns the new head of the circularly-linked list.
  public Segment split(int byteCount) {
    if (byteCount <= 0 || byteCount > limit - pos) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    Segment prefix;

    // We have two competing performance goals:
    //  - Avoid copying data. We accomplish this by sharing segments.
    //  - Avoid short shared segments. These are bad for performance because they are readonly and
    //    may lead to long chains of short segments.
    // To balance these goals we only share segments when the copy will be large.
    if (byteCount >= SHARE_MINIMUM) {
      prefix = new Segment(this);
    } else {
      prefix = SegmentPool.take();
      System.arraycopy(data, pos, prefix.data, 0, byteCount);

    prefix.limit = prefix.pos + byteCount;
    pos += byteCount;
    return prefix;

这是一个将Segment分割的方法,这里保留了源码中的注释,可以仔细阅读一下,明确说明了是 为了避免过多的数据拷贝,使用数组共享的方式,不过为了避免将Segment分割的过小造成链表太长,这里设置了共享的最小的大小。该方法常用与在数据拷贝之前,首先将需要拷贝的字节数分割为一个新的Segment对象,便于拷贝。

   * Call this when the tail and its predecessor may both be less than half
   * full. This will copy data so that segments can be recycled.
  public void compact() {
    if (prev == this) throw new IllegalStateException();
    if (!prev.owner) return; // Cannot compact: prev isn't writable.
    int byteCount = limit - pos;
    int availableByteCount = SIZE - prev.limit + (prev.shared ? 0 : prev.pos);
    if (byteCount > availableByteCount) return; // Cannot compact: not enough writable space.
    writeTo(prev, byteCount);

  /** Moves {@code byteCount} bytes from this segment to {@code sink}. */
  public void writeTo(Segment sink, int byteCount) {
    if (!sink.owner) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (sink.limit + byteCount > SIZE) {
      // We can't fit byteCount bytes at the sink's current position. Shift sink first.
      if (sink.shared) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      if (sink.limit + byteCount - sink.pos > SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      System.arraycopy(sink.data, sink.pos, sink.data, 0, sink.limit - sink.pos);
      sink.limit -= sink.pos;
      sink.pos = 0;

    System.arraycopy(data, pos, sink.data, sink.limit, byteCount);
    sink.limit += byteCount;
    pos += byteCount;

下面来看数据移动的方法, 数据移动的方法逻辑也比较清晰,与compact()类似,如果数据空间不足,而数据可移动(即不是共享状态)移动后充足则移动数据,否则会抛出异常。然后执行数据拷贝并设置sink的lim属性以及原Segment的pos属性即可完成任务。

至此我们就是介绍完了Segment的方法,它的代码很少,功能也很简单,包括pop, push, slit, compact和writeTo五个方法,而Buffer的底层结构就是关于Segment的环形双向链表,那么Buffer的IO操作都是通过Segment的操作来完成的。下面我们来简单学习一下Buffer的部分功能。

 * A collection of bytes in memory.
public final class Buffer implements BufferedSource, BufferedSink, Cloneable {
  Segment head;
  long size;

