是的,世界首富亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)离婚了。
当地时间1月9日,杰夫·贝佐斯在推特宣布与妻子麦肯齐(MacKenzie Bezos)离婚,结束两人长达25年的婚姻生活。
“If we had known we would separate after 25 years, we would do it all again.”“即使当年我们知道25年后会分开,我们依旧会做出原来的选择。”
◉ 下面,我们先来看看纽约时报(The New York Times)的报道。
The Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and the novelist MacKenzie Bezos announced on Twitter Wednesday that they are getting divorced after 25 years of marriage.
In a statement posted on Mr. Bezos's Twitter account, the couple said they had been separated for a long period of time, but planned to remain involved as “parents, friends, partners in ventures and projects.” According to a 1999 profile in Wired, the two met when they both worked at D.E. Shaw, a New York-based hedge fund, before moving in 1994 to Seattle, where Amazon is headquartered. They have four children.
2018年3月6日,福布斯2018富豪榜发布,亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)以1120亿美元位居榜首,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)以900亿美元排名第二。
hedge fund
表示“对冲基金”,英文解释为“A hedge fund is an investment fund that invests large amounts of money using methods that involve a lot of risk.”,
hedge作名词,表示“防范措施,防备手段(尤指金钱损失)”,英文解释为“something that protects you against possible problems, especially financial loss”,举个🌰:
Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.
You can hedge against illness with insurance.
还可以指“避免答复,避免正面回答,拐弯抹角,回避”,英文解释为“to try to avoid giving an answer or taking any action”,举个🌰:
Stop hedging and tell me what you really think.
补充短语:hedge your bets表示“(为避免损失)几面下注,两头押宝”,英文解释“to reduce your chances of failure or loss by trying several different possibilities instead of one”,举个🌰:
They're hedging their bets and keeping up contacts with both companies.
headquarters作名词表示“总部;总公司;总办事处;总局;司令部”,英文解释为“the main offices of an organization such as the army, the police, or a business company”,如:the headquarters of the United Nations 联合国总部;
而很有意思的是,去掉s的headquarter则作为动词,表示“设立总部,在…设总部”(to place in or establish as headquarters)。
◉ 对于“史上最贵离婚案”,华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)引述了华盛顿特区一位名叫Sandy Ain的律师的介绍:
Bezos, who owns The Washington Post, has an estimated net worth of $137 billion and topped Forbes's list last year of the richest Americans (beating out Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg), as well as the list of billionaires worldwide.
D.C. divorce lawyer Sandy Ain, who has handled his share of splits among the uber-wealthy (although he doesn't rep either Bezos), notes that Washington state, where the Bezoses reside, is a “community property” state, meaning that all assets and debts accumulated during a marriage are divided equally. Because Bezos is the richest person in the world, a 50/50 agreement would result in the biggest recorded divorce settlement.
But, Ain says, the couple could have a prenuptial agreement — or even a postnuptial agreement (meaning it was negotiated after the “I do's”) — that would trump the law declaring a couple halve everything. And what could be in such an arrangement? “Literally anything they wanted,” Ain said, including a potential provision that property acquired under one party's name remain theirs.
表示“极度的,超级的;极好的,极致的”英文解释为“Uber combines with nouns and adjectives to form nouns and adjectives that refer to a great or extreme example of something. Better, larger, or greater”,举个🌰:
I want to do something uber-cool with my webpage.
community property
表示“夫妻共有财产/共同财产”,英文解释为“property that is considered to be owned equally by both a husband and wife in US law”。
divorce settlement 离婚协议,离婚协议书
prenuptial agreement 婚前协议(a legal document that is written before a man and a woman get married, in which they agree things such as how much money each will get if they divorce)
postnuptial agreement 婚后协议
·prenuptial /priːˈnʌpʃəl, -tʃəl/ 表示“婚前发生的;婚前存在的”,英文解释为“occurring or existing before marriage”;
· nuptial表示“婚礼的; 婚姻的”,英文解释为“Nuptial is used to refer to things relating to a wedding or to marriage.”
此trump非彼trump,作动词,表示“赢,打败,(因说或做得更好而) 胜过”,英文解释为“If you trump what someone has said or done, you beat it by saying or doing something else that seems better.”举个🌰:
By wearing a simple but stunning dress, she had trumped them all.
也指“(纸牌戏中)打出王牌赢(别人的牌)”(to play a trump that beats someone else's card in a game)。本身作名词,表示“王牌花色,王牌,将牌”;
补充短语:trump card表示“王牌,绝招,杀手锏”(something that you can do or use in a situation, which gives you an advantage)。
◉ 然而,这事似乎没这么简单?
外媒「The National Enquirer」爆料称“贝佐斯或婚内出轨,与好莱坞经纪人大亨帕特里克·怀特塞尔(Patrick Whitesell)的妻子劳伦·桑切斯(Lauren Sanchez)有染”。
The marriage of the world's richest couple is set to explode in all-out war — after billionaire Jeff Bezos was caught cheating on his wife of 25 years with the spouse of a Hollywood mogul, RadarOnline.com is reporting.
The National ENQUIRER is reporting that for the past eight months, the hot-blooded founder of online retail giant Amazon has two-timed novelist wife MacKenzie Bezos with busty beauty Lauren Sanchez, whose husband, Patrick Whitesell, is one of Hollywood's most powerful talent agents.
Bezos — a self-described “family man” — has secretly been whisking his mistressoff to exotic destinations on his $65 million private jet, sending her raunchy messages and erotic selfies — including one steamy picture too explicit to print here — and having secret rendezvous at palatial private estates.
cheat on
表示“不忠实于(配偶或伴侣),对...不忠”,英文解释为“If someone cheats on their husband, wife, or partner, they have a sexual relationship with another person.”,举个🌰:
I'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt.
也可以指“违背(协议等)”,英文解释为“If someone cheats on something such as an agreement or their taxes, they do not do what they should do under a set of rules.”
表示“热血沸腾的,情感强烈的,激昂的”,英文解释为“having very strong emotions such as anger or love, that are difficult to control”
这个词有意思,作动词,表示“背着…偷情;对(恋人)不忠”,英文解释为“to have a secret relationship with someone who is not your regular partner ”。
two-time: "to deceive, cheat, betray," 1924, perhaps from notion of "to have two at a time." An earlier reference (1922) in a Kentucky criminal case involves a double-cross or betrayal without a romance angle. Related: two-timing (adj.); two-timer.
exotic & erotic
exotic /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ 表示“异国风情的,外国情调的”,英文解释为“something that is exotic seems unusual and interesting because it is related to a foreign country – use this to show approval”,如:exotic places 有异国风情的地方。
erotic 表示“色情的”,英文解释为“an erotic book, picture, or film shows people having sex, and is intended to make people reading or looking at it have feelings of sexual pleasure”。
◉ 「The National Enquirer」在报道末尾表示,周四周五会持续放出更多“实锤”:
For more shocking photos of the pair and all the details about the largest investigation in Enquirer history, pick up a copy of a special edition of the magazine, on newsstands around the country on Thursday and Friday.
◉ 而Business Insider是这样说的:
外界一直传闻,美国总统特朗普与亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯不合。2018年12月,National Enquirer出版商承认支付一笔费用帮助特朗普竞选。
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