android {
lintOptions {
abortOnError false
checkReleaseBuilds false
以上是gradle中lint的相关配置,点击sync 进行同步时,出现标题的错误。在stackoverflow查找了相关问题后,找到以下答案:
- 答案一:
model {
android {
lintOptions.abortOnError false //只需要把lint配置改成这样即可
- 答案二:
model {
android.lintOptions {
abortOnError false
android {
// Rest of the other declarations goes here...
NOTE: There has been significant DSL improvements starting from version 0.6.0-alpha5 compare to previous versions. The example code here will not work for previous version. If you are using an older version of the plugin. Please refer to the user guide at
DSL Changes:
- Plugin name is instead of Or use apply plugin: "" if you want to create an Android aar library.
- Configuration is wrapped with the model { } block
- Adding elements to a Collection should be done using the add method.
DSL Change
The plugin is still in experimental stage. DSL will change throughout the development of the plugin. This section documents the changes that occurs between different versions to help with migration.0.6.0-alpha1 -> 0.6.0-alpha5
- Plugin now requires Gradle 2.10, which brings significant improvements to DSL
- Configurations can now be nested. E.g. you can write
android {
buildTypes {
instead of:
android.buildTypes {
}- File type now accepts a string, but String cannot be added to List<File> at the moment.
- -Dorg.gradle.model=true is now the default. This allows references to other model, but the model being referred to must be in a separate block.
- The equal sign '=' is no longer required for most properties.