  public Buffer() {


  @Override public void write(Buffer source, long byteCount) {
    // Move bytes from the head of the source buffer to the tail of this buffer
    // while balancing two conflicting goals: don't waste CPU and don't waste
    // memory.
    // Don't waste CPU (ie. don't copy data around).
    // Copying large amounts of data is expensive. Instead, we prefer to
    // reassign entire segments from one buffer to the other.
    // Don't waste memory.
    // As an invariant, adjacent pairs of segments in a buffer should be at
    // least 50% full, except for the head segment and the tail segment.
    // The head segment cannot maintain the invariant because the application is
    // consuming bytes from this segment, decreasing its level.
    // The tail segment cannot maintain the invariant because the application is
    // producing bytes, which may require new nearly-empty tail segments to be
    // appended.
    // Moving segments between buffers
    // When writing one buffer to another, we prefer to reassign entire segments
    // over copying bytes into their most compact form. Suppose we have a buffer
    // with these segment levels [91%, 61%]. If we append a buffer with a
    // single [72%] segment, that yields [91%, 61%, 72%]. No bytes are copied.
    // Or suppose we have a buffer with these segment levels: [100%, 2%], and we
    // want to append it to a buffer with these segment levels [99%, 3%]. This
    // operation will yield the following segments: [100%, 2%, 99%, 3%]. That
    // is, we do not spend time copying bytes around to achieve more efficient
    // memory use like [100%, 100%, 4%].
    // When combining buffers, we will compact adjacent buffers when their
    // combined level doesn't exceed 100%. For example, when we start with
    // [100%, 40%] and append [30%, 80%], the result is [100%, 70%, 80%].
    // Splitting segments
    // Occasionally we write only part of a source buffer to a sink buffer. For
    // example, given a sink [51%, 91%], we may want to write the first 30% of
    // a source [92%, 82%] to it. To simplify, we first transform the source to
    // an equivalent buffer [30%, 62%, 82%] and then move the head segment,
    // yielding sink [51%, 91%, 30%] and source [62%, 82%].

    if (source == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("source == null");
    if (source == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException("source == this");
    checkOffsetAndCount(source.size, 0, byteCount);

    while (byteCount > 0) {
      // Is a prefix of the source's head segment all that we need to move?
      if (byteCount < (source.head.limit - source.head.pos)) {
        Segment tail = head != null ? head.prev : null;
        if (tail != null && tail.owner
            && (byteCount + tail.limit - (tail.shared ? 0 : tail.pos) <= Segment.SIZE)) {
          // Our existing segments are sufficient. Move bytes from source's head to our tail.
          source.head.writeTo(tail, (int) byteCount);
          source.size -= byteCount;
          size += byteCount;
        } else {
          // We're going to need another segment. Split the source's head
          // segment in two, then move the first of those two to this buffer.
          source.head = source.head.split((int) byteCount);

      // Remove the source's head segment and append it to our tail.
      Segment segmentToMove = source.head;
      long movedByteCount = segmentToMove.limit - segmentToMove.pos;
      source.head = segmentToMove.pop();
      if (head == null) {
        head = segmentToMove;
        head.next = head.prev = head;
      } else {
        Segment tail = head.prev;
        tail = tail.push(segmentToMove);
      source.size -= movedByteCount;
      size += movedByteCount;
      byteCount -= movedByteCount;

  @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) {
    if (sink == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sink == null");
    if (byteCount < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("byteCount < 0: " + byteCount);
    if (size == 0) return -1L;
    if (byteCount > size) byteCount = size;
    sink.write(this, byteCount);
    return byteCount;



  /** Copy {@code byteCount} bytes from this, starting at {@code offset}, to {@code out}. */
  public Buffer copyTo(Buffer out, long offset, long byteCount) {
    if (out == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("out == null");
    checkOffsetAndCount(size, offset, byteCount);
    if (byteCount == 0) return this;

    out.size += byteCount;

    // Skip segments that we aren't copying from.
    Segment s = head;
    for (; offset >= (s.limit - s.pos); s = s.next) {
      offset -= (s.limit - s.pos);

    // Copy one segment at a time.
    for (; byteCount > 0; s = s.next) {
      Segment copy = new Segment(s);
      copy.pos += offset;
      copy.limit = Math.min(copy.pos + (int) byteCount, copy.limit);
      if (out.head == null) {
        out.head = copy.next = copy.prev = copy;
      } else {
      byteCount -= copy.limit - copy.pos;
      offset = 0;

    return this;

第一个是copyTo()方法,这个方法有两个重载形式,一个是CopyTo outputStream, 一个是copyTo Buffer, 这里只是介绍第二个作为例子,其实二者形式很相近。拷贝的步骤包括,跳过一定的字节数,然后逐个Segment进行拷贝,这里Segment地方data数组会进行共享。在创建完新的Segment对象以后添加到双向列表中,就可以完成了数据拷贝任务。

