Unit 7 Art Topic talk 指向学科核心素养发展的英语学习活动设计
Teaching aims/教学目标
三、使用 Text builder的表达结构描述自己喜欢的一种艺术
一、 Activate and share 围绕主题创设环境,铺垫语言。
1.老师创设情境,展示Picasso作品,引出unit 7的主题——艺术。
1. Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.( Edgar Degas)
( Who is this quote aimed at: the artist or the viewer? This statement is directed to the artist。 Replace “you ”with “the artist”——“ Art is not what the artist sees, but what the artist makes the others see” . Therefore, an artist does not show the reality as he sees it, but how he wants others to see it.)
2. The best artists know what to leave out.
最好的艺术家都知道该舍弃什么。( Imagine a painting with too much color or a play on the stage with too many characters. This is a distraction from the message that the artist wants to show. Sometimes simple is better.)
3. The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life of our souls. ( Picasso)
Who is this quote aimed at :the artist or the viewer? This statement is directed to the artist: as the artist creates a masterpiece, they are projecting parts of their life and leaving behind a calmer being.这句话是针对谁的:艺术家还是观众?这种说法是针对艺术家的:当艺术家创造了杰作,他们投射了他们生活的一部分,留下了一个平静的存在。