API Gateway is a type of service in a microservices architecture which provides a shared layer and API for clients to communicate with internal services. The API Gateway can route requests, transform protocols, aggregate data and implement shared logic like authentication and rate-limiters.
API网关是一种在微服务架构中对外提供统一接口,队内进行内部服务调用的中间层。API网关可以分发路由、转换协议、收集数据、继承通用接口 比如认证、以及限流。
API Gateway as an entry point to microservices
Authentication - 整合、收集数据
[图片上传失败...(image-e31639-1522144209517)] - 转换数据格式
[图片上传失败...(image-91dd5a-1522144209517)] - 转换协议
[图片上传失败...(image-4e9a1b-1522144209517)] - 流量限制以及缓存