  /** Write {@code byteCount} bytes from this to {@code out}. */
  public Buffer writeTo(OutputStream out, long byteCount) throws IOException {
    if (out == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("out == null");
    checkOffsetAndCount(size, 0, byteCount);

    Segment s = head;
    while (byteCount > 0) {
      int toCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount, s.limit - s.pos);
      out.write(s.data, s.pos, toCopy);

      s.pos += toCopy;
      size -= toCopy;
      byteCount -= toCopy;

      if (s.pos == s.limit) {
        Segment toRecycle = s;
        head = s = toRecycle.pop();

    return this;

要介绍的第二个方法是写入方法,基本的逻辑就是逐个Segment进行数据写入,首先计算需要写入的字节数量,然后写入到输出流中,最后更新每个段的pos, lim 属性,并且回收可以回收的Segment对象。

  private void readFrom(InputStream in, long byteCount, boolean forever) throws IOException {
    if (in == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("in == null");
    while (byteCount > 0 || forever) {
      Segment tail = writableSegment(1);
      int maxToCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount, Segment.SIZE - tail.limit);
      int bytesRead = in.read(tail.data, tail.limit, maxToCopy);
      if (bytesRead == -1) {
        if (forever) return;
        throw new EOFException();
      tail.limit += bytesRead;
      size += bytesRead;
      byteCount -= bytesRead;



除此之外,这里简单提一下okio中另外一个重要的类, ByteString,从这个类的名字中可以看出它是一个字节串,此外它的实例是不可变的对象,这一点类似于String对象,它底层有一个data[]数组对象,维护数据,延迟初始化uft-8的字符串,两份数据不会干扰,用空间换取了效率,同时由于它是不可变的对象,在多线程中就具备了安全和效率两方面的优势,此外它提供了一系列的api可以完成它与流之间的数据交换,与Buffer之间的数据交换,以及与string等类型之间的转换,有兴趣的同学可以阅读其源码,较为简单可以通读其代码,这里不再介绍。

3. Okio的超时机制


  private boolean hasDeadline;
  private long deadlineNanoTime;
  private long timeoutNanos;


  public void throwIfReached() throws IOException {
    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
      throw new InterruptedIOException("thread interrupted");

    if (hasDeadline && deadlineNanoTime - System.nanoTime() <= 0) {
      throw new InterruptedIOException("deadline reached");


public final void waitUntilNotified(Object monitor) throws InterruptedIOException {
    try {
      boolean hasDeadline = hasDeadline();
      long timeoutNanos = timeoutNanos();

      //1. 无限期等待
      if (!hasDeadline && timeoutNanos == 0L) {
        monitor.wait(); // There is no timeout: wait forever.

      //2. Compute how long we'll wait.(计算等待时长)
      long waitNanos;
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      if (hasDeadline && timeoutNanos != 0) {
        long deadlineNanos = deadlineNanoTime() - start;
        waitNanos = Math.min(timeoutNanos, deadlineNanos);
      } else if (hasDeadline) {
        waitNanos = deadlineNanoTime() - start;
      } else {
        waitNanos = timeoutNanos;

      //3. 等待
      // Attempt to wait that long. This will break out early if the monitor is notified.
      long elapsedNanos = 0L;
      if (waitNanos > 0L) {
        long waitMillis = waitNanos / 1000000L;
        monitor.wait(waitMillis, (int) (waitNanos - waitMillis * 1000000L));
        elapsedNanos = System.nanoTime() - start;

