【Using English】17 - The Buffett Formula — How To Get Smarter

来源: https://www.farnamstreetblog.com/2013/05/the-buffett-formula-how-to-get-smarter

Most people go through life not really getting any smarter. Why? They simply won't do the work required.

It's easy to come home, sit on the couch, watch TV, and zone out until bedtime rolls around. But that's not going to help you get smarter.

Sure, you can go into the office the next day and discuss the details of last night's episode of Mad Men or Game of Thrones. And yes, you know what happened on Survivor. But that's not knowledge accumulation; that's a mind-numbing sedative.

You can acquire knowledge if you want it. In fact, there is a simple formula, which if followed is almost certain to make you smarter over time. Simple but not easy.

It involves a lot of hard work.

“The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more.”

— Charlie Munger

We'll call it the Buffett formula, named after Warren Buffett and his longtime business partner at Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger. These two are an extraordinary combination of minds. They are also learning machines.

“I can see, he can hear. We make a great combination.” 

—Warren Buffett, speaking of his partner and friend, Charlie Munger.

We can learn a lot from them. They didn't get smart because they are both billionaires. They became billionaires, in part, because they are smart. More importantly, they keep getting smarter. And it turns out that they have a lot to say on the subject.

How to Get Smarter

Read. A lot.







- 查理芒格

我们称之为巴菲特公式,以沃伦·巴菲特及其在伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的长期商业合作伙伴Charlie Munger的名字命名。这两者是思想的非凡组合。他们也是学习机器。


-Warren Buffett,谈到他的伴侣和朋友Charlie Munger。




Warren Buffett says, “I just sit in my office and read all day.”

What does that mean? He estimates that he spends 80% of his working day reading and thinking.

“You could hardly find a partnership in which two people settle on reading more hours of the day than in ours,” Charlie Munger commented.

When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said, “Read 500 pages like this every week. That's how knowledge builds up, like compound interest.”

All of us can build our knowledge, but most of us won't put in the effort.

“Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.”

— Charlie Munger

One person who took Buffett's advice, Todd Combs, now works for the legendary investor. After hearing Buffett talk, he started keeping track of what he read and how many pages he was reading.

The Omaha World-Herald writes:

Eventually finding and reading productive material became second nature, a habit. As he began his investing career, he would read even more, hitting 600, 750, even 1,000 pages a day.

Combs discovered that Buffett's formula worked, giving him more knowledge that helped him with what became his primary job—seeking the truth about potential investments.

But how you read matters, too.

You need to be critical and always thinking. You need to do the mental work required to hold an opinion.

In Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed, Buffett comments to author Michael Eisner:

Look, my job is essentially just corralling more and more and more facts and information, and occasionally seeing whether that leads to some action. And Charlie—his children call him a book with legs.

Continuous Learning







- 查理芒格




Combs发现巴菲特的公式起作用,给了他更多的知识,帮助他成为他的主要工作 - 寻求潜在投资的真相。




看,我的工作基本上只是收集越来越多的事实和信息,偶尔看看是否会导致一些行为。而查理 - 他的孩子们称他为一本有腿的书。


Eisner continues:

Maybe that’s why both men agree it’s better that they never lived in the same city, or worked in the same office. They would have wanted to talk all the time, leaving no time for the reading, which Munger describes as part of an essential continuing education program for the men who run one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

“I don’t think any other twosome in business was better at continuous learning than we were,” he says, talking in the past tense but not really meaning it. “And if we hadn’t been continuous learners, the record wouldn’t have been as good. And we were so extreme about it that we both spent the better part of our days reading, so we could learn more, which is not a common pattern in business.”

It Doesn't Work How You Think It Works

If you're thinking that they sit in front of a computer all day obsessing over numbers and figures, you'd be dead wrong.

