python clock 时钟

Classes that encapsulate top-level interfaces.
Allows same GUI to be main, pop-up, or attached; content classes may inherit
from these directly, or be mixed together with them per usage mode; may also
be called directly without a subclass; designed to be mixed in after (further
to the right than) app-specific classes: else, subclass gets methods here
(destroy, okayToQuit), instead of from app-specific classes--can't redefine.

import os, glob
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Frame, YES, BOTH, RIDGE
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, askyesno

class _window:
mixin shared by main and pop-up windows
foundicon = None # shared by all inst
iconpatt = '*.ico' # may be reset
iconmine = 'py.ico'

def configBorders(self, app, kind, iconfile):
    if not iconfile:                                   # no icon passed?
        iconfile = self.findIcon()                     # try curr,tool dirs
    title = app
    if kind: title += ' - ' + kind
    self.title(title)                                  # on window border
    self.iconname(app)                                 # when minimized
    if iconfile:
            self.iconbitmap(iconfile)                  # window icon image
        except:                                        # bad py or platform
    self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit)       # don't close silent

def findIcon(self):
    if _window.foundicon:                              # already found one?
        return _window.foundicon
    iconfile  = None                                   # try curr dir first
    iconshere = glob.glob(self.iconpatt)               # assume just one
    if iconshere:                                      # del icon for red Tk
        iconfile = iconshere[0]
    else:                                              # try tools dir icon
        mymod  = __import__(__name__)                  # import self for dir
        path   = __name__.split('.')                   # poss a package path
        for mod in path[1:]:                           # follow path to end
            mymod = getattr(mymod, mod)                # only have leftmost
        mydir  = os.path.dirname(mymod.__file__)
        myicon = os.path.join(mydir, self.iconmine)    # use myicon, not tk
        if os.path.exists(myicon): iconfile = myicon
    _window.foundicon = iconfile                       # don't search again
    return iconfile

class MainWindow(Tk, _window):
when run in main top-level window
def init(self, app, kind='', iconfile=None):
self.__app = app
self.configBorders(app, kind, iconfile)

def quit(self):
    if self.okayToQuit():                                # threads running?
        if askyesno(self.__app, 'Verify Quit Program?'):
            self.destroy()                               # quit whole app
        showinfo(self.__app, 'Quit not allowed')         # or in okayToQuit?

def destroy(self):                                       # exit app silently
    Tk.quit(self)                                        # redef if exit ops

def okayToQuit(self):                                    # redef me if used
    return True                                          # e.g., thread busy

class PopupWindow(Toplevel, _window):
when run in secondary pop-up window
def init(self, app, kind='', iconfile=None):
self.__app = app
self.configBorders(app, kind, iconfile)

def quit(self):                                        # redef me to change
    if askyesno(self.__app, 'Verify Quit Window?'):    # or call destroy
        self.destroy()                                 # quit this window

def destroy(self):                                     # close win silently
    Toplevel.destroy(self)                             # redef for close ops

class QuietPopupWindow(PopupWindow):
def quit(self):
self.destroy() # don't verify close

class ComponentWindow(Frame):
when attached to another display
def init(self, parent): # if not a frame
Frame.init(self, parent) # provide container
self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
self.config(relief=RIDGE, border=2) # reconfig to change

def quit(self):
    showinfo('Quit', 'Not supported in attachment mode')

# destroy from Frame: erase frame silent               # redef for close ops
PyClock 2.1: a clock GUI in Python/tkinter.

With both analog and digital display modes, a pop-up date label, clock face
images, general resizing, etc. May be run both standalone, or embedded
(attached) in other GUIs that need a clock.

