Unit7Art Lesson 2 Beijing Opera语篇研读
Lesson 2 Beijing Opera是本单元的听力课,主要介绍了Beijing Opera的起源时间、表演形式、四种主要角色和京剧另外两个特色及京剧表演中的象征手法的作用。属于“人与社会”主题语境中的“文学、艺术与体育”范畴的“小说、戏剧、诗歌、传记、文学、简史、经典演讲、文学名著等”内容要求。本课的意义在于让学生了解中国艺术瑰宝,感悟中华优秀文化精神内,坚定文化自信,汲取优秀文化,培养健康审美情趣和道德情操,用英语讲好中国故事。
Lesson two两个听力文本都是介绍、传播京剧知识。
听力文本一介绍京剧。Beijing Opera的起源时间、表演形式、四种主要角色和京剧另外两个特色,那就是表演者用很高的声音唱歌和表演服装颜色鲜艳。
起源时间:in the late 18th century
表演形式:a form of Chinese opera combining acting,talking,singing,music,dancing and acrobatics together。这6种艺术技巧都是很难掌握的,也是京剧成为中国国粹之一的原因。
四个主要角色:four roles including sheng, dan ,jing, chou
独特的唱腔:a very unique sound(performers often sing with very high voices) 。唱腔形成原因:Beijing Opera was usually performed on open-air stages. In order to be heard over the crowds,the music had to be cloud and performers had to sing in a very high voices.
戏服特色:so beautiful costumes。戏服特色成因:Beijing opera was often performed on stages that were lit only by oil lamps. The costumes had to have bright and colorful patterns. Otherwise,it would have been difficult to attract the audience’s attention.
听力文本二是有关一个外国女孩Lucy第一次看京剧的感受。她认为京剧“excellence,so colorful and exciting”。她喜欢the dancing and the acrobatics ,但是不太了解京剧表演里简单动作代表的含义。听力文本二其实是传播京剧表演中的象征手法。