1. This fact is connected to a person’s personality,and says that each person has a basic tendency to other focus more on promotion goals or focus more on prevention goals as part of his or her personality.
2. Plants absorb CO2 from the air of the air and transfer it into sugars and other carbon base substances,while the proportion of this carbon products remain in the plant,some transfer from the roots to fungi and soil microbes which store the carbon in the soil.
3. Fresh human care this pretty much do the same face over and over,except for minor accessories,all of the people in this book look the same.
4. Not exactly something you’d be are encouraged to do in the art school, and the way he drew even non-human characters was dismissed by many critics as being overly simplistic.
5. It’s autumn and as you know,in most parts of the united states the leaves on the trees are changing color from green to yellow,orange and lots of other colors.
6. You know I’ve heard of her name so many times,and I’ve seen some of her work,but she’s not mentioned in any of our reading about photographers from that time.
7. We suggest you start with a visit to the copper mine. Travel on converted mining trains and journey into the depths of the mountain along seams once worked by hundreds of miners.
8. But please be warmed that black or mine hours is very dark and closed in,and we do say that children under five and also dogs should not be taken into the mine.
9. Look out for the ship’s wheel which was missing until only five years ago,when it was dredged out of silt by a local fisherman. We have not idea how it got there,but it’s been polished and proudly restored to its original place on the boat.
10. And it’s believed that agriculture arose independently in the few areas of the world about 10 thousand years ago,and then spread from those areas to the rest of the world.