New in 2.0: s/m keys set seconds/minutes timer for pop-up msg; window icon.
New in 2.1: updated to run under Python 3.X (2.X no longer supported)

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.simpledialog import askinteger
import math, time, sys


Option configuration classes


class ClockConfig:
# defaults--override in instance or subclass
size = 200 # width=height
bg, fg = 'beige', 'brown' # face, tick colors
hh, mh, sh, cog = 'black', 'navy', 'blue', 'red' # clock hands, center
picture = None # face photo file

class PhotoClockConfig(ClockConfig):
# sample configuration
size = 320
picture = '../gifs/ora-pp.gif'
bg, hh, mh = 'white', 'blue', 'orange'


Digital display object


class DigitalDisplay(Frame):
def init(self, parent, cfg):
Frame.init(self, parent)
self.hour = Label(self)
self.mins = Label(self)
self.secs = Label(self)
self.ampm = Label(self)
for label in self.hour, self.mins, self.secs, self.ampm:
label.config(bd=4, relief=SUNKEN,, fg=cfg.fg)
label.pack(side=LEFT) # TBD: could expand, and scale font on resize

def onUpdate(self, hour, mins, secs, ampm, cfg):
    mins = str(mins).zfill(2)                          # or '%02d' % x
    self.hour.config(text=str(hour), width=4)
    self.mins.config(text=str(mins), width=4)
    self.secs.config(text=str(secs), width=4)
    self.ampm.config(text=str(ampm), width=4)

def onResize(self, newWidth, newHeight, cfg):
    pass  # nothing to redraw here


Analog display object


class AnalogDisplay(Canvas):
def init(self, parent, cfg):
Canvas.init(self, parent,
width=cfg.size, height=cfg.size,
self.hourHand = self.minsHand = self.secsHand = self.cog = None

def drawClockface(self, cfg):                         # on start and resize
    if cfg.picture:                                   # draw ovals, picture
            self.image = PhotoImage(file=cfg.picture)          # bkground
            self.image = BitmapImage(file=cfg.picture)         # save ref
        imgx = (cfg.size - self.image.width())  // 2           # center it
        imgy = (cfg.size - self.image.height()) // 2           # 3.x // div
        self.create_image(imgx+1, imgy+1,  anchor=NW, image=self.image)
    originX = originY = radius = cfg.size // 2                 # 3.x // div
    for i in range(60):
        x, y = self.point(i, 60, radius-6, originX, originY)
        self.create_rectangle(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill=cfg.fg)   # mins
    for i in range(12):
        x, y = self.point(i, 12, radius-6, originX, originY)
        self.create_rectangle(x-3, y-3, x+3, y+3, fill=cfg.fg)   # hours
    self.ampm = self.create_text(3, 3, anchor=NW, fill=cfg.fg)

def point(self, tick, units, radius, originX, originY):
    angle = tick * (360.0 / units)
    radiansPerDegree = math.pi / 180
    pointX = int( round( radius * math.sin(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
    pointY = int( round( radius * math.cos(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
    return (pointX + originX+1), (originY+1 - pointY)

def onUpdate(self, hour, mins, secs, ampm, cfg):        # on timer callback
    if self.cog:                                        # redraw hands, cog
    originX = originY = radius = cfg.size // 2          # 3.x div
    hour = hour + (mins / 60.0)
    hx, hy = self.point(hour, 12, (radius * .80), originX, originY)
    mx, my = self.point(mins, 60, (radius * .90), originX, originY)
    sx, sy = self.point(secs, 60, (radius * .95), originX, originY)
    self.hourHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, hx, hy,
                         width=(cfg.size * .04),
                         arrow='last', arrowshape=(25,25,15), fill=cfg.hh)
    self.minsHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, mx, my,
                         width=(cfg.size * .03),
                         arrow='last', arrowshape=(20,20,10),
    self.secsHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, sx, sy,
                         arrow='last', arrowshape=(5,10,5),
    cogsz = cfg.size * .01
    self.cog = self.create_oval(originX-cogsz, originY+cogsz,
                                originX+cogsz, originY-cogsz, fill=cfg.cog)
    self.dchars(self.ampm, 0, END)
    self.insert(self.ampm, END, ampm)

def onResize(self, newWidth, newHeight, cfg):
    newSize = min(newWidth, newHeight)
    #print('analog onResize', cfg.size+4, newSize)
    if newSize != cfg.size+4:
        cfg.size = newSize-4
        self.drawClockface(cfg)  # onUpdate called next


