#1 During the adventure, Haw gradually realized change could make things better. He tried a lot of new cheese and they were delicious. And when he found no cheese in some stations again and again, he also knew that if he had moved sooner, he would very likely have found a good deal of New Cheese in those places. So he decided to persuade Hem to go with him. However, Hem refused changing. Haw had to leave still by himself but he was closer to what he was actually looking for and the whole process nourished him and gave him strength.
#2 “The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.” The words really touched me and caused my contemplation.
I come from the best high school of my city and the school is also famous in the whole country. So when I entered the university, I felt proud and confident because in my opinion, I’m the one recommended by my school to TJU and my talents and abilities are better than most of the students. However, gradually I found that all the success had passed away and left a new me. I had no need to stick to my previous experiences and made them become my first topic of conversation. They are my limitation and as long as I want to be better, I need put them in my album.
Also, I was used to the praise about my drawing skills, so I thought I was good enough. In a long time, I turned all learning chances down because there was no need in my point of view. When I found someone could draw or design things so well, I started to realize I had been immersing in my imagination and “old cheese” for such a long time.