      //4. 满足条件时抛异常
      // Throw if the timeout elapsed before the monitor was notified.
      if (elapsedNanos >= waitNanos) {
        throw new InterruptedIOException("timeout");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      throw new InterruptedIOException("interrupted");


public final Source source(final Source source) {
    return new Source() {
      @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {
        boolean throwOnTimeout = false;
        try {
          long result = source.read(sink, byteCount);
          throwOnTimeout = true;
          return result;
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw exit(e);
        } finally {


public final Sink sink(final Sink sink) {
    return new Sink() {
      @Override public void write(Buffer source, long byteCount) throws IOException {
        checkOffsetAndCount(source.size, 0, byteCount);

        while (byteCount > 0L) {
          //1. 计算写入的字节长度
          // Count how many bytes to write. This loop guarantees we split on a segment boundary.
          long toWrite = 0L;
          for (Segment s = source.head; toWrite < TIMEOUT_WRITE_SIZE; s = s.next) {
            int segmentSize = source.head.limit - source.head.pos;
            toWrite += segmentSize;
            if (toWrite >= byteCount) {
              toWrite = byteCount;

          // Emit one write. Only this section is subject to the timeout.
          boolean throwOnTimeout = false;
          try {
            sink.write(source, toWrite);
            byteCount -= toWrite;
            throwOnTimeout = true;
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw exit(e);
          } finally {


  static AsyncTimeout head;

  /** True if this node is currently in the queue. */
  private boolean inQueue;

  /** The next node in the linked list. */
  private AsyncTimeout next;

  /** If scheduled, this is the time that the watchdog should time this out. */
  private long timeoutAt;


public final void enter() {
    if (inQueue) throw new IllegalStateException("Unbalanced enter/exit");
    long timeoutNanos = timeoutNanos();
    boolean hasDeadline = hasDeadline();
    if (timeoutNanos == 0 && !hasDeadline) {
      return; // No timeout and no deadline? Don't bother with the queue.
    inQueue = true;
    scheduleTimeout(this, timeoutNanos, hasDeadline);


  private static synchronized void scheduleTimeout(
      AsyncTimeout node, long timeoutNanos, boolean hasDeadline) {
        //1. 控队列,第一次加入检测超时对象,初始化head,并开启看门狗,其实就是一个检测的线程,后面分析其逻辑
    // Start the watchdog thread and create the head node when the first timeout is scheduled.
    if (head == null) {
      head = new AsyncTimeout();
      new Watchdog().start();
    //2. 计算节点的超时时间点
    long now = System.nanoTime();
    if (timeoutNanos != 0 && hasDeadline) {
      // Compute the earliest event; either timeout or deadline. Because nanoTime can wrap around,
      // Math.min() is undefined for absolute values, but meaningful for relative ones.
      node.timeoutAt = now + Math.min(timeoutNanos, node.deadlineNanoTime() - now);
    } else if (timeoutNanos != 0) {
      node.timeoutAt = now + timeoutNanos;
    } else if (hasDeadline) {
      node.timeoutAt = node.deadlineNanoTime();
    } else {
      throw new AssertionError();
    //3. 将节点加入队列,按照超时的时间先后顺序入队
    // Insert the node in sorted order.
    long remainingNanos = node.remainingNanos(now);
    for (AsyncTimeout prev = head; true; prev = prev.next) {
      if (prev.next == null || remainingNanos < prev.next.remainingNanos(now)) {
        node.next = prev.next;
        prev.next = node;
        //4. 如果加入的节点位于队列的第一个,即head之后的节点,则需要唤醒等待的线程(在介绍watchdog部分统一介绍)
        if (prev == head) {
          AsyncTimeout.class.notify(); // Wake up the watchdog when inserting at the front.


  final void exit(boolean throwOnTimeout) throws IOException {
    boolean timedOut = exit();
    if (timedOut && throwOnTimeout) throw newTimeoutException(null);


public final boolean exit() {
    if (!inQueue) return false;
    inQueue = false;
    return cancelScheduledTimeout(this);


  private static synchronized boolean cancelScheduledTimeout(AsyncTimeout node) {
    // Remove the node from the linked list.
    for (AsyncTimeout prev = head; prev != null; prev = prev.next) {
      if (prev.next == node) {
        prev.next = node.next;
        node.next = null;
        return false;

