240 发简信
  • 听写训练营Day60

    Goodevening, everyone, myname's ...,and I'mchairmanof theHighwaysCommitt...

  • 听写训练营Day59

    Welcome to this lecture on Agriculture and the Environment, I hope it is...

  • 听写训练营Day58

    Are you thinking about further study? Well, listen to this before you ma...

  • 2019-04-18-寻隐者不遇

    寻隐者不遇 唐·贾岛 松下问童子,言师采药去。 只在此山中,云深不知处。

  • 听写训练营Day57

    Welcome to the museum,before we go inside,I’d like to remind you of one ...

  • 听力训练营Day56

    You’ve come here today to learn more about gaining confidence and settin...

  • 听写训练营Day55

    Good morning, everyone, in these environmental science lectures,I guess ...

  • 听写训练营Day54

    Today we are going to examine two economies that have developed througho...

  • 听写训练营Day53

    People who are cancer survivors and still are working age are often stil...