Do you know when you tend to have peak creative energy?
Some people jump right out of bed ready to start working deeply and creating. Others don’t really get revved up until the late hours of the night. And some people have their best energy right after an early afternoon siesta.
It doesn’t really matter when your peak creative energy comes. What matters is that you understand when it comes and can optimize your work around that time.
If you’re not sure, take a few days or a week and track your energy levels over the course of the day.
Here’s how I’d do it:
- Get a piece of paper and create 5 columns labeled Mon-Fri.
- Under each column, list out the hours of your day.
- Keep this sheet on your desk or with you whenever possible.
- Each hour, make a note of how much energy you had on a scale of 1–10.
- After you’ve tracked it for a week, review and look for patterns.