上一篇里面用*** UIPageController***实现了一个问卷的小demo
UIPageController实现 问卷、试卷
*** UIPageControllerDataSource***中核心方法做如下改变:
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerAfter viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? { print("after- \(pageIndex)") if (pageIndex == questions.count - 1) || translateLock{ //最后一条 return nil } direction = .next let vc = getNextViewController(viewController: currentController) as? QAQuestionViewController vc?.dataSource = (questions[pageIndex + 1], realAnswer[pageIndex + 1]) currentController = vc return vc } func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerBefore viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? { print("before") if pageIndex == 0 || translateLock{ //当前页是第一页,那么 return nil } direction = .last let vc = getNextViewController(viewController: currentController) as? QAQuestionViewController vc?.dataSource = (questions[pageIndex - 1], realAnswer[pageIndex - 1]) currentController = vc return vc }
enum QADirection {
case none
case last
case next
func getNextViewController(viewController: UIViewController?) -> UIViewController? {
let vc: QAQuestionViewController?
if viewController == viewControllers.first {
vc = viewControllers.last as? QAQuestionViewController
vc = viewControllers.first as? QAQuestionViewController
return vc
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, willTransitionTo pendingViewControllers: [UIViewController]) {
translateLock = true
if direction == .last {//想上 print("will Trans to last")
pageIndex -= 1
}else if direction == .next{// print("will Trans to next")
pageIndex += 1
print("direction 出错了")
pageLabel.text = "\(pageIndex + 1)/\(questions.count)"
func pageViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, didFinishAnimating finished: Bool, previousViewControllers: [UIViewController], transitionCompleted completed: Bool) {
print("complete \(completed)")
if !completed {
if direction == .last {
pageIndex += 1
}else if direction == .next
pageIndex -= 1
print("direction 出错了")
pageLabel.text = "\(pageIndex + 1)/\(questions.count)"
currentController = previousViewControllers.first as? QAQuestionViewController
translateLock = false
这里根据方向,决定下一个题还是上一个题,让pageIndex自增或自减,并更新页码,在完成方法中如果失败将currentController 设置回去。
这里还创建了一个全局的变量 var translateLock: Bool = false // 锁
/// 显示相应题目
/// - Parameter index: 数组中第几个
func showTargetQuestion(with index: Int) {
guard !translateLock else {
let pDirection: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection = pageIndex < index ? .forward : .reverse
pageIndex = index
let vc = getNextViewController(viewController: currentController) as? QAQuestionViewController
vc?.dataSource = (questions[pageIndex], realAnswer[pageIndex])
translateLock = true
pageViewController.setViewControllers([vc!], direction: pDirection, animated: true) { (bool) in
self.translateLock = false
if bool {
//设置当前Controller, 完成后去更新 上面的数字
self.currentController = vc
self.pageLabel.text = "\(index + 1)/\(self.questions.count)"
已经又了最新改动,放在了 UIPageController实现 问卷、试卷 3上面
demo 在:github master1.0 上面