    // The node wasn't found in the linked list: it must have timed out!
    return true;


  private static final class Watchdog extends Thread {
    public Watchdog() {
      super("Okio Watchdog");

    public void run() {
      while (true) {
        try {
          AsyncTimeout timedOut;
          synchronized (AsyncTimeout.class) {
            //1. 等待
            timedOut = awaitTimeout();
            //2. 等待结束以后,有节点超时
            // Didn't find a node to interrupt. Try again.
            if (timedOut == null) continue;

            //a. 控队列的特殊情况
            // The queue is completely empty. Let this thread exit and let another watchdog thread
            // get created on the next call to scheduleTimeout().
            if (timedOut == head) {
              head = null;

          //b. 某个节点已经超时,这里timeOut()方法在AsyncTimeout中是空方法,可以通过覆写该方法定义超时以后需要处理的逻辑
          // Close the timed out node.
        } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {


 static AsyncTimeout awaitTimeout() throws InterruptedException {
    // Get the next eligible node.
    AsyncTimeout node = head.next;

    // The queue is empty. Wait until either something is enqueued or the idle timeout elapses.
    if (node == null) {
      //在控队列的情况下,等待一个空闲时间,此间没有入队的对象将线程唤醒,空闲时间过后如果依然时空队列,则返回head,则对应上面的a. 特殊情况
      //如果等待空闲时间内,有节点入队,此时检测线程被唤醒,这里返回null, 则上面的while循环会执行下一次循环,去检测第一个节点
      long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
      return head.next == null && (System.nanoTime() - startNanos) >= IDLE_TIMEOUT_NANOS
          ? head  // The idle timeout elapsed.
          : null; // The situation has changed.
    //1. 计算第一个节点的超时剩余时间
    long waitNanos = node.remainingNanos(System.nanoTime());

    // The head of the queue hasn't timed out yet. Await that.
    if (waitNanos > 0) {
      // Waiting is made complicated by the fact that we work in nanoseconds,
      // but the API wants (millis, nanos) in two arguments.
      long waitMillis = waitNanos / 1000000L;
      waitNanos -= (waitMillis * 1000000L);
      //2. 等待一个超时时间
      AsyncTimeout.class.wait(waitMillis, (int) waitNanos);
      //3. 执行到这里有两种可能,一是等待超时,二是对入队的节点,并且该入队的节点在队列的第一个时,也就是比当前节点还要早结束
      return null;

    // The head of the queue has timed out. Remove it.
    head.next = node.next;
    node.next = null;
    return node;

关于WatchDog的逻辑已经在代码中标识,我们需要明确的一点时,检测线程也就是看门狗线程始终检测第一个节点(如果不为空的话),而且这一段代码需要和上面的调用该方法的地方结合来看。这里我们首先看空队列的特殊情况,此时会等待一段时间,期间如果有入队的,那么一定加在第一的位置,那么一定会调用notify()方法,前面的enter()方法中提到过,就会唤醒检测线程,此时条件不成立,则返回null,回到线程的run()方法,发现返回null时则会执行下一次循环,下次循环则会去检测刚加入队列的第一个节点的超时情况,如果等待一段时间没有入队的节点,超时以后wait()方法退出,此时条件满足,返回head,同样在run()方法中我们看到此时清空了head, 并结束了线程,也就是没有检测的任务了。

4. 总结

因为在学习okhttp的过程中遇到了很多的使用okio执行的I/O操作,因此学习了okio的源码,该库十分简练,是对Java IO的一次成功的封装。对于okio首先需要明白source和sink接口的定义,明白它们如何将一个数据源包装成数据流;其次是最为重要的,即buffer类,在构造BufferedSink和BufferedSource时,输入输出操作均转嫁给了buffer,而且buffer在一定意义上也是sink和source所包装的数据目的地;然后,如果okio为了提升拷贝的效率,使用了Segment的链表,通过共享数据,避免了拷贝带来的消耗,这一部分对使用okio没有影响,但是很有学习的价值;最后是okio的超时机制,逻辑很简单,主要是用于检测输入输出的操作超时,不过AsyncTimeout的代码对于学习非阻塞I/O,线程的同步具有很高的学习价值。

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