The master said "Don't worry about whether other people understand you , worry about whether you understand other people."
Yes, I do agree since no matter how much effort you make for others but if they couldn't understand you, that will be meaningless. Recently, I heard about this girl, Lisa, she planned and prepared everything for a trip with one of her closest friends. She planned everything a month in advance, the itinerary, accommodations and such. Everything seemed to be going well for them, until the day that they were suppose to go back then her friend suddenly said, " I left my passport in the hotel and we need to get it back". Of course, normally, a friend would say "Okay, let's go" but maybe out of tiredness, Lisa suddenly burst out and said "There's only one thing that I need you to do which is just to take care of yourself and you cannot even do it?, Oh my god, why couldn't you understand what I've done for you? A simple misunderstanding lead to their relationship being broken. So through this story, we now understand that helping people is definitely okay but we have to let them know, not because we are expecting something back but because we want them to know that we care for them. And how your story on this topic?