否则,有百分之九十九的人就只是在自杀,他们的生命除了是慢性自杀,其他一无所是。满足这个期待, 满足那个….有时候它是父亲的期待, 有时候它是母亲的期待,有时候它是太太的,先生的,然后小孩的期待——他们全都有所期待。然后是社会,传教士,政客。
在满足每个人的期待的过程中,你已经发了疯, 然而你并没有满足哪个人的期待。没有人开心。你迷失了,浪费了,但是没有人开心。那些无法对自己感到开心的人是无法开心的。无论你做什么,他们总是会找出方法对你不开心,因为他们开心不起来。
Stop fulfilling expectations of others, because that is the only way you can commit suicide. You are not here to fulfill anybody's expectations and nobody else is here to fulfill your expectations. Never become a victim of others' expectations and don't make anybody a victim of your expectations.
This is what I call individuality. Respect your own individuality and respect others' individuality. Never interfere in anybody's life and don't allow anybody to interfere in your life. Only then one day you can grow into spirituality.
Otherwise, ninety-nine percent of people simply commit suicide. Their whole life is nothing but a slow suicide. Fulfilling this expectation, that expectation...some day it was the father, some day it was the mother, some day it was the wife, husband, then come children - they also expect. Then the society, the priest and the politician.
All around everybody is expecting. And poor you there, just a poor human being - and the whole world expecting you to do this and that. And you can't fulfill all of their expectations, because they are contradictory.
You have gone mad fulfilling everybody's expectations. And you have not fulfilled anybody's. Nobody is happy. You are lost, wasted, and nobody is happy. People who are not happy with themselves cannot be happy. Whatsoever you do, they will find ways to be unhappy with you, because they cannot be happy.
Happiness is an art that one has to learn. It has nothing to do with your doing or not doing. Instead of pleasing, learn the art of happiness.