你好,孩子,谢谢你来到爸妈身边,你现在眼前的世界是最纯洁,最美好的,就像现在的你,纯的像一张白纸,纯的像刚落地的雪, 纯的就像你现在喝着奶就是最幸福的事,纯的就像你不知道为什么会哭,为什会笑,我不知道以后你的世界会多了什么颜色,但我希望你的心永远这么纯洁的,快乐的,记住你要永远保持你的第一次微笑。小椰子,祝你满月快乐,永远健康幸福,爸爸妈妈永远爱你。
《holle world》
holle holle hi, when I opened eyes,I see the light,in the color sky,
holle holle hi,Baba mama's smile look like the sunshine,
holle holle world,I think l love the world.
you are fun, you are warm,I will love you more and more.Wo Wo Wo...
holle holle hi,I am sleeping inthe night,watching stars in the sky,
holle holle hi,I heard my mother singing on my side,and the voice is nice.
holle holle world,I feel the wind and breathe in the air ,I touched mother's hand,
you are real,you are fun,I will happy more and more.Wo Wo Wo...
holle Holle world,it is my first smile,but I drunk in my father' arms forever.