verve TEM8 GRE
UK /vɜːv/ US /vɝːv/
noun, Verve is lively and forceful enthusiasm. 活力,热情,激情
1. Michiko Kakutani, reviewing his book for The New York Times, said he told “this story of disruptive innovation with authority and verve, and lots of well-informed reporting.”(New York Times)
2. With characteristic verve, Mr. Moonves spoke to Wall Street analysts on Thursday about the company’s second-quarter financial results, predicting the network would end the season in first place for the 11th year in a row.(New York Times)
3. But the material was handled with just the right mix of verve and darkness by director Bill Condon and newly hired screenwriter Stephen Chbosky.(Washington Post)
4. Samuel I. Newhouse Jr., who ran the company for decades at the peak of its gloss and verve, but who is now approaching 90, will be chairman emeritus.(New York Times)
5. The Commission’s not known for the verve and velocity of its responses to press enquiries on a Sunday afternoon.(Forbes)
6. Now he is trying to cajole governments into agreeing a common approach to reforming their economies - a drive he sees as necessary to allow the stagnant euro zone to grow with verve.(Reuters)
7. Tacitly, that's the kind of activity that you don't need a law degree for, the raw business verve that is very easily explained, because it just involves thinking of something, making it and selling it.(The Guardian)
8. But editors at The Week are unashamed about what they are, and their confidence lends a certain verve to their work.(New York Times)
9. Tacitly, that's the kind of activity that you don't need a law degree for, the raw business verve that is very easily explained, because it just involves thinking of something, making it and selling it.(The Guardian)
10. But editors at The Week are unashamed about what they are, and their confidence lends a certain verve to their work.(New York Times)
11. These stories are crucial to global understanding of current imbroglios, and they are told with verve.(Nature)
12. Dennett's is not the only game in town, as he well knows, but it is immensely instructive and pleasurable to see this game played with such skill, verve and wit.(Nature)
with verve
1690s, "special talent in writing, enthusiasm in what pertains to art and literature," from French verve "enthusiasm" (especially pertaining to the arts), in Old French "caprice, odd humor, proverb, saying; messenger's report" (12c.), probably from Gallo-Roman *verva, from Latin verba "(whimsical) words," plural of verbum "word" (see verb). Meaning "mental vigor" is first recorded 1803.
dynamism, energy, vigor, vitality, ardor, fervor, passion, zeal
indolence, laziness, weakness, enervation, exhaustion, sluggishness
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