Today is Monday.
Pippi told the children that the children in Argentina only had reading class on Friday, and even then only if they had some books, which they never had. One little boy asked Pippi what the children do in Argentina schools. Pippi told him they ate caramels. She told him there was a long pipe that went from a caramel factory nearby directly into the schoolroom and caramels kept shooting out of it all day long so the children had all they can do to eat them up. One little girl asked what the teachers did. Pippi told her the teachers took the paper off the caramels for the children and the children certainly didn't do that themselves and they even didn't go to school themselves; they sent their brothers. Pippi waved goodbye to the children and cried gaily that they would not see her for a while and asked them to remember her. With a ringing laugh Pippi rode out through the school gate so wildly that the pebbles whirled around the horse's hoofs and the windowpanes rattled in the schoolhouse.