Clock composite object


ChecksPerSec = 10 # second change timer

class Clock(Frame):
def init(self, config=ClockConfig, parent=None):
Frame.init(self, parent)
self.cfg = config
self.makeWidgets(parent) # children are packed but
self.labelOn = 0 # clients pack or grid me
self.display = self.digitalDisplay
self.lastSec = self.lastMin = -1
self.countdownSeconds = 0

def makeWidgets(self, parent):
    self.digitalDisplay = DigitalDisplay(self, self.cfg)
    self.analogDisplay  = AnalogDisplay(self,  self.cfg)
    self.dateLabel      = Label(self, bd=3, bg='red', fg='blue')
    parent.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.onSwitchMode)
    parent.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.onToggleLabel)
    parent.bind('<Configure>',     self.onResize)
    parent.bind('<KeyPress-s>',    self.onCountdownSec)
    parent.bind('<KeyPress-m>',    self.onCountdownMin)

def onSwitchMode(self, event):
    if self.display == self.analogDisplay:
        self.display = self.digitalDisplay
        self.display = self.analogDisplay
    self.display.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

def onToggleLabel(self, event):
    self.labelOn += 1
    if self.labelOn % 2:
        self.dateLabel.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

def onResize(self, event):
    if event.widget == self.display:
        self.display.onResize(event.width, event.height, self.cfg)

def onTimer(self):
    secsSinceEpoch = time.time()
    timeTuple      = time.localtime(secsSinceEpoch)
    hour, min, sec = timeTuple[3:6]
    if sec != self.lastSec:
        self.lastSec = sec
        ampm = ((hour >= 12) and 'PM') or 'AM'               # 0...23
        hour = (hour % 12) or 12                             # 12..11
        self.display.onUpdate(hour, min, sec, ampm, self.cfg)
        self.countdownSeconds -= 1
        if self.countdownSeconds == 0:
            self.onCountdownExpire()                # countdown timer
    self.after(1000 // ChecksPerSec, self.onTimer)  # run N times per second
                                                    # 3.x // trunc int div
def onCountdownSec(self, event):
    secs = askinteger('Countdown', 'Seconds?')
    if secs: self.countdownSeconds = secs

def onCountdownMin(self, event):
    secs = askinteger('Countdown', 'Minutes')
    if secs: self.countdownSeconds = secs * 60

def onCountdownExpire(self):
    # caveat: only one active, no progress indicator
    win = Toplevel()
    msg = Button(win, text='Timer Expired!', command=win.destroy)
    msg.config(font=('courier', 80, 'normal'), fg='white', bg='navy')
    msg.config(padx=10, pady=10)
    msg.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    win.lift()                             # raise above siblings
    if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':          # full screen on Windows


Standalone clocks


appname = 'PyClock 2.1'

use new custom Tk, Toplevel for icons, etc.

from windows import PopupWindow, MainWindow

class ClockPopup(PopupWindow):
def init(self, config=ClockConfig, name=''):
PopupWindow.init(self, appname, name)
clock = Clock(config, self)
clock.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

class ClockMain(MainWindow):
def init(self, config=ClockConfig, name=''):
MainWindow.init(self, appname, name)
clock = Clock(config, self)
clock.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

b/w compat: manual window borders, passed-in parent

class ClockWindow(Clock):
def init(self, config=ClockConfig, parent=None, name=''):
Clock.init(self, config, parent)
self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
title = appname
if name: title = appname + ' - ' + name
self.master.title(title) # master=parent or default
self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit)


Program run


if name == 'main':
def getOptions(config, argv):
for attr in dir(ClockConfig): # fill default config obj,
try: # from "-attr val" cmd args
ix = argv.index('-' + attr) # will skip x internals
if ix in range(1, len(argv)-1):
if type(getattr(ClockConfig, attr)) == int:
setattr(config, attr, int(argv[ix+1]))
setattr(config, attr, argv[ix+1])

config = PhotoClockConfig()

config = ClockConfig()
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    getOptions(config, sys.argv)         # -size n -bg 'blue'...

myclock = ClockWindow(config, Tk()) # parent is Tk root if standalone

myclock = ClockPopup(ClockConfig(), 'popup')

myclock = ClockMain(config)
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