2018年6月16日,西中街小学训练总结 。8点半2,3年级足球训练课。
第一部分: 准备活动: 颠球,大腿颠球,脚内侧颠球,10分钟体能训练。
第二部分:1.传球和射门练习5个人一组 顺利成功 。
2. 射门: 这是西中街校教练安排了。
3。一打一,二打二,三打三,四打四,五队五。我们遵守这练习要求(孩子越来越进步)。I think children are really making progress in terms of personal technics and their play as a team is becoming more harmonious.
3. 分队比赛。场地有四球门,还进球,必修所有球员过半场。 briefly, the training was wonderful and I expect more improvement next time. Thank you
2018 年6月16日17日,4岁,5岁训练。we emphasize on games related to football (足球游戏)to excite the envy, love of the football and familiarize the kid with the ball. 上周末训练项目是基本功(带球,啦求转身后传球)。children que getting used and I hope they progress with time they are attending the club training training program.