说说你对object serialization的理解
- object serialization 是Java的一个框架,serializing是把objects 编程成 byte streams,deserializing 是从byte streams中重构出objects
Java serialization的缺陷
- 安全性隐患,易遭受袭击:可以调用ObjectInputStream中的readObject方法来反序列化出Object graphs
- 正确性隐患,性能隐患,可维护性隐患
// Deserialization bomb - deserializing this stream takes forever
// deserializing the set causes the hashCode method to be invoked over 2100 times
static byte[] bomb() {
Set<Object> root = new HashSet<>();
Set<Object> s1 = root;
Set<Object> s2 = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Set<Object> t1 = new HashSet<>();
Set<Object> t2 = new HashSet<>();
t1.add("foo"); // Make t1 unequal to t2
s1.add(t1); s1.add(t2);
s2.add(t1); s2.add(t2);
s1 = t1;
s2 = t2;
return serialize(root); // Method omitted for brevity
针对Java serialization的缺陷,有什么使用建议?
- 不要再使用Java native serialization
- 推荐采用其他的 cross-platform structured data 代表:JSON和protobuf
- JSON被设计用于browser-server的通信;protobuf被设计用于servers之间的structured data通信
- JSON是由 JavaScript开发;protobuf是由C++开发
- JSON是基于文本的,可读性好;protobuf是二进制的,性能更高
- JSON仅仅是数据代表;protobuf提供更丰富的数据类型(Schemas)
- protobuf也能提供文本代表,叫pbtxt
如果仅仅采用Java默认序列化方式(implements Serializable),有哪些灾难?
- 一旦一个类released,再次更改该类的实现将很难,这还涉及到serial version UIDs的问题
- 增加了bugs 和 security holes,因为它能够直接操作私有成员,破坏了封装性
- 在发布新版本类时,增加了测试负担,因为要考虑到前后版本的序列化和反序列化的兼容性
- 永久的把导出的API和当前的内部描述拴在一起
- 消耗过度的空间
- 消耗过度的时间
- 造成stack overflows
// Awful candidate for default serialized form
public final class StringList implements Serializable {
private int size = 0;
private Entry head = null;
private static class Entry implements Serializable {
String data;
Entry next;
Entry previous;
... // Remainder omitted
- 当一个对象的物理描述和其逻辑内容一致时,才适合使用Java的默认序列化方式
// Good candidate for default serialized form
public class Name implements Serializable {
* Last name. Must be non-null.
* @serial
private final String lastName;
* First name. Must be non-null.
* @serial
private final String firstName;
* Middle name, or null if there is none.
* @serial
private final String middleName;
... // Remainder omitted
- 尽量使对象的实例字段设为transient,除非其value代表该对象的逻辑状态,如果你使用自定义的序列化方式,尽量让每个实例字段都标为transient
- 提供自定义的writeObject和readObject方法
// StringList with a reasonable custom serialized form
public final class StringList implements Serializable {
// transient modifier indicates that an instance field
// is to be omitted from a class’s default serialized form
private transient int size = 0;
private transient Entry head = null;
// No longer Serializable!
private static class Entry {
String data;
Entry next;
Entry previous;
// Appends the specified string to the list
public final void add(String s) { ... }
* Serialize this {@code StringList} instance.
* @serialData The size of the list (the number of strings
* it contains) is emitted ({@code int}), followed by all of
* its elements (each a {@code String}), in the proper
* sequence.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException {
// Write out all elements in the proper order.
for (Entry e = head; e != null; e = e.next)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
int numElements = s.readInt();
// Read in all elements and insert them in list
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
add((String) s.readObject());
... // Remainder omitted
- if you have a thread-safe object that achieves its thread safety by synchronizing every method and you elect to use the default serialized form, use the following write-Object method
// writeObject for synchronized class with default serialized form
private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException {
- declare an explicit serial version UID in every serializable class you write
private static final long serialVersionUID = randomLongValue;
- 对于object reference fields,必须进行有防御的copy
- Check任何不变性,如果check失败,要抛出InvalidObjectException
- 在反序列化后,如果要验证整个 object graph,要使用ObjectInputValidation接口
- 不要直接或间接的激活overridable methods
// readObject method with defensive copying and validity checking
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Defensively copy our mutable components
start = new Date(start.getTime());
end = new Date(end.getTime());
// Check that our invariants are satisfied
if (start.compareTo(end) > 0)
throw new InvalidObjectException(start +" after "+ end);
如果单例类implements Serializable,为了确保instance control(是真正的单例),有哪些建议?
public class Elvis {
public static final Elvis INSTANCE = new Elvis();
private Elvis() { ... }
public void leaveTheBuilding() { ... }
- 提供一个readResolve method,同时确保该类的instance fields是原始类型或者带transient的引用类型
// singleton - transient object reference field
public class Elvis implements Serializable {
public static final Elvis INSTANCE = new Elvis();
private Elvis() { }
private transient String[] favoriteSongs =
{ "Hound Dog", "Heartbreak Hotel" };
public void printFavorites() {
private Object readResolve() {
return INSTANCE;
- 相对于采用readResolve方法,优先使用enum types来确保单例
// Enum singleton - the preferred approach
public enum Elvis {
private String[] favoriteSongs =
{ "Hound Dog", "Heartbreak Hotel" };
public void printFavorites() {
- 也可以采用序列化代理模式(serialization proxy pattern),考虑类Period
// Immutable class that uses defensive copying
public final class Period {
private final Date start;
private final Date end;
* @param start the beginning of the period
* @param end the end of the period; must not precede start
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if start is after end
* @throws NullPointerException if start or end is null
public Period(Date start, Date end) {
this.start = new Date(start.getTime());
this.end = new Date(end.getTime());
if (this.start.compareTo(this.end) > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
start + " after " + end);
public Date start () { return new Date(start.getTime()); }
public Date end () { return new Date(end.getTime()); }
public String toString() { return start + " - " + end; }
... // Remainder omitted
public final class Period implements Serializable {
private final Date start;
private final Date end;
* @param start the beginning of the period
* @param end the end of the period; must not precede start
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if start is after end
* @throws NullPointerException if start or end is null
public Period(Date start, Date end) {
this.start = new Date(start.getTime());
this.end = new Date(end.getTime());
if (this.start.compareTo(this.end) > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
start + " after " + end);
// Serialization proxy for Period class
private static class SerializationProxy implements Serializable {
private final Date start;
private final Date end;
SerializationProxy(Period p) {
this.start = p.start;
this.end = p.end;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 234098243823485285L; // Any number will do (Item 87)
// readResolve method for Period.SerializationProxy
private Object readResolve() {
return new Period(start, end); // Uses public constructor
// writeReplace method for the serialization proxy pattern
private Object writeReplace() {
return new SerializationProxy(this);
// readObject method for the serialization proxy pattern
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException {
throw new InvalidObjectException("Proxy required");
public Date start () { return new Date(start.getTime()); }
public Date end () { return new Date(end.getTime()); }
public String toString() { return start + " - " + end; }
... // Remainder omitted