Dream of we all have a fufilled mental life one day soon.
1, Mr., Miss Big and Miss Little Lv ate breakfast together. Miss Little Lv liked sesame pankcakes very much, which is made by steam. At last, Mr.Lv ate the left which was made by Miss Little Lv.
2, We families ate Dumplings as lunch.
3, Miss Big Lv and Mrs.Lv went to downtown and bought a lot of paper for daily use.
4, The Lvs and Mr.Lv's friends ate dilicious noodles and dishes at a famous restaurant on a ragular basis.
When Miss Big Lv was a high school student, she had had a time living in dormitory with other unfamiliar students in the same school. One of them was a girl with strong emotion and terrible life experience, who Miss Big Lv looked low upon.