Most Americans start their education at age 5 or 6, inelementary school. Then, they graduate tomiddle school, and finallyhigh school. Each year of education is called a grade. Each school may be different, but grades 1 through 5 are usually elementary school, grades 6 through 8 middle school, and grades 9 through 12 high school.
After high school, students can choose to go to a university or college. Universities are larger than colleges and offer more degrees, like a bachelor's or master's degree. Colleges usually offer only bachelor's degrees.
这样算下来, 美国的孩子们上的大学时大概18左右。
美国的大学一般也是四年。 研究生是大概两年。 总体来说, 跟中国的还是差不多的。
获得高中文凭 (high school diploma) 后,美国大学可为你提供众多普通学位,以下是其中的一部分。
Bachelor of Arts文学士(BA)
Bachelor of Science理学士(BS)
Master of Arts文硕士(MA)
Master of Science理硕士(MS)
Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士(MBA)
Doctor of Philosophy哲学博士(Ph.D)
Doctor of Medicine医学博士(MD)
美国university是包含多个学院的大学, college指的是学院。
英国University是获得本科学历和研究生学历的学院, 而college 则是指在职培训或继续教育的地方。