“No,” says Warren. “We don’t read other people’s opinions. We want to get the facts, and then think.” And when it gets to the thinking part, for Buffett and Munger, there’s no one better to think with than their partners. “Charlie can’t encounter a problem without thinking of an answer,” posits Warren. “He has the best thirty-second mind I’ve ever seen. I’ll call him up, and within thirty seconds, he’ll grasp it. He just sees things immediately.”

Munger sees his knowledge accumulation as an acquired, rather than natural, genius. And he'd give all the credit to the studying he does.

“Neither Warren nor I is smart enough to make the decisions with no time to think,” Munger once told a reporter. “We make actual decisions very rapidly, but that’s because we’ve spent so much time preparing ourselves by quietly sitting and reading and thinking.”

How Can You Find Time to Read?

Finding the time to read is easier than you think. One way to help make that happen is to carve an hour out of your day just for yourself.



“我不认为任何其他商业上的两个人在继续学习方面比我们更好,”他说,用过去时态说话,但并不是真正意义上的。 “如果我们不是连续学习者,那么记录就不会那么好。而且我们对此非常极端,以至于我们都花了很多时间阅读,所以我们可以学到更多,这不是商业中常见的模式。“



“不,”沃伦说。 “我们不读其他人的意见。我们想要了解事实,然后思考。“当它进入思维部分时,对于巴菲特和芒格来说,没有人比他们的伙伴更好地思考。 “没有想到答案,查理不会遇到问题,”沃伦说。 “他有我见过的最好的第三十二个头脑。我会打电话给他,在三十秒内,他会抓住它。他只是马上看到了事情。“


“沃伦和我都没有足够的智慧做出决定,没有时间思考,”芒格曾告诉记者。 “我们做出了非常迅速的实际决定,但那是因为我们花了很多时间通过静静地坐着,阅读和思考来做好准备。”



In an interview he gave for his authorized biography The Snowball, Buffett told this story:

Charlie, as a very young lawyer, was probably getting $20 an hour. He thought to himself, “Who’s my most valuable client?” And he decided it was himself. So he decided to sell himself an hour each day. He did it early in the morning, working on these construction projects and real estate deals. Everybody should do this, be the client, and then work for other people, too, and sell yourself an hour a day.

It's important to think about the opportunity cost of this hour. On one hand, you can check Twitter, read some online news, and reply to a few emails while pretending to finish the memo that is supposed to be the focus of your attention. On the other hand, you can dedicate the time to improving yourself. In the short term, you're better off with the dopamine-laced rush of email and Twitter while multitasking. In the long term, the investment in learning something new and improving yourself goes further.

“I have always wanted to improve what I do,” Munger comments, “even if it reduces my income in any given year. And I always set aside time so I can play my own self-amusement and improvement game.”

Reading Is Only Part of the Equation

But reading isn't enough. Charlie Munger offers:

We read a lot. I don’t know anyone who’s wise who doesn’t read a lot. But that’s not enough: You have to have a temperament to grab ideas and do sensible things. Most people don’t grab the right ideas or don’t know what to do with them.

Commenting on what it means to have knowledge, in How to Read a Book, Mortimer Adler writes: “The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does not know what he thinks.”

Can you explain what you know to someone else? Try it. Pick an idea you think you have a grasp of and write it out on a sheet of paper as if you were explaining it to someone else. (See The Feynman Technique and here if you want to improve retention.)

Nature or Nurture?

Another way to get smarter, outside of reading, is to surround yourself with people who are not afraid to challenge your ideas.

“Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day.”

— Charlie Munger






但阅读还不够。 Charlie Munger提供:


Mortimer Adler在评论知识的含义时,在“如何读书”中写道:“说他知道自己的想法但不能表达的人通常不知道他的想法。”

你能解释一下你对别人的了解吗?尝试一下。选择一个你认为自己掌握的想法并将其写在一张纸上,就像你向别人解释一样。 (如果你想提高保留率,请参阅Feynman技术。)




- 